Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • I'm addicted to drugs
    I'm 19 years old and I'm a drug addict. This problem has kept me from living for the last 9 months. I tried a lot of drugs. No one put me on or forced me, I decided to try it myself, and for the first couple of months I used it alone, since I had no friends in the new country.My mental health can no...
  • How to get out of this impasse?
    My son is 24 years old. Circumstances so happened that we ended up in a village, and previously lived in the city.He worked over the summer, now there is no work, and of course there is no money. We have a big house, but he lives in the bathhouse, sleeps during the day, and sits at the computer at n...
  • The apartment became the reason for such a relationship
    The mother-in-law and father-in-law do not trust their daughter-in-law. They believe that it is possible that she will divorce their son, so they do not want to register their child in the apartment that was given to the son, but registered in the name of the father-in-law.The mother-in-law, in turn...
  • My husband's friend turns him against his family
    I have been married for 9 years, before marriage and before my friend met me.the husband was his “best friend,” a kind of married bachelor. All the birthdays of friends, where everyone is with their wives or other halves, he is alone, on vacation - alone, on weekends with friends, despite the presen...
  • I can't quit because of quarantine
    I have been working in food production since July last year. At first everything was fine, until after another move inside the office,the general's wife did not sit with him in the office. That's it, it became impossible to work. They scream, scream constantly. They yell and swear. The CEO's wife an...
  • I can't figure myself out
    I dated a guy (his name is Vanya) for 10 months. At the beginning of the relationship, I liked another young man, so I thought that nothing serious would work out. As a result, after I left him, I felt very bad. I suffered a lot. While we were apart, I talked to a lot of guys. I met with two. With a...
  • the Forbidden fruit is sweet
    I am writing here about something that has been tormenting me for 5 years. I went on vacation to relatives in the Caucasus. I saw these relatives for the first time,Mom called them on the phone before and corresponded. I was 20 years old then. We arrived and everyone started getting to know me. I tu...
  • The second marriage was also unsuccessful
    Everything in my life has already boiled over and I have no one else to share it with. I wanted to ask for advice. I havechild from his first marriage. He is 12 years old.I divorced my first husband a long time ago. He doesn't communicate with the child at all. Came outmarried a second time. There a...
  • The daughter realized her mistake, but it was too late
    I haveThe daughter was also problematic, like the author of the story, who cannot cope with raising her daughter. My daughter just didn’t gain weight, but rather lost weight. Which also really scared me. And the bans also had no effect on her. She lay down and looked at the wall and refused to eat. ...
  • Who is right?
    I don’t understand at what point a separate budget happened in our family, probably when I returned from my second maternity leave. Until this moment this had not happened, maybe because I earned a lot.Now I am working, the work is very difficult, it takes a lot of effort and time, I often have to w...
  • Ex-boyfriend asks to borrow money
    In 2018, I broke up with my boyfriend. We broke up online because he didn't want to meet. He said that he stopped loving me, that he had no time or money for me. He got credits.I live in a neighboring city. I was ready to come to him myself, but he lives with his mother, and I am alone and it is mor...
  • I don't approve of my mom's choice
    Now I'm 20 years old. Two years ago, my dad suddenly died due to a doctor’s mistake, and my mom and I were left alone. But six months later she found solace in another man. Andrey is 10 years older than her, he has a smalldaughter , she is 5 years old. Andrey is divorced, but still lives with his wi...
  • I'm not ashamed that I had such a childhood
    It's my time to tell my life story, which many are shocked when I tell it. But it was thanks to her that I learned to sew and have now become the owner of an atelier.While I was little, about seven years old, IMom sent us to wash other people’s dishes from our neighbors and friends. She was still af...
  • The man I loved didn’t accept my child, so I gave my daughter to my father
    I havechild , he is 3 years old. There is also a formerhusband andDarling man .The man I love loves me, even loves me very much. But at the beginning of our relationship, he could not accept my child, so we broke up (he left). Two weeks later he realized that he couldn’t live without me, so he retur...
  • The daughter said that she was tired of her always dissatisfied father
    We were married. We havedaughter . We lived with him for 2 years and I left. He beat me when he was drunk, humiliated me, insulted me. And himMom could say a lot of hurtful words to me. I went outgot married at 18, maybe that’s why she endured everything, andMy upbringing did not allow me to answer ...
  • Parents do not want to work and demand to support them
    I come from a large family (7 children, parents and grandmother). To be honest, I’m ashamed to write here about my parents, because I love them. But, at the moment I need advice.Dad is 46 years old and mom is 42. When dad was working,mom was staying at home. When I was in 9th grade, my dad got sick ...
  • Fateful meeting
    That year I was off my feet, looking for a job. But sometimes the salary is small, sometimes it’s justdivorce formoney . Therefore, for more than six months I did odd jobs, looking for a more or less suitable place for myself. But it's all in vainI wandered around the Internet every day . During the...
  • My son changed a lot after meeting a girl
    I have the same onesrelationship with his son, as in this story. Just nowmy son doused me with another portion of cold. He's been doing this continuously for the last year. I just can't come to terms with this.We were friends, colleagues. I helped him a lot in life. Yes, the umbilical cord was long ...
  • I want a normal family
    I want to tell the real story of my divorce from my wife and explain its reasons. Explain, rather, for myself, because... Because of women's solidarity, I do not hope for objectivity in the comments under this confession.Today I am happy because I have two wonderful microorganisms, two and four year...
  • Is it necessary to continue living with an unloved wife?
    I realized that I don't love my wife. I am 33 years old. She is a wonderful person, a good housewife, and never gave any reason to doubt anything. She gave birth to a healthy child.In turn, I tried to make sure that everything was fine at home, so that there was enough for bread and butter. Yes, I a...