
  • Where can one escape from such a hopeless life?
    I am 28 years old, I am divorced, I havedaughter , she is 3 years old. MyLife has recently turned into a routine without any enlightenment. My husband left me when my daughter was one year old. He doesn’t communicate with his daughter at all, doesn’t pay child support, has limited rights and will ev...
  • It's all my fault
    Kostya and I were friends from early childhood, we were neighbors, we went to the same school. We were often teased that we, like the bride and groom, were together everywhere. Our parents worked together, and I saw my friendevery day , we visited each other very often and spent all the holidays tog...
  • My daughter ignores me and hates me
    I am 59 years old, my daughter is 32. We lived in the Donbass, and when my daughter was 3 years old, I divorced my husband because he was an alcoholic. We lived on my meager salary and there was no help from her father since he did not work, there were large debts for the apartment, and when my daug...
  • Mom controls my every move and gets offended for any reason.
    I live with a constant feeling of guilt before my mother, although I didn’t do anything wrong. Mom was already in her early thirties, and she married my dad just togive birth to a child and leave her parents, who constantly blamed her for not being able to arrange her personallife _ ButWithout love,...
  • A childhood you don't want to remember
    I don’t want to complain, because I consider myself a happy woman who has a wonderfulhusband and four children I love dearly. But I simply have to share my secrets with you.My mom came outShe got married at 19 and gave birth to me at 20. First timemother and father lived in perfect harmony, but over...
  • Я убил Вашу дочь
    -Я убил Вашу дочь, — спокойным голосов в 7 утра оповестил мой зять. Но обо всем по порядку.Настенька – моя старшая дочка, в этом году ей бы исполнилось 22. Так получилось, что отца Настеньки я толком не знала, мы были знакомы пару дней, потом провели вместе 14 дне в пансионате в Крыму и разъехались....
  • I started to hate my daughter
    The daughter's father left when she was two months old. My daughter was not an easy child; she began to speak only when she was three years old, but even now she cannot form sentences normally, although she is already 12 years old. After much torment and visits to doctors, she was finally diagnosed ...
  • My Brother's Teenage Problems Disturbed the Whole Family's Peace
    My youngestmy brother entered adolescence a couple of years ago, but now he is 15, and it has escalated to the point of impossibility. I’ll say right away that we, the restfamily , we don’t worry too much about this. Except for my sister, who is 12 years old and very vulnerable.It just so happened t...
  • For a father, his wife is more important than me
    I haven't communicated with my birth father for 12 years. He forgot about me. I understand it's newwife ,love turned your head and all that. Then I found it and it seemed like they fixed itcommunication .We live in different cities, and he started calling me to his place, saying, I lived with my mot...
  • How to react to such a situation?
    Everyone who communicates with me knows that I react sharply and actively to socialproblems , I am indignant, I write complaints, letters, and participate in social activities. And I couldn’t close my eyes to this problem. But now I really need the advice of caring people so that I can make the righ...
  • My father brags about my successes, although he abandoned his family when I was three years old
    I live with my mothermy father left us when I was three years old (now 19). Now he lives in another city with a new family and he has anotherson _All these years he practically did not manifest himself at all, only sometimes on holidays. For alimonyHis mother didn’t give, she was proud, but he was h...
  • Native people
    I'm 35 years old, noI am married , I work and rent a house. This takes half of my earnings, so I can’t even dream of saving for my own apartment.There are three children in our family. My father died early, I, as the eldest, helped my mother raise my brothers. Then she went to study in the capital, ...
  • The story of my drunken life
    Everyone says thatThere is no cure for alcoholism - that's true. The truth is because there is no way andmedicine to cure it. Until a person himself wants to get rid of it. And just when he realized that this was ruining himlife , then you need to pull yourself together and give up on it, or seek he...
  • I always had to wear my sister's clothes
    My sister and Imy mother raised me alonemy father left the family when we were still little, I hardly even remember him anymore. He went to live in another city and only occasionally sent usmoney , but he never came. It was hard for my mother to earn money on her own, so I had to wear my sister’s cl...
  • Gave birth to a child in a civil marriage
    My man and I have been together for five years, and have been “friends” all this time. During this time he called me several timesget married and move in together. But every time something stops me.Two years ago I decided to break up with him, but I found out that Ipregnant by him. So we stayed toge...
  • I love a guy, but my faith doesn't allow me to be with him
    Let me first tell you a little about myself. I grew up as a sickly child. She was quiet and shy. My parents constantly tormented me. They took us to doctors and healers. ButThe treatment didn't help much. They often prayed and attended churches. Gradually I got involved. In general, we have a normal...
  • Ex-son-in-law abused child
    Whendaughter and son-in-law divorced, they could not agree on who would stay with themson _ My grandson was 5 years old at the time. After much debate, we came to an agreement thatthe child will live with his father, buthis mother will be able to see him every weekend and during the holidays. My dau...
  • Husband's family
    We got married 2 years ago. My husband said that we would live with his family for some time, and I, naive, believed it, although myMom said that he would leave me there forever. And now it’s been three years since we’ve been living with his mother, father and his sisters.He saves mefather , he love...
  • My boyfriend's father is interfering with our relationship
    I'm divorced and have an eight year oldson _ More than a year ago I met a young man whom I loved with all my soul, my feelings for him are so strong that I cannot imagine my future life without him, he is dear to me in everything, I feel that he is my man.All my family love and respect him. He calls...
  • My husband often calls me by the name of his ex-wife
    MyMy husband has a child from his first marriage. I just can't come to terms with this. I am constantly haunted by the thought that he was happy in that marriage, they even gave birth to a child.We recently started living in his parents' house and constantly talk about this boy. There are also many ...