
  • My story
    I read the story “My Daughter Ignores and Hates Me” and wanted to write my own, because my dad has always been a sore subject for me, even if I’m turning 30 soon.I don’t know if they were looking for me or if it just happened that way, but I was born into another family. After the people were born, ...
  • Hometown or family?
    We (civilianhusband , me anddaughter 4 years old) decided to move from Chelyabinsk to warmer and cleaner regions. To Krasnodar region.We were really looking forward to the move, saving upmoney , I was happy when we left. It was so interesting to travel by car and stop in different cities.We finally ...
  • Where can one escape from such a hopeless life?
    I am 28 years old, I am divorced, I havedaughter , she is 3 years old. MyLife has recently turned into a routine without any enlightenment. My husband left me when my daughter was one year old. He doesn’t communicate with his daughter at all, doesn’t pay child support, has limited rights and will ev...
  • Я убил Вашу дочь
    -Я убил Вашу дочь, — спокойным голосов в 7 утра оповестил мой зять. Но обо всем по порядку.Настенька – моя старшая дочка, в этом году ей бы исполнилось 22. Так получилось, что отца Настеньки я толком не знала, мы были знакомы пару дней, потом провели вместе 14 дне в пансионате в Крыму и разъехались....
  • I started to hate my daughter
    The daughter's father left when she was two months old. My daughter was not an easy child; she began to speak only when she was three years old, but even now she cannot form sentences normally, although she is already 12 years old. After much torment and visits to doctors, she was finally diagnosed ...
  • My daughter wasn't invited to the wedding
    My husband and I alllife tried to give their only daughter the best, but in return they received only her arrogance and discourteousattitude towards us.Since childhood, she had a weakness for beautiful things. We were happy about this, we thought thatmy daughter will grow up and escape from this vil...
  • Husband demands son
    I never thought that one day I would write my life story, butlife is unpredictable.My husband and I were introduced by mutual friends 6 years ago. He was already working, and I was still a student. I liked him at first sight, fell deeply in love and confessed to him. Anton agreed and we started dati...
  • My husband's double life
    We have been married for 19 years. Beautiful couple, honeydaughter _ I followed him around the garrisons with my baby, we built everything together: we took out a mortgage on an apartment, bought a car. I loved him to tears.We were never apart, weekends, vacations together. From the outside they tol...
  • How to discourage your mother-in-law?
    I am almost 40 years old, and my husband is 43. We havedaughter 6 years old. We are normalfamily . I have a mother-in-law in another city, and we didn’t have any special problems with our relationship until I beggedhusband to buy a dacha in the city where she lives and, accordingly, he used to live....
  • My daughter annoys his mom
    I divorced my husband several years ago and have a five-year-olddaughter Lisa, and a year ago I met a man, I love him and I know that he loves me too. They also got along with Lisa right away, but we haven’t been able to live together yet, hemom doesn't like minedaughter _ I often visit their home a...
  • Ex-son-in-law abused child
    Whendaughter and son-in-law divorced, they could not agree on who would stay with themson _ My grandson was 5 years old at the time. After much debate, we came to an agreement thatthe child will live with his father, buthis mother will be able to see him every weekend and during the holidays. My dau...
  • What's my mistake?
    I have this situation: I need your advice. I never thought that I would write on websites and post my personal story, but I had to.My husband and I have been together for 2 years, while we live with my parents, we have a child,daughter , she is 2 years old. Ever since our wedding we have been arguin...
  • My husband considers me his child
    Thanks to the Confessions website for giving me the opportunity to speak out, and thanks to everyone who reads and shares advice.I am 20 years old. My husband is 33. Outgot married when I was 18 years old. He helped meforget the first onelove , and showed what it means to be truly loved. And I mysel...
  • Mom says I'm setting a bad example for my daughter
    I'm 31 years old, I have a six year olddaughter _ Divorced for 5 years. I live in my parents’ apartment, and my parents live in the village. I work in a hospital, and sometimes I have night shifts (since there’s not enough money to work just one day a day, so I take night shifts 4-5 times a month) a...
  • I refused to look after my mother-in-law
    My name is Alesya. Not Olesya, but Alesya. This is the name he gave mefather _ He served in Belarus and there he fell in love with a girl with that name. But she got cancer and died. Dad married mom after 30 years, but couldn’tforget your Alesya. And when was she born?daughter , he immediately said ...
  • My husband said that we would rather get divorced than he would quit smoking.
    My husband and I have been together for 2.5 years. We havea 1.5 year old daughter and a second one on the way. When we started dating, I knew he smoked. When we moved in together, he promised that he would quit smoking. But I still haven’t kept my promise.And in one regular conversation about his sm...
  • The people closest to me abandoned me
    My exthe husband was a military man. They lived in different garrisons. They raised their only daughter with love and affection. She had a slight birth injury, so they tried to give her more love, helped her and always felt sorry for her.She grew up as a completely problem-free child. She was sympat...
  • The husband does not love his son, but only loves his daughter
    My son is 12 years old, there is also a younger one in the familydaughter - 5 years old. The father pays more attention to his daughter, he and his son are very tenserelationship _ The child began to behave very difficultly. Perhaps this is how he requires his father’s attention, or maybe it’s just ...
  • I don't want to feed the lazy man
    I was unlucky with my son-in-law, neither making money nor doing anything with my own hands. The daughter is on maternity leave, there is not enough money, and her son-in-law tells her that she does not know how to save. I would help my daughter if she was alone with the child. It is enough that the...
  • What should I do with my life after my husband's confession?
    I don’t even know where to start my story, because my thoughts are running in different directions. I frantically search for answers, but there are none. So I decided to talk to someone, maybe then it will become easier.I've been married for 15 years. We met at the institute and got married then. A ...