Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • Too bad my son didn't listen to me.
    Before takingmarry a woman with someone else's child, you had to think a hundred times. So I told my son, but he has love! And now I - disentangle.The younger son married a woman with an illegitimate child. We do not help young people financially, let everyone earn their own money. My son and his fa...
  • End of career
    Never thought that my officialthe novel ends so sadly for me.Worked in the company, was the head of the department. There were plans, ambitions, prospects. But all this collapsed with the advent of ourteam of a beautiful girl. She showed me signs of attention in every possible way, addressed me even...
  • The wife has become completely different after the wedding
    Married a few years ago to a sweet, pretty girl. We worked at the same enterprise, she herself began to show signs of attention, she herself came up to meet, even broke up with another guy from the same company, who was much higher than me in position.We talked a lot, walked, had a lot of common int...
  • I love my lover and I can't give up my happiness
    I want to confess too. At 16, I met a man who was 11 years older and married. But I looked into his eyes and realized that I would not mind being with him.Time passed, I leftmarried . Everything was fine, but this man was periodically encountered. Very, very rare. The conversation was on a general t...
  • Husband spends money on his relatives
    I have been married for eight years, and over the years, quarrels have arisen with my husband only because of money. And not because I spend a lot or do not know how to manage them.The whole point is thatthe husband all this time helps his relatives. If they were old parents or, God forbid, sick, th...
  • I want to become a teacher, but I'm afraid
    I immediately decided to become a teacher. I really want to teach and convey information to empty and not very minds. But after reading many of the stories, I was horrified. Teachers have virtually no respect. When students disrupt lessons, teachers are blamed. It's a lot of work and it takes a lot....
  • My unfulfilled dream
    Here I am sitting on a bench near an old castle, looking at the water, at the huge bridge and thinking. There is no spark in me, inside: melancholy, emptiness, life, as if frozen, and everything was covered with dust. The beauty around me does not fascinate me, communication with other people does n...
  • How my father ruined my future
    It will be a sad, sometimes pessimistic story about my ruined dreams. It may seem to you that I pity myself, or I look for pity in other people, but this is not so. Before, it seemed to be true, but I'm trying to move on. I really loved such a subject as chemistry from the 8th grade until graduatio....
  • I'm ashamed that I'm not like everyone else
    I understand that my story is not the most terrible, that there are situations that are much more complicated, but, nevertheless, this worries me very much. I'll start from the very beginning.I was born not like everyone else, “thank you” for this to the doctor who “qualitatively” took delivery from...
  • Husband suddenly proposed divorce
    I am 26 years old. Came outmarried at 18, have been living together for eight years, have three children. Everything seems to be fine: the house,family . I'm at home with the kidshusband at work we meet in the evening our beloved dad and husband.But in the last six months, he began to linger. But I ...
  • I can't forget my father and deal with my problems
    When I was 8 years old, my parents divorced and they asked me who I would like to live with. I answered that with my mother, because otherwise she would have been offended, although she herself perfectly understood that I would be better off with my father. About six months later, my father died in ...
  • I hate my wife and her child
    Хочу честно и откровенно рассказать, почему я ненавижу свою свою жену и ее ребенка.Я был женат шесть лет, отношения вроде были нормальными, хотели детей, пытались, старались, но никак не получалось. Пошли по врачам по обследованиям и итог — я бесплоден, практически стерилен.Отношения после всего нат...
  • My dad
    If I'm not writing very clearly, I beg your pardon, because it is very difficult to remember this, but it is necessary to speak out.In August of this year (2013) my dad hanged himself. In the garage in our country house. My mother and I were in a city apartment, as it is closer to get to work from t...
  • Didn't expect me to be so old
    I got married at the age of 18. My classmate became my husband. We have been friends since childhood. Six months later, I found out thatpregnant . We had hard times (financially), but there was no talk of abortion.After 8 months, a girl was born whohusband gave an angelic name. She really looked lik...
  • Mother-in-law comes uninvited
    We have been married for 4 years. Son is 3 years old. When the son was just born, we moved to her husband's parents (mine live in another city). My mother-in-law helped a lot with the child, which gave me the opportunity not to quit my job, and the authorities went along and raised me.My husband als...
  • Can't get along with my American boyfriend
    My name is Mariana. I am from Ukraine, I am 25 years old. I have been living in the USA for 7 years. Met my boyfriend online. We have been living together for 5 years, he is an American guy. I had several boyfriends before him, all from Ukraine. I never thought or imagined life with an American. At ...
  • Husband humiliates me in front of strangers
    I am 36 years old, my husband and I have been married for 10 years, Artyom is 20 years older than me. This is the third for my husband.marriage , a man with a very difficult character, he has 3 children from different marriages. For me, this is my first marriage. Do not ask how and why she went for ...
  • How to put your husband in his place?
    I have the same situation with my husband as the author of the story that humiliateshusband .Three of his previous girlfriends ran away, and I, from a simple family, accustomed to humiliation, endured this for 10 years. But I've grown up, and I can't live with it anymore. Unfortunately, I am on mate...
  • I lost weight to spite the guy
    Back in school I liked oneguy . I know it's very early, but you can't tell your heart. This guy was funny, cute and teased the girls a lot. Including me.He did not look at me, spoke little to me. Offended a lot. But I was stupid, I loved him. Then he left school, but returned a year later. Before th...
  • My terrible wedding
    I always dreamed of a beautiful wedding and prepared for it very carefully for 8 months. Haute couture dress, best place for offsite check in, decor is fantastic. In general, they arranged a fairy tale, everything was calculated. But the day started withthe groom's mother came and tried to give me p...