Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • My interesting acquaintance
    After the second year of the institute, I did an internship at the enterprise. The company was small, no more than twenty employees. The appearance of the trainee aroused interest, both among the male and female part of the team. One man in particular took care of me. At my nineteen years old, he s....
  • Never forgive betrayal
    Married for 17 years, and I think that this should be the end. I myself was stupid 10 years ago, I can’t forgive myself for this. But I will talk about this a little later, in chronological order. First wasthe love that is minemy husband almost begged me. I was an impregnable girlwas not going to ge...
  • I hope the children understand me
    When I met my future husband, I immediately thought - this is fate. We were so good together that when he proposed to me, I thought we would live happily ever after, until old age. But time passed, children grew up and householdproblems , disagreements, quarrels and accumulated grievances, misunders...
  • I don't know what to do with the university
    I don't know how to deal with my university studies. At the moment I am 18 years old, and the whole story began when I was 17 and I entered the university. After graduating from school, I was in a state of apathy and indifference, so it somehow didn’t matter to me where I would go, my main goal was ...
  • I don't love my mother-in-law from the first day we met
    I want to share my experiences and memories about our “warm” relationship with my mother-in-law. Married for 19 years. My relationship with my husband is excellent. I'll start back in 1999. When we met and decided to get married, she threw a whole tantrum that it was too early for him to start a fam...
  • I don't want my parents to interfere in my life
    I have a difficult relationship with my parents. I can't talk to them properly. The fact is that until the age of 5-6 I was raised by my grandparents (although they all lived together). And then more children were born, and my parents somehow didn’t get to me. Since the age of 15 I have been living ...
  • Only after a quarrel does the guy begin to communicate normally with me
    I am by nature a closed person, I am afraid to share problems and secrets with others, and I do not have friends whom I could trust and who would not be busy with their own affairs. The thing is, I don't have enough communication with my boyfriend. At the moment, due to circumstances, we temporaril....
  • The husband loved his son so much, and after the divorce he stopped communicating with him
    Прочла здесь историю о том, что бывший муж не хочет общаться с детьми и решила рассказать свою. Мы с мужем прожили 9 лет вместе. Выплатили ипотеку, родили долгожданного сына. Муж его очень любил. А я мечтала ещё об одном ребёнке, хотела лапочку-дочку. Было столько планов, мечтаний, надежд. Мне казал...
  • The main thing is to be loved, not to love
    «Главное, чтобы тебя любили, а все остальное — не важно», — говорила моя мамочка с тех пор, как посчитала, что я уже взрослая для таких разговоров. Я никогда не соглашалась с ней, ведь зачем тогда вообще мы живем? Ради любви! И только. Любовь во всем: в семье, в детках, в людях, природе и т.д. Так я...
  • Can't fully trust my husband
    I had the same situation as in the confession about my husband's flirting. Married for 15 years, always lived normally, trust,love , conversations on any issue, 2 children. Lately (long enough)my husband became very irritable, lashed out at me, in another quarrel he offered to get a divorce if we do...
  • Married without love, now we both suffer
    I met my future husband while already pregnant (past relationships also did not work out). He was 32, and I was 20. He immediately began to offer to get married, saying that it was necessary tothe child was born in marriage, the father is needed. After two months of persuasion, I finally agreed. I ....
  • Husband complains that I'm a bad housewife
    Guess who's right, please? I am 32 years old. Three years of marriagehusband is two years older. We both work, I have a five-day week from 8 to 5, work in the office, but nervous. My husband has a flexible schedule, floating weekends. My salary is higher than the average for the region, my husband e...
  • I can only love the perfect man
    From an early age, I fell in love with the men of the “pictures” and added positive qualities to them, and they supported my illusions with pleasure. She herself is not offended by her appearance, therefore she always considered it a handicap in order to “get” a man who is interesting both external....
  • My husband's childhood grievances
    Mythe husband is from a poor large family and still cannot get rid of envy of more successful people. There was almost never any money in the husband's family, they lived from hand to mouth, and no one even thought about teaching children. But the teacher helped my husband, saying that only study wo...
  • If my husband returned, I would be able to forgive his betrayal
    After studying for distribution, I ended up in the village. After working for about a year, I met a young guy who returned from the army. We spent a lot of time together. He often visited me at work. We went to the club. Were visiting different families. We've all been married for a long time. Yes, ...
  • Can't forgive myself
    I want to write my life story, but I don't know where to start. I know that if I tell you in detail, they will condemn and throw stones, I am not ready for this, and so the cats scratch my soul. I am one of the traitors who at one time did not appreciate all the benefits that she had. And even now i...
  • All the non-drinking men are already taken
    I read a lot of confessions on this site and decided to publish my own. My name is Katya, I am 28 years old. Even from school, she was not offended by the attention of the guys. Firstthe guy was 8 years older than me and very well off. I knew him wellmy mother said that behind him I would be like be...
  • How can I deal with addiction to my husband?
    I am 42 years old, my husband is 44. We have been married for 16 years, it was different, butMy husband is a very difficult person. Never in all these years have I felt support from him. We live in another country, we emigrated a long time ago, and this also leaves its mark - we practically don’t se...
  • Strange behavior of my girlfriend
    MyThe confession concerns a serious relationship with my girlfriend. I am 22 years old, she is 19. We have been dating for 3 years, a serious relationship began, we began to make joint plans for common housing. At the moment, I live with my parents, and she lives with hers. Her parents are building ...
  • Why can't I forget this guy?
    I don't need male attention. There is a man who likes me for a long time and he is cute. But I don't like him, or rather, his behavior. Many men get acquainted with me, show signs of attention. And there is a man I love. We recently met. And I think it is beautiful, and not only me. And he is also i...