Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • Love came unexpectedly
    I want to tell my sad life story. Maybe someone will understand me and help me with advice.I am 40 years old. I got married at 19 and livedMarried for 21 years, not very happily. You are the one to blame. The saying “If you endure it, you will fall in love” does not work. And that’s pretty much what...
  • Hatred for daughter-in-law
    After reading a story where an adultmy son doesn’t want to communicate with his mother, I’ll tell you about the relationships in our family. I'm the eldestmother's daughter . The family is large and their only, long-awaited and beloved son is mine.Brother . And when he got married, I watched until m...
  • My wife's school friend
    My wife recently found her school friend on Odnoklassniki, after talking a little, they decided to renew their friendship. The two of us met several times in a cafe, went shopping on the weekend, and then decided that it was time to introduce us, our husbands, so that we could all meet together and ...
  • Jealous girlfriend
    I hadfriend a month and a half ago. We are from the same city, we were friends for 6 years, but a year ago I left to live in another country with my family, my friend and I were always in touch,We called each other several times every day . I come home often, almost every 3 months, because I have wo...
  • Не могу забыть, как мама и сестра со мной поступили
    Я вышла замуж в 22 года, папа тогда уже болел. Сестре было 17 лет, жила она с родителями в двухкомнатной хрущевке. Я с мужем жила у его бабушки в кухне. Муж, бросив любимую работу, на которой не строили жильё, устроился на малооплачиваемую, но со служебным жильём. Нам дали комнату на подселение в че...
  • Two guys from work are courting me
    Two weeks ago I started a new job at a restaurant. And everything would be fine if not for one thing - I’m the only one theregirl in a men's group. This explains the natural increasemale attention to my person, but there are two guys who I don’t understand at all. I did not have close relationships ...
  • The past doesn't let me live in peace
    In the past I led a wild lifestyle: clubs, bars,alcohol , men. By the age of 18, I had a not very good reputation, you understand. My family is decent, my parents don’t drink. My entire family fought with me, from my grandmothers to my cousin’s husband. It got to the point that I was locked at home:...
  • Муж снова поднял на меня руку
    Женаты недавно, ждём ребёнка. Муж всегда пытается найти что-то в моем прошлом, а потом упрекать за него при удобном моменте. И это при всём том, что я досталась ему невинной и со своими убеждениями, что мужчина должен быть первым и единственным в жизни во всем. Но он так тщательно пытается что-то на...
  • I want to close myself off from the whole world
    I am 26 years old. I don't have a father, he abandoned us. Been in a relationship 3 times. The last ones were 4 years. We broke up on my initiative. I finally left a job I didn't like. I got a job in another field. I'm also quitting. I don't know what I want from life and who I would like to become....
  • Why are there so many single women?
    I got married at 32. I have already lost hope that I will meet a woman with whom I can start a family andgive birth to children. That's why I want to speak out why so many girls don'tMarried .Excessive demands on the part of modern women are a mass phenomenon. Money ,money , money, comfort and nothi...
  • Life punished my grandmother
    MyMom met dad when she was walking in the park with her sister. He was 19, she was 23. He threw a snowball at her, and she was rude in response. He then followed her all the way, and when she approached the house, he offered to meet her.A little about dad. At that moment he was an airborne cadet. Or...
  • My husband promised to buy a car, but now he says I don’t need it
    Before marriage I had my own car. Not new, but in excellent condition. I've been asking for several years nowMy husband should buy me a car, but he says that one for the family is enough.Yes, we have a car, new, expensive, just borrowed from itThe loan was paid off, but mine drives ithusband . For s...
  • School takes up all my free time
    I want to share my problem. Studying takes up all my time. This is a very common problem at the moment. I hope for yoursunderstanding .I study in the sixth grade, until the fifth I was an excellent student. In the sixth grade we have 7 lessons and additional ones, until I get home around 4-5 pm. I s...
  • Why do you want me to be like you?
    There are quite a lot of confessions on this site from people who “everything is bad” is entirely their fault. Yes, indeed, sometimes there are insurmountable obstacles that are beyond the control of the sufferer, but for the most part the person himself does not want to do anything. And he finds ma...
  • Cry from the heart
    My wife and I are 33 years old, in a relationship for 7 years, officially married for 3 years. In 2019, we got seriously ill with Covid, everyone got their own sores, I’m allergic to dogs,problems with the sinuses (a cyst appeared, operations were performed, but the cyst was not removed), and she de...
  • Did the teacher punish me correctly?
    I am a schoolboy from Moscow, I have now graduated from 8th grade. But the story that happened to me last school year is not forgotten. I, then a seventh grader, was punished by a 4th grade teacher. Having nothing better to do, I ran into the classroom with the fourth graders during a lesson (we ski...
  • Have you met such people?
    There is such a strange category of people who don’t trust anyone. But I don't understand the reason. Why do some people have a hard time believing that someone can speak English, German or Chinese? Doesn't matter. But they consider it their direct duty to “expose”.For example, some person says: “I ...
  • I kicked my son out of the house and I don’t regret it at all
    I found this site when I was feeling really bad. The ground simply disappeared from under my feet, and it seemed that no psychologists could help. Here I found an absolutely similar story, even the author was my namesake. And it became much easier for me. A stone just fell from my soul.I then looked...
  • Mother-in-law is stealing money from the family
    My husband and I have in the pastdivorce and for a child from a previous marriage. Both have sons. Mine is 15 years old, after the divorce he lives with me, does not communicate with his father. His son is also 15, after the divorce he lives with his mother-in-law - exwife came outgot married and mo...
  • Why do women tolerate men beating them?
    I read a lot of stories here on the site whena man beats a woman, whether they are married or just dating, it doesn’t matter. Probably many people have such acquaintances,colleagues or neighbors. Maybe the roots of this phenomenon grow from childhood, if in childhood dad beat mom, or the girl was of...