Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • I'm afraid that the quarrel between my son and daughter-in-law will lead to divorce
    My son and daughter-in-law came back from vacation, quarreled over a trifle, and haven’t spoken for a week. Everyone answers my questions differently. If they lived separately, it would be easier for me, otherwise everything is in front of my eyes. I call for dinner, he comesson ,the daughter-in-law...
  • Family life was not what I imagined it to be
    I am 31 years old, yeshusband anda child who is only 6 months old, with her husband inThey got married precisely because of pregnancy, but they really wanted a child and are happy that they became parents.But that's justRelations between each other have become very bad lately, there are constant qua...
  • Why are people like my friend always lucky?
    My friend Nadya and I sat at the same desk for 11 years. They quarreled, made peace, and overcame difficulties together. We shared our thoughts and girlish secrets.After school, our paths diverged, but contact was not lost. I have always been energetic, combative, with an active lifestyle. I chose a...
  • An unusual declaration of love during the war
    It's been several years since I read different stories on this site. And now the time has come when I decided to post my own love story. Very, very unusual. Completely devoid of any element of eroticism. And probably the most beautiful.The first time I fell in love at the age of 11 with a classmate ...
  • My husband demands delicious food every day
    I'm sick ofthink about what to cook for breakfast, dinner and lunch every day . And my husband also needs to pack for work; he doesn’t want to eat sandwiches. For lunch he demands at least two dishes, and on the weekend he also demands “something tasty.” But I want to come home from work and just re...
  • Our long distance relationship
    It so happened that my boyfriend and I live in different cities. We've been together for 2.5 years. We are both 28 years old. There is no opportunity to move, since he lives in a closed city. I can't come to him. We see each other once every 2 weeks or once a month. We spend our vacation together. W...
  • I created these problems for myself
    I found myself in a very difficult situation and accidentally stepped onpregnancy (already 11 weeks). The first pregnancy (my daughter is now 4 years old) was long-awaited; my husband and I waited for her for 5 years (we couldn’t get pregnant), but this one came very unexpectedly, since given my sta...
  • I exposed my husband's sister and remained guilty
    Myhusband has an older onesister . She and I don’t get along very well, despite the fact that we lived in the same yard, went to the same school, but we were never friends.Unfortunately, she is often the cause of our quarrels. There's always something wrong with her. Been there twicemarried , two ch...
  • Psychological moments of childhood led me to such a sad result
    I'm terribly unsure of myself. I'm depressed, I'm overwhelmed by society, I'm lost. I'm childish, I'm naive and too romantic. Perhaps it all started in my childhood, in my first grade.I was an outcast and a black sheep. Not a day went by without me, a relatively weak girl, coming home with bruises o...
  • The guy I love considers me just a friend
    Two months ago I entered college and there I met an amazing man, he is handsome, smart, interesting. At the beginning, when I saw him for the first time, I thought he was amazing and my heart sank and it seemed to me that I fell in love for a second, just like that at first sight. But I threw away t...
  • How to decide to divorce an aggressive husband?
    I already wrote mineconfession about aggressionhusband , I want to add one more thing. He had this behavior for a long time. But, unfortunately, I was as if I was blind.The first time he behaved aggressively was when we celebrated our first New Year . There were three of us - minesister , me and him...
  • My parents ruined my life with their selfishness.
    I'm the only onethe child is with my parents and I always heard that it was difficult for them to even imagine that I could leave them, so I stayed to study and then work in my hometown, although the prospects in the capital were much better. But I got used to obeying my parents in everything, and w...
  • Help your neighbor
    I see that they often write stories here with a bad ending. People write that they regret what happened and ask others to learn from their mistakes. And I wanted to tell the story of my happiness.I never thought that you could be happy while having surgery. 10 years ago I was diagnosed with a tumor ...
  • Брат мстит мне за детские обиды
    Я не знаю, что мне делать. Мне 40 лет, я инвалид 3 группы (сердечно-сосудистая хирургия), живу с матерью и братом (брату 30 лет).Я, конечно, сам виноват, обижал брата в детстве, теперь вот пожинаю плоды этого. Сейчас он ходит как зверь по квартире, иногда бьёт меня (по голове преимущественно, хотя з...
  • Wedding or travel?
    I dated a guy for three years, everything was fine, but over time hethe attitude towards me changed and we broke up. I think that I simply idealized him before, until he showed his character. I was offended, but my classmate supported me, we met by chance on the street, talked and began to communica...
  • I tolerate this attitude so that my son has a father.
    My life story began a little over two years ago. At first it seemed to me that this was my conscious choice of a man. I even made a plan, described point by point what qualities he should have, apparently I missed one point -alcoholism .I clearly understood that I was turning a blind eye to obvious ...
  • Because of family problems I have no friends
    For several months now I have not communicated with my friend at all, although this decision was very difficult for me. She sometimes calls, invites me to her place or to meet somewhere else, but I don’t want to, I haven’t been comfortable being in her company lately. We constantly hang out in the s...
  • Ex-wife forbids seeing children
    Five years ago I divorced my wife. We have two children together. We agreed on the amount of alimony. Everything suited her. I paid good alimony. Everything was fine until the moment she appearedgirl in my life. And exthe wife changed dramatically. Bans on communication, blocking on social networks....
  • My mom's behavior is annoying
    My mother's intemperance irritates me. It's ingrained in our familyhabit of watching movies together on weekends. And every time it arisesquarrel between parents whenMom begins to comment on this or that scene. Her exclamations like “I don’t like him”, “doesn’t she see that he’s deceiving her” and s...
  • The result of a twenty-year marriage
    Almost 10 months have passed since the beginning of my breakup with my husband, which I wrote about in my confession “I am divorcing my husband because of his infidelity.” Behind him is the birth of children, everyday life, devoted service to him and his parents.During the pandemic in March, I found...