
  • My sad and hopeless life
    I am only 21 years old, but I have already become disillusioned with life, I have lost my goals and guidelines. I wanted to write my ownConfession to just talk it out. Maybe it will become easier.I have never had a happy family, which is so popular in films. She looked normalfamily (mom , dad, broth...
  • My wife didn't live up to my expectations
    I feel deeply disillusioned with family life and life in general.I got married when I was 25. Now I understand that I was in a hurry, but it’s too late. Before meeting my future wife, I had longrelationship with one girl. We were each other's first. She studied at the same school with me, but was 5 ...
  • I want you to be happy
    We met 2 years ago. The game is popular, based on the famous Turkish TV series and naturally it has an online chat.At that time I was already 24 years old, I managed to get outI got married and found out that I’ve been in a great position for a month now. My career took shape, I found an assistant, ...
  • Why did my friend do this?
    An incident happened to me yesterday that radically changed myattitude towards a person.Eata friend at work and someone who tried to seem like her. He calls me in the evening and invites me to visit. At first I denied it, and then I decided to go. I come to visit, and she’s sitting there, her other ...
  • It's never too late to be happy
    Reading other people’s confessions, I thought that I could also share my life story with the readers of this site. Moreover, in my life there were a lot of good and not so good things. But I never thought that at 60 years old I would feel happier than at 20.First releasedI got married at twenty year...
  • From love to music
    It is difficult to remember the past, trampling down the shades of false love, you have to get back on your feet, momentarily forgetting words and actions in a fit of lost love. Nowadays it’s fashionable to meet people on social networks, so I fell for this bait.I met my ex-boyfriend on VKontakte. O...
  • Sex without love
    When already exthe guy confessed his love to me, he wasn’t attracted to me at all then, and I said that I didn’t like him and that I didn’t want a relationship now. But he said that he would still pursue me.And somehow we became friends. He didn’t put any pressure on me, everything was gradual, he l...
  • I'm lonely and this is my conscious choice
    I -a girl who doesn't have a loved one. And children. There is no cat either. And yes, I am strong and independent. Have you already imagined a stereotyped monster who is terribly unhappy and desperately envies you? In vain, because the lack of personal life does not prevent me from being happy. I r...
  • They married me without me
    I am 22 years old. A couple of years ago I met a girl. We had the most normal relationship: we are very suitable for each other, respect, understand, love each other. Of course, we also have quarrels, but we forgive each other. We are very happy together, we always dreamed of a life together, we pla...
  • Man can make himself happy
    My name is Nikita, and exactly 10 years ago my beloved left megirl . She left me at a difficult time in my life when my parents left and I lost a well-paid job.Debts accumulated, I had to work on a shift for a relatively non-competitive rate, and the work, let's say, was far from prestigious. At nig...
  • How can I change and find myself
    I am twenty-five years old, I have a job, I exercise moderately. My problem is that I was raisedmother , and there was never a male example nearby. I can't stand being alone and I get depressed because of it and there's nothing I can do about it. According to the girls, I'm cute, but it turns out to...
  • Provincial in the office
    Some time ago we had a new employee in our office. A provincial, she came to the capital from Western Ukraine. Naturally, for all our refined metropolitan public, she immediately became a target for ridicule and mockery. It's always like that in the women's team. Remember Ryazanov in "Offic....
  • All my friends are married, I'm the only one
    I have never had a serious relationship. I always wished that I had tooguy , like the girlfriends, but he was not. I liked those who I did not like at all and vice versa. I was in love twice, both times the guys were already busy, and I found out about it much later.Since adolescence, I have been re...
  • The behavior of girls lowers my self-esteem
    I may not have a problem, but a very unpleasant situation. There are many adults here, I hope for understanding.I am 22 years old. Student, finishing my master's degree. I want to startrelationship , but whatever I try, wherever I meet, I’m waiting everywherefailure . Should I leave this venture and...
  • Can't forgive my father
    For the past 4 years, a strong resentment towards my dad has settled in my soul. Let's start with the fact that I loved him very much, always listened to him, completely trusted him and relied on him in everything. Since school, he kept telling me that I should study well and enter the university, h...
  • After working as a salesperson, I realized why they sometimes respond rudely to us.
    It so happened that when I went on maternity leave, I lost my job. Before that, I was warned that the company would not wait for me for more than six months, and then they would take another specialist in my place. I thought I could get out, leaving the child with my mother, who promised to help, b....
  • Unlucky father threatens to go to court if I don't give him our six-year-old daughter for the weekend
    I lived with my ex-husband for a year, then we got married, and a year later I became pregnant. The pregnancy was planned. When I told my husband, he was delighted, but two weeks later he said that he had changed his mind and that I should have an abortion. There was a scandal - it's not a toy, I do...
  • Loneliness pushes me into the arms of a friend
    I am 18 years old and I have never had a serious relationship, and in general, in principle, I had no relationship. Met me not too long agoguy , at first I even somehow liked him, but in the process of meetings and communication, I realized that we could not become close people with him. And wheneve...
  • How to get rid of an inadequate girlfriend?
    Since school, I have a working page in one of the social networks. Then I earnedmoney transfers from German into Russian and vice versa. But in general, my story is about a “girlfriend”.I took on small translations because I had neither the desire nor the time to translate 50 pages of text or more. ...