
Food plays an important role in our lives by providing our bodies with essential nutrients and energy. It's important to watch the quality of food by choosing fresh and natural products and to diversify your diet to get all the vitamins and minerals you need. Certain foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and grains, contribute to healthy digestion and reduce the risk of various diseases. However, eating large amounts of fatty, salty and sugary foods can lead to various health problems, so it is important to watch the amount of food you eat and choose healthier options.
  • Mom refused to help me during my difficult time
    I can't find a common language with my mother. I am 29 years old. I have been living separately for over ten years. All my mom has on her mind ismoney , and this is not just my opinion. All conversations and interests come down to them. She calls every day and immediately starts telling her how much...
  • Son demands that we apologize to his wife and her mother
    I sympathize with the author of this story, because I am convinced that those sons who, having gotten married, forget their parents, do not protect them and their opinions, are just people with a very weak character. At first they were behind their parents' backs, then they stood behind their wives'...
  • My loneliness among people
    Lately I have become more and more self-absorbed. I cry more and more often, smile less and less. It feels like I'm slowly dying.I have no friends and, unfortunately, never had any. There is one girl with whom we often communicate, but we live in different cities and see each other once every six mo...
  • Resentment at the mother does not give rest
    I broke up with my son's father 5 months after his birth. He began to drink, go for walks, hardly showed up at home, spent the night with his parents, then with friends, then with another mistress. I really regret leavingmarried a month after they met, without knowing well the person with whom she w...
  • Mother-in-law demands money for living with them
    I am a teacher of elementary grades, the salary is beggarly. The husband is a security guard in the store, earnings are also not so hot. Therefore, we cannot rent an apartment, but we live with his parents. The mother-in-law suggested it herself.I did not want to live with them, but I thought that t...
  • I'm tired of my parents' constant supervision
    The fact is that my parents impose theirhelp . I'm almost 30, I have my ownfamily , home, coming soonchild . Butmy mother still seeks to control my life and interfere in it, including without my desire: what things are better to buy for a child, when and what should we change in the apartment, what ...
  • Mom herself is to blame for raising her daughter to be selfish
    After my parents divorced, we stayed in a one-room apartment. Mom worked and also worked part-time cleaning in the evenings, my sister and I were almost constantly left to our own devices. I was 12 at the time, and my sister was only six. Mom constantly asked me to look after her, said that she hope...
  • This is not how I imagined a happy family life.
    I reproach myself for putting dirty linen out of the hut, but I need advice or support. I have been married for 5 years and have known each other for 10 years. I was madly in love with my husband, one might say, idolized him. With him, I experienced twice a feeling of absolute happiness - when I wen...
  • Не могу пережить расставание
    Мне 24 года и совсем недавно у меня была жизнь, которая делала меня счастливой. С моим бывшим парнем мы жили два года, до этого были лучшими друзьями. Жили в его квартире, поэтому большую часть техники купила я. Мы всегда поддерживали друг друга и часто устраивали «дружеские вечера», где делали вид,...
  • Antibiotics in milk are a problem
    Antibiotics in milk is a problem that worries many people. Antibiotics are used in animal husbandry to prevent and treat diseases in livestock, but they can end up in the milk we consume. One of the main reasons for the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry is to prevent the spread of infections in...
  • 10 ways to lose weight
    Losing weight is a process that requires a lot of effort and perseverance. However, there are many ways to help you achieve the desired result. In this article, we will look at the 10 most effective ways to lose weight. 1. Reduced calorie intake One of the easiest ways to lose weight is to reduce yo...
  • My experience of life with Alphonse
    I had a situation similar to the one described in this story. And it also seemed that the whole snag was in the proposal. I make good money and I gladly invest a fair amount in my house, which I built myself, so that it is beautiful and bright. Yes, and household "little things" in the form of utili...
  • I'm ashamed that my parents spent their last money on me
    I have a favoritehusband . We love each other. We are not afraid of any gray life and weekdays. It so happened that before the marriage, her husband was strongly framed for goodmoney . When I married himmarried , I knew it. It didn't scare me. In the first place waslove and, moreover, mutual. He is ...
  • I lost my beloved, and with it the meaning of life
    My girlfriend and I have been together since we were 17, now we are 27. We met in our first year, fell in love and have been together ever since. During this time there were partings, she went to another, went nowhere, but I found ways to return her. The main reason for parting - I did not give her ...
  • My interesting acquaintance
    After the second year of the institute, I did an internship at the enterprise. The company was small, no more than twenty employees. The appearance of the trainee aroused interest, both among the male and female part of the team. One man in particular took care of me. At my nineteen years old, he s....
  • Husband complains that I'm a bad housewife
    Guess who's right, please? I am 32 years old. Three years of marriagehusband is two years older. We both work, I have a five-day week from 8 to 5, work in the office, but nervous. My husband has a flexible schedule, floating weekends. My salary is higher than the average for the region, my husband e...
  • None of the men really loved me
    We lived with a guy for three years together, I was then 19 years old. We met, studied together, and at graduation he took me from the knees of our classmate. They graduated, decided to live together, and it's easier to rent an apartment. Lived for six months. He plays on the computer, and I sit wit...
  • Dreams of higher education haunt me
    I studied well at school, but I did not even dream of higher education. Parents immediately warned that there was no money and that they needed to go to work. But I still graduated from college, moonlighting all the time (as a cleaning lady in the evenings) to pay for my studies. I was lucky with th...
  • Mother-in-law wants us to support her
    I got married at 31, my husband is 32. Both are well-formed personalities. After the wedding (just after), the mother-in-law began to demand from usmoney for your maintenance. She is 65. In addition to my husband, she has three more adult children. But they are worse off in life: the eldest son drin...
  • Antibiotics in milk
    Antibiotics in milk are a serious problem that can negatively affectpeople's health . In this article, we will talk about what isantibiotics in milk, how do they get intofood and how it can affect human health. Antibiotics are medicines that are used to fight infectious diseases. However, if an anim...