
  • My husband is losing money and I am paying his loans
    I am 28 years old, my husband is 35. We have three children - 2 boys and a younger daughter. The eldest son is four years old, the middle one is two, the youngest will be 2 months old.The husband plays slot machines and spends all his earnings theremoney . I'm responsible for his loans, which I took...
  • My brother can disinherit me
    MyIn 1994, my father received a three-room apartment in Chita for four people: he,mother , me andbrother . Father died. Recently my brother got his two two-room apartments for himself and his family, I also recently got a two-room apartment at work.My mother wanted to move closer to us and sold her ...
  • I appreciated my husband's love only in old age
    Mymom allShe lived her life with her father without ever loving him. She didn't even hide it.As a child, I did not understand why my mother treated my father, whom I loved very much, in this way. He tolerated herindifference and apathy, apparently he put up with them for the sake of me, his only and...
  • My ex-husband was outraged that I didn't wait for him.
    Yesterday my ex came to ask for my hand with flowers and champagne. We've been divorced for two years. And he was also unhappy that I didn't wait for him, and startedaffair on the side. Yes, I laughed too. Apparently after the divorce, I should have gone to a monastery, but I went to the registry of...
  • Now I know what happiness looks like
    I was born into a large, poor family in a small provincial town. Parents alllife fought for survival. In the 90s this was the norm. Parents always believed that a person must have a higher education, and they tried in every possible way to give all their children the opportunity to study at a univer...
  • Two sides of the same coin
    I read many different stories on this site and decided to write my own.There are two sisters, with a slight difference in age, about a year. Always together, they were sent to school in the same class, graduated from the same institute, and graduated at about the same timemarried ​This is where the ...
  • When naive love passes
    “I am not the last and not the first who bears his heavy cross, who knows how pretty brides turn out to be bitches.” I knew who Yuri Loza was, but I had never heard this song before - after all, I am from a completely different generation. But after hearing it on Retro FM, I was amazed at how accura...
  • My wife's relationship with her family has turned into a nightmare
    It so happened thatmy wife is my youngestchild in her family, she has an older onebrother , they are 8 years apart. Always have all her attention and all her resourcesthe family invested in her brother. Me and our whole familylife was compared with my wife's brother and his family, of course, not in...
  • The reason for our separation was the guy's parents
    I am 24 years old. In June 2018, I met a guy, his parents purchased a vacation package from me. Then itmy mother asked me to call him (her son) for help in obtaining a visa. When I dialed his number, I immediately felt as if I was calling a person I knew very well, like deja vu.We immediately starte...
  • Ukrainians and Russians are not enemies!
    I am a Russian-speaking Kiev resident with higher education and average income. I have never been particularly interested in politics, but the events of recent months have not left me or anyone I know indifferent. Our revolution can be viewed in different ways; not everything is perfect, of course, ...
  • How to repay a debt that they don’t want to repay?
    This story began 22 years ago. I am now 27 years old and my brother is 25 years old. In those same 90s, my parents divorced and sold their apartment,dividing the money into an equal amount among all family members.Mother's brother , who was in business (slot machines), found out thatmother sold the ...
  • I learned to ignore my wife's parents
    When I got married, I didn’t even imagine that there could be any layers in the relationship with my mother-in-law and father-in-law. Everything seemed rosy to me. But everything turned out differently, much worse than I could even imagine.My father-in-law and mother-in-law lived as their own family...
  • I'm being threatened by my ex-lover
    In September 2021, I met a man at work. He made eyes at me and got involved by hook or by crooknovel . We were both not free and met secretly for 2 months.MyMy husband didn’t work anywhere, and I also had to carry my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter on my shoulders. I neededmoney , and borrowe...
  • The woman I love refused to marry me
    I love one woman very much. Her name is Alina. We have known each other for a long time. Our older children went to kindergarten in the same group, then went to the same class.I was still married then, sheMarried . Often they took their sons together. We celebrated at the kindergarten graduation, th...
  • I'm on the verge of old age and loneliness
    I think each of you has gone through a period of painful separation from a loved one. The reasons can be very different. But that's not what this is about.Love is like a huge pyramid built in union with each other. Common interests, common budget, children,relationships with relatives. And you alway...
  • Women's life story
    For a long time I didn’t dare to write my life story, but I finally decided to. I understand that not everyone will like what I write, but I tried to be objective and frank. Thanks forunderstanding .My husband and I have been living for 6 years, we have no children. Everything with us is like in an ...
  • I don't need a mama's boy
    I dated a guy, and after 8 months we decided to get married (I insisted on thismother , and I really wanted this). He didn't mind. I am 28 years old and he is 25.After the engagement, I moved to live with his family until we could afford a separate rented apartment. The wedding is in a week. During ...
  • I have another greedy man
    I am already 39 years old. Until this time, I only hear stories, I see among my acquaintances how men give gifts to their women, women can financially rely on their men. And the most interesting thing is that to mea man comes with care, pays for me in a restaurant, tries to do something nice, buys m...
  • How lovers pretended to be brother and sister to sue their wife for half of her house
    They say no matter how long the rope twists, it will end. About the same thing happened to my former lover. I fell in love with Alexey literally at first sight. His beauty simply amazed me. We started living together. Alexey insisted that we sign, but I wanted to take a better look at him. I am a fa...
  • My husband reproaches me for being from a boarding school
    We have been married for 23 years, we have children, two sons - 21 years old and 10 years old. I have no relatives, I am from a boarding school.From the very beginningThe relationship with my husband was not very good, I understand this now, but then it seemed that everything would work out. When wa...