
  • My daughter and granddaughter no longer needed me
    I live with my daughter and granddaughter, and they treat me with disdain. It’s as if they are waiting for me to go to the next world.It’s my own fault, because I followed Sveta’s daughter’s lead. On her advice, I sold my two-room apartment,my daughter sold her dorm room and bought a three-room apar...
  • Жизнь как она есть
    Я не когда и не кому не рассказывала о том, что было у меня в жизни, что тяготит меня, не давая спокойно спать по ночам. Недавно я прочитала историю на этом сайте Берегите детей она довела меня до слез, а еще мне самой захотелось написать, написать всю правду о себе, о своей жизни и самое главное, ч...
  • Mother doesn't love my child
    Today there was a conflict with my mother because she does not love my youngest daughter.I am 32 years old,married for the second time, together for 7 years. We have three children, all girls, the oldest is 11 years old (she is from her first marriage), the middle one is 2 years and 7 months old, th...
  • My husband's parents kicked me out of the apartment
    My husband and I divorced four years ago, and after the divorce, I and my two children lived with his parents all this time. The husband left for another woman and he already has something in common with herchild .Immediately after the divorce, he refused to pay alimony, citing the fact that I lived...
  • It hurts and hurts me for wasting my best years on the wrong person.
    My story is about how I spent a decent part of my life on the wrong person.After the army I met a wonderful girl, so it seemed to me then. Sweet, kind, shy, modest, from a well-bred, decent family. At the beginning there was pity for her, she was not a beauty, she had no luck in relationships, her e...
  • How to forgive your mother?
    I'm my dad's from birthdaughter . My dad was the perfect father. He bathed me, he fed me, he put me to bed. What for other childrenmom , then for me it was mineBeloved dad. I got used to clinging to his native chest, telling him all my troubles. I adored him.Dad was disabled, but although it was har...
  • It's scary to be alone with a small child
    I got married early by modern standards - at 19 years old. My husband is only 2 years older than me. Mom said that we were not yet ready for family life, especially Kirill, but I didn’t want to hear anything. I loved him very much and believed that he loved me too.When I told my mom thatpregnant , s...
  • Made himself an idol
    Years of courtship. In the sixth year of dating there is a wedding. In the sixth year of marriage -daughter . Almost didn't work. I tried to please her in everything.After the birth of my daughter, my attention switched from my wife todaughter . At some point I wanted a break from my family, from th...
  • My new love is like a match!
    I am 28 years old, my ex-husband is 24, we recently divorced, we have a commondaughter 2.5 years old. FormerMy husband is not at all ready for a family, although he loved me very much. But I stopped loving him, because... Howhe's just a zero man .After breaking up, a few weeks later I met a man who ...
  • How to live with such an appearance?
    I don’t know how I can continue to live with an appearance like mine. The fact is that I am very ugly. Maybe someone will think that there are many such girls, and that beauty can be achieved with the help of makeup. I agree that this will help many, but not me.I say this not out of false modesty, b...
  • I'm very afraid of my husband, but I don't want to leave him
    In 1992 myMom , I was 10 years old. Besides me, my father still has 2 sisters younger than me. From that moment the nightmare of my life began:my father mocked me as best he could: he beat me, humiliated me morally, until one day he decided to kill me. I ran to my aunt, and he drank vinegar in frigh...
  • I will never leave my child with grandma again.
    My daughter is only eight months oldThe child is calm and can play and crawl on her own for a long time. But recently, after having a fight with my husband, I went to my parents and all my peace was gone. Mom constantly runs to every sound and grabs the child in her arms and thinks that I’m badmothe...
  • I'm ashamed of my sister
    My sister and I have always been very close. The age difference is only 2 years, I'm younger. We always went everywhere together, even had mutual friends. Alena has a very calm character, she always studied well and helped around the house, her parents had high hopes for her.And at the age of 20 she...
  • I can't understand my ex-husband
    I can’t understand why after a divorce children are forDid your husband also become an “ex”? How can I explain to my daughter and son (8 and 11 years old) that dad doesn’t love them anymore and considers them strangers?At first we moved in with my mother. There was no money to rent an apartment , we...
  • Do I need such relatives?
    Happened the other dayquarrel with one relative. Personally, I would have cut it long agocommunication to a minimum, but myMom stubbornly clung to her, because “there are no more relatives,” “it’s so bad,” “what if we needhelp , and besides her, there will be no one to help.”About 20 years ago, when...
  • How I became the fourth wife of the man I love
    It all started so beautifully. We met him through mutual friends. Vlad, adultman , he’s 39 years old, I’m 22, I painfully broke up with my boyfriend a month before we met. And he is married for the second time,my wife cheated and left. Two children remained with him - 4 and 6 years old. Boy and girl...
  • For daughters, only money matters
    I recently read a story aboutdaughter is against her parents’ divorce and decided to write her own.I have been married to my husband for 23 years and have two children. The eldest daughter is 22 years old; she went to study on the other side of the country with a young man. The youngest daughter is ...
  • How to drown out the pain in your soul
    I am 24 years old. We have been married for 2 years and we havedaughter , she is 8 months old. She looks very similar to her father. I loved mine very muchhusband . When I was 8 months pregnant, I found out about his cheating. They've been dating for about a month. At that moment I felt sopain , as ...
  • Why did I endure this attitude of my husband for so many years?
    I have the same situation as the author of this story. But I endured for 18 years, we have two children, 16 and 8 years old. AlsoMy husband doesn’t drink or smoke, he earns money, maybe not very much, but in any case, together with my income, there is wealth in the family.From his words I'm alllife ...
  • I destroyed my family and I hate myself for it
    Women, I ask you, I beg you, do not destroy your family if there is even a drop of doubt. Especially if there are children in the marriage.She got married at the age of 20 to her first man. Borndaughter _ My husband loved to go out with friends and drink, and because of this we often argued. But in ...