каждый день

.Chaque jour est une occasion unique de prendre un nouveau départ, de relever de nouveaux défis et d'atteindre nos objectifs. Ce rythme de vie quotidien nous apporte une expérience inestimable et des opportunités de grandir, de se développer et de s'améliorer. Chaque jour apporte de nouveaux défis, mais aussi de nouvelles occasions de s'améliorer. Il est important d'apprendre à apprécier chaque moment, chaque jour, afin de vivre une vie pleine et épanouissante. Par conséquent, ne manquez pas l'occasion de rendre chaque jour spécial, de viser de nouveaux sommets et de vous réjouir de chaque instant que vous vivez.

  • I have no idea about family
    Мне 34 года. Начну с того, что представлений о семье у меня никогда не было. Меня воспитывала одна мама и та время от времени уходила в загулы. Она меня любила, но какой-то материнской теплоты и заботы я не чувствовала. С отцом она развелась, когда я только родилась, и он уехал в Украину, где до сих...
  • Many condemn me that I went on maternity leave instead of my wife
    We have accepted that a woman should take care of the upbringing of a child. But a couple of my friends, as if jokingly, said that they themselves could go on maternity leave, but is this a man's business? Yes, and ridicule from family and friends are afraid. I am 36 years old, I am a web developer....
  • I'm afraid of my husband's behavior
    I'm confused and don't understand what's going on. Four days ago, my husband and I had a fight over a small thing. About a month ago, I asked him to wash my plate after eating to help me wash the dishes. The husband agreed and even sometimes began to wash the containers in which he takes food to wor...
  • What should I do if my husband hit me?
    My husband and I have been living together for two years and we have a little daughter, she is 11 months old. Before we got marriedThe husband was so caring, affectionate, attentive. But after the birth of my daughter, periodic quarrels began, it got to the point that we parted ways and did not live...
  • Mom does not force grandmother to be treated
    My grandmother is 94 years old. Unfortunately, she has dementia. The disease itself began to develop several years ago. There were voices in my head at night, calling for some action or prophesying about the future. There was a deterioration in hearing and perception of the content of someone else's...
  • Life without children
    I really want to tell you about my stupidly lived life. I am now 48 years old and I am trying to start living again. In a strange city and all alone. No, of course, there were pleasant moments in my life, but there were also many disappointments and unfulfilled dreams and desires. One of my biggest ...
  • Tired of loneliness, I want to get married
    For the past 2 months I have not seen the point in my life. Some apathy for everything. I can't get out of this state. Every day , you force yourself to smile, although there is emptiness in your soul. I live for one job. Everything is good at work, I can say that I love my job. But here's the perso...
  • For my husband, the mother is more important
    How do you think,mother is more important than wife? Of course, his mother gave him life and education. I agree with this here. I have always believed that there should be equality, that everyone should be treated equally. The husband himself said before the wedding that priorities in life are chang...
  • My derealization
    My name is Vladislav. I am 16 years old. I would like to consult with you. About 3 months ago, I started derealization (everything seems unreal) - I can’t normally concentrate on something, the light has become somehow sharp or something (I feel uncomfortable when going out). I look out the window,....
  • Зачем только я так поступила?
    Дело было еще в школе, года два тому назад. Был там один мальчик, на несколько лет младше меня. Привязался ко мне как банный лист, если честно, не давал проходу, постоянно навязывал мне свое общество. Считал меня своим другом, доверял все свои секреты. Да и я ему кое-что о себе рассказывала. Но, нес...
  • My sister turned away from me in trouble, but when everything worked out, she began to communicate
    A couple of years ago I made a big mistake, I behaved meanly and ugly. There is no other way to describe it. Although my inner voice still says that this waslove and I was simply not allowed to be with that person. It was a very difficult time for me when, having chosen one person, I lost everyone. ...
  • 10 ways to lose weight
    Losing weight is a process that requires a lot of effort and perseverance. However, there are many ways to help you achieve the desired result. In this article, we will look at the 10 most effective ways to lose weight. 1. Reduced calorie intake One of the easiest ways to lose weight is to reduce yo...
  • Can't get out of deep depression
    I'm 35 tomorrow. Eathusband , 2 daughters. I am a housewife. Olderdaughter went to first grade, the youngest went to kindergarten. From these new circumstances, I am depressed, I can not do anything. Helpsmom . I'm afraid to leave the house. On the first of September, there was a fainting state on t...
  • My parents are to blame for my leaving home.
    A year ago, I decided to leave home. All this time I'm hanging around with my friends. I live with them as long as they allow, and then move on to new acquaintances. And so constantly. I have my own house, but I can't be there. The reason for this is my parents. The fact is that they quarrel very of...
  • My experience of life with Alphonse
    I had a situation similar to the one described in this story. And it also seemed that the whole snag was in the proposal. I make good money and I gladly invest a fair amount in my house, which I built myself, so that it is beautiful and bright. Yes, and household "little things" in the form of utili...
  • I feel like a failure
    I am 16 years old. I am ugly and I live in a poor family, practically a beggar, because of this I feel sadness, apathy, I almost always have a bad mood. I have a long, thick, bulbous nose. Pig eyes, that is, they are very small, close-set, large hanging eyelids, which makes the look look tired, sad....
  • I've been overwhelmed by problems
    I understand that now I am going through the most difficult period in my life. I am 21 years old. In the fall, I ended up in the hospital for an unknown reason (I developed inflammation that required surgery). The doctors said it could be anything, it could be nerves or something. It was difficult, ...
  • dog's heart
    When I remember my childhood, I constantly see a big and cheerful dog in front of my eyes. Strange. Is it true? I spent my childhood practically not being at home, especially in winter, when you can ride down an ice slide and build snow castles. After school, I ran to that same hill and stayed ther....
  • Why do I need such love?
    I was 19 years old, I went to Moscow to earn money. I stayed there for a few months and as soon as I turned 20 I met a guy 10 years older than me. We fell in love with each other, were happy. Then I went home to Armenia, and he stayed there for a few more months, then he also flew in. The guy spent ...