
  • Я убил Вашу дочь
    -Я убил Вашу дочь, — спокойным голосов в 7 утра оповестил мой зять. Но обо всем по порядку.Настенька – моя старшая дочка, в этом году ей бы исполнилось 22. Так получилось, что отца Настеньки я толком не знала, мы были знакомы пару дней, потом провели вместе 14 дне в пансионате в Крыму и разъехались....
  • I can’t understand the behavior of a guy I know
    I'm studying to become a doctor, now I have an important session, I'm preparing in full, but myproblems prevent me from fully concentrating on preparation. Less than a month ago, at my concert, I perform my songs at musical evenings, two young men met me. They called for a drinkcoffee after the conc...
  • The guy didn’t want to live together even with everything ready
    Two days ago myrelationship lasting 6.5 years. On my initiative. We started dating when I was 20, now I’m 27. This was my first serious relationship.At that time, he did not act very well, and I forgave him because I loved him very much. He walked with friends and said that they were more valuable t...
  • Soul pain
    You are the last person I could talk to. It’s very hard for me without you, without your jokes, only you could listen to me and support me as best you can. Conversations with you seemed eternal, I didn’t even notice the time of day and didn’t spare time for you at all. I don’t know how I feel about ...
  • Soul hurts
    I fell in love for the first time, I loved madly simply. The beginning was great - flowers, sweets, carried in my arms, circled. He said: “my little girl, my tigress.” He said that he had never loved anyone, that this was the first time he fell in love. I just believed in a fairy tale, in mutuallove...
  • I want you to be happy
    We met 2 years ago. The game is popular, based on the famous Turkish TV series and naturally it has an online chat.At that time I was already 24 years old, I managed to get outI got married and found out that I’ve been in a great position for a month now. My career took shape, I found an assistant, ...
  • How should I respond to this attitude?
    It started in November 2016. I took my child to the section. (I was married at that time). There is a trainer there. There is minimal communication with him in life. One day I went to his page on social media. networks (logged in from the left account). An anonymous correspondence began. Then a wee....
  • It's all the mother-in-law's fault
    I grew up without grandparents. My parents worked from morning to evening, I did everything for myself. She came home from school, heated up lunch on the stove, washed the dishes and sat down to do her homework. And this is in first grade! I also cleaned my room myself.Now our son is 14 years old. Y...
  • The husband's jealousy has crossed all boundaries
    I am 38 years old, married for 11 years. Husband is two years younger, yesdaughter . My husband is very jealous, I live according to a schedule, I can’t stay anywhere even for ten minutes, it’s immediately a scandal. It was hard at first, evenfiled for divorce , butThe husband vowed to improve. I di...
  • My real and fantastic weight loss methods
    Last night I met with my university friends (we successfully graduated from university 6 years ago) for a cupcoffee . And the conversation flowed so smoothly to a very unloved topic. No, not about the fact that “all men are goats” - here someone is lucky. We are talking about excess weight and numer...
  • My love addiction
    This is my secondmarriage . She lived with her first husband for 10 years. He was very nice, respectful of me and all members of my family, but I did not like him. In recent years, when he touched me, I wanted to scream out of dislike. They lived together for their son. I successfully made a career,...
  • The daughter-in-law is unhappy that we came to see the newborn grandson
    A month ago, our grandson was born. We were very happy and immediately after the return of the daughter-in-law from the hospital, we went to visit her and the child.But we were not happy. The daughter-in-law did not even hide her irritation. Although we brought gifts,money . She was especially unhap...
  • I am ashamed and unpleasant that the boss behaves like this
    I had a good job, friendlyteam but low pay. And soa friend lured me to her company, promising that there would be three times more money here. I agreed, who wouldn't? I got used to the new team for a long time, everything was different here, communication between employees was not welcomed by the au...
  • I don't need this kind of friendship
    My friend avoids our friendship and befriends those whom she used to condemn. A friend is my co-worker at work. When she came to us, she was new, and I was the first person she became friends with. Since then, we have become very good friends: at lunch we went out together,drinking coffee - together...
  • Mother in law says I am a bad wife to her son
    My husband and I work a lot and come home from work quite late. On weekends we go on small trips, go to the cinema, meet friends. In addition, we love to arrange romantic evenings and drink our favorite wine with cheese. We've only been together for two years. Sometimes I feel like I've known him fo...
  • Should I re-educate my husband or is it better to get a divorce?
    I want to ask for advice on what to do in my situation. My husband and I live in a civil marriage for six months. Before that, I was already married, divorced, no children (I'm 35 years old). The problem is that my currentthe husband does not want to study, work and earn properly. He is 30 years old...
  • What we have - we do not store, having lost - weep
    I need your help in this situation. I recently met a guy on the Internet, added as a friend. We talked, and when we met by chance, I was embarrassed by his height. He was a little shorter than me, and that was the only thing that stopped me. Then he offered to meet again, I refused, citing a recent....
  • Cheated on her husband with a young student
    Мне 27 лет. Вместе с мужем уже 7 лет, у нас двое замечательных детей. Мой муж — «удобный муж». С работы домой, деньги в семью, не буянит. И все его устраивает: секс 1-2 раза в месяц, вечера дома с пивом у телевизора, дети сами копошатся. Раз в неделю — вылазки в гипермаркет и раз в месяц — на прогул...
  • My short love story
    I am a 9th grade student. Often I travel from school to various competitions, and I like it. One day I came to school, everything was fine, they had fun during breaks as best they could. I took the most ordinary black gum from a classmate. When he came home, he wrote to her, does she need this gum? ...