каждый день

.Chaque jour est une occasion unique de prendre un nouveau départ, de relever de nouveaux défis et d'atteindre nos objectifs. Ce rythme de vie quotidien nous apporte une expérience inestimable et des opportunités de grandir, de se développer et de s'améliorer. Chaque jour apporte de nouveaux défis, mais aussi de nouvelles occasions de s'améliorer. Il est important d'apprendre à apprécier chaque moment, chaque jour, afin de vivre une vie pleine et épanouissante. Par conséquent, ne manquez pas l'occasion de rendre chaque jour spécial, de viser de nouveaux sommets et de vous réjouir de chaque instant que vous vivez.

  • I am lucky that my mother-in-law lives in another city.
    My husband and I are from different parts of the country, so we visit our parents only once a year. my dad andMom has never been with us, although we have been living in our apartment for 5 years. But the mother-in-law was already three times.When my friends talked about their mothers-in-law, I was ...
  • My weird date with a guy
    I met a guy on the Internet, met only a few times. Everything was very good, no harassment, no hints, at the end of the second date, he kissed me, but very carefully, as if it was his first kiss, but we are already old enough (I'm 28 years old, he's 36). After that, we couldn’t meet in any way, then...
  • I want to talk and talk about my relationship with a married man
    I stumbled upon this site by accident, I just wanted to read.I have been working at a meat processing plant since I was 17, as a moulder (now I am 20). I wouldn't say pretty, but pretty. About 7 months ago, to me in the social. network addedguy , on the page there is only music and a status about hi...
  • The past haunts
    This story happened to me when I was 16 years old. I foolishly lost my innocence to a scumbag I barely knew. True, then I felt some sympathy for him ... A few days after this event, he offered to meet and picked me up with his friend, whom I did not know. Everything after that is like a nightmare. W...
  • How could I do that!
    I never thought that I would write somewhere like this, ask for help, but, apparently, that day has come today. I am 21 years old, I met a guy who I didn’t like (his name is Ilya), but I accepted courtship from him, because at that time it was very difficult for me and no one was around. We talked,....
  • Can't forgive my father
    For the past 4 years, a strong resentment towards my dad has settled in my soul. Let's start with the fact that I loved him very much, always listened to him, completely trusted him and relied on him in everything. Since school, he kept telling me that I should study well and enter the university, h...
  • I want to become a teacher, but I'm afraid
    I immediately decided to become a teacher. I really want to teach and convey information to empty and not very minds. But after reading many of the stories, I was horrified. Teachers have virtually no respect. When students disrupt lessons, teachers are blamed. It's a lot of work and it takes a lot....
  • My unfulfilled dream
    Here I am sitting on a bench near an old castle, looking at the water, at the huge bridge and thinking. There is no spark in me, inside: melancholy, emptiness, life, as if frozen, and everything was covered with dust. The beauty around me does not fascinate me, communication with other people does n...
  • How my father ruined my future
    It will be a sad, sometimes pessimistic story about my ruined dreams. It may seem to you that I pity myself, or I look for pity in other people, but this is not so. Before, it seemed to be true, but I'm trying to move on. I really loved such a subject as chemistry from the 8th grade until graduatio....
  • I can't forget my father and deal with my problems
    When I was 8 years old, my parents divorced and they asked me who I would like to live with. I answered that with my mother, because otherwise she would have been offended, although she herself perfectly understood that I would be better off with my father. About six months later, my father died in ...
  • My dad
    If I'm not writing very clearly, I beg your pardon, because it is very difficult to remember this, but it is necessary to speak out.In August of this year (2013) my dad hanged himself. In the garage in our country house. My mother and I were in a city apartment, as it is closer to get to work from t...
  • Do no good - you will not get evil
    This story happened 5 years ago. At that time I was still living with my husband. He worked, although he liked to drink then, but he did not drink much and went to work in the morning.Once he told me in the morning (at that time the salary was very delayed) that he would bringmoney and a present for...
  • And in sorrow and in joy
    I want to confess what I have regretted for many years. I -a husband who ran away from his wife, ran away at a difficult moment for her. Certainly,every day I don’t think about it, but sometimes you sit down, get into Odnoklassniki, and there she is, my exwife , and, you know, the devil knows what c...
  • How to get rid of an inadequate girlfriend?
    Since school, I have a working page in one of the social networks. Then I earnedmoney transfers from German into Russian and vice versa. But in general, my story is about a “girlfriend”.I took on small translations because I had neither the desire nor the time to translate 50 pages of text or more. ...
  • A strange employee is surviving me from the team
    Recently, our structural unit was merged with another. Basically, I know my new colleagues. Sometimes I run into them at work. People are like people. My attitude was neutral.But recently, one of the new colleagues has taken a dislike to me and is trying to turn all the new employees against me. Set...
  • Is it worth hoping for happiness or living in a cocoon?
    I have been living with my girlfriend for over 8 years. During this time, we did not get married and did not have children. She said that there is nowhere to raise a child, because there is no housing of her own. And I didn't really want to, to be honest. They almost completed the house, which ....
  • Mother in law ignores me
    My mother-in-law is strange to say the least. Before, everything was just fine. We called upEvery day , we talked for an hour or more. She often called me herself. I calmly came to visit her, if anything, I consulted. She always tried to reconcile us with her husband. And then she broke off the chai...
  • How to convince your beloved wife to lose weight?
    Briefly about myself: I love to play sports (very much) almost all my hobbies and hobbies are related to it, I keep track of my shape, constantly visit the gym and want to look athletic (puffed up). Basically, I can do it. But the point is not at all in me, but in my wife. About my wife: the height ...
  • I found love and affection on the side
    I am 26 years old, my husband is 25. My daughter will soon be 3 years old. Married for about five years. After the birth of my daughter, my husband and I somehow went wrong. In terms of sex. He does not want, repels. He's just a military man, an officer, late at work. Yes, I understand it, I don't d...