Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • Is it worth renewing a relationship after such a breakup?
    I broke up with my boyfriend a few months ago. We dated for a long time, but he suggested breaking up. The parting was not very pleasant. There are essentially two people to blame (give or take). They completely excluded each other from life, from all networks and with a feeling of guilt and anger a...
  • My wife's relationship with her family has turned into a nightmare
    It so happened thatmy wife is my youngestchild in her family, she has an older onebrother , they are 8 years apart. Always have all her attention and all her resourcesthe family invested in her brother. Me and our whole familylife was compared with my wife's brother and his family, of course, not in...
  • The reason for our separation was the guy's parents
    I am 24 years old. In June 2018, I met a guy, his parents purchased a vacation package from me. Then itmy mother asked me to call him (her son) for help in obtaining a visa. When I dialed his number, I immediately felt as if I was calling a person I knew very well, like deja vu.We immediately starte...
  • I never loved him, but I still remember him
    It all started when I was 16 years old. I dated a young man who was 10 years older than me. Only now I understand that there were no special emotions, but then I believed that I loved him. Perhaps that is why Kostya, a friend of Lesha, my boyfriend, appeared in my life. Kostya was considered a frien...
  • My vacation adventures
    I really want to tell a story that happened to me a year ago. I have been living and working for the last 12 years in the north, beyond the Arctic Circle. I decided to go on vacation to the sea to relax. And I wanted to stop by on the way to the city where I lived before. To visit old friends, to se...
  • Unloved daughter-in-law
    My husband is from the village, so I'm from the cityHis parents didn’t like his daughter-in-law right away. They dreamed that he would marry a village girl and live with them. Although at the time of our acquaintance he lived and worked in the city.Over time they came to terms, I have my ownapartmen...
  • Ukrainians and Russians are not enemies!
    I am a Russian-speaking Kiev resident with higher education and average income. I have never been particularly interested in politics, but the events of recent months have not left me or anyone I know indifferent. Our revolution can be viewed in different ways; not everything is perfect, of course, ...
  • My husband doesn't care about me
    My husband and I have been together for 15 years. Maybe,Problems in relationships began from the first year of his life, when he said the phrase: “Why do you need a new coat, you don’t go to work?” At that time, I had not worked for 2 months and was looking for work. It was difficult psychologically...
  • I guess I'm selfish
    I am 24 years old. Already in the pasta relationship that ended in preparation for the wedding. After that I was depressed for two years. I met a young man who was very similar to my ex-boyfriend, and almost immediately they began to convince me that I would soon become a wife. I didn't.I met my cur...
  • I learned to use my beauty
    I grew up in a small town, when I came to study, I realized that I was far below my classmates. They have expensive things, telephones, fans, every evening some new place, parties. I didn’t have money for all these joys, but I really wanted to have fun. Moreover, I am beautiful and I had to take adv...
  • An untold toast to my future mother-in-law
    My boyfriend and I have been dating for 4 years. He is currently in the army, but I am in contact with his parents. And since my parents are divorced, I often call his mother. She is, of course, a person with a difficult character, and before this incident we still had conflicts and misunderstanding...
  • My catastrophic jealousy
    My name is Maxim, I am 24 years old. I am a successful photographer, all minelife and work are connected with creativity. I havegirl , she’s 21, we’ve been dating for two years, we’ve been living together for a year.Lately I've started to notice that I'm just obsessed with her. And this becomes a pr...
  • Motherhood didn't bring me happiness
    Confession about two stages of my life.First stage –pregnancy . In my life, it turned out that I never had contact with small children, which is probably why I didn’t really want to become a mother, I thought that this desire would come with age. 2 years after the weddingMy husband began to talk mor...
  • How to repay a debt that they don’t want to repay?
    This story began 22 years ago. I am now 27 years old and my brother is 25 years old. In those same 90s, my parents divorced and sold their apartment,dividing the money into an equal amount among all family members.Mother's brother , who was in business (slot machines), found out thatmother sold the ...
  • I'm stopping my son from organizing his life
    I decided to write to speak out, maybe to understand something for myself in this story, maybe I’m wrong somewhere.I am retired, I don’t work, I live in a rented apartment with my adult son. We don’t have our own home, so it turned out that I raised my son alone, and the inherited home passed us by ...
  • How can I love my child and stop being annoyed?
    I want to write my ownconfession that I do not get joy from motherhood. I know I'm not the only one, but that doesn't make it any easier.It all started with the fact that I wanted a child. I told my husband about this. At first he resisted, but then we finally decided to take this step. The pregnanc...
  • I learned to ignore my wife's parents
    When I got married, I didn’t even imagine that there could be any layers in the relationship with my mother-in-law and father-in-law. Everything seemed rosy to me. But everything turned out differently, much worse than I could even imagine.My father-in-law and mother-in-law lived as their own family...
  • Disappointed in men
    I was disappointed in people of the opposite sex. I understand why many women do not want to start a family or have children, but first of all strive to make a career.I'm starting to think the same way myself. How often do I notice that in families where a woman does not work, but at the same time d...
  • I don’t want to communicate with my mother and invite her to my wedding
    My name is Svetlana, I'm 25 years old. Since childhood, I have not “felt” my mother in the family. The family was complete, normal, they didn’t live richly, but they didn’t really need anything. From my childhood memories of my relationship with my mother, I remember only her screams for any offense...
  • I forgave the guy, but I still don’t want to be with him
    I would like to share a story and ask for advice. The fact is that my boyfriend and I started dating when we were in college together, we were 18 years old.We dated for 8 months. But it so happened that I had to enroll inuniversity , we entered one in another city (in Russia), and 2 of his friends a...