
  • Husband left family for son
    This is the life story of my Aunt Vera. She is 44 years old and left herhusband . They lived together for 21 years.We met in the first year of college, studied in the same group. With his attention and perseverance, he was able to win her heart, as it turned out, forever. After the army , Vera and A...
  • How to forgive and let go of your ex-husband?
    I never thought that I could have such crazy feelings for a person. We met 9 years ago, and ourThe relationship began to develop quite quickly. He was very proud of me, introduced me to his parents and we were very happy. At a certain point, a miracle happened and I became pregnant. He was happy and...
  • Ненавижу себя за такой выбор
    После скоропостижной смерти мужа мы остались с сыном одни. Хорошая квартира в престижном районе города, отличная работа, замечательный коллектив, руководящая должность, хорошая зарплата. Жили тихо и спокойно. Я с головой была погружена в работу, она занимала практически все мое время, о личной жизни...
  • Husband admitted cheating again
    My husband and I have been married for 38 years. Of these years, he cheated for all 35 years, and I didn’t even know, I felt intuitively, and he made some hints, but I didn’t attach any importance. After 10 years of marriage, he admitted that he had cheated, I found it difficult to forgive, but toIt...
  • I can no longer tolerate my husband's regular binges.
    My husband and I have been married for 5 years and have a wonderfuldaughter , she is 4 years old. He is 10 years older (soon 40). The marriage is simply bursting at the seams. I'm thinking about divorce.He had problems with alcohol before marriage (I’m his thirdwife ), but when we met, we were datin...
  • The person closest to me
    My goal was originallyfamily . Which one, I didn’t really understandI’m a plain girl , I didn’t enjoy success with guys, so at the age of 18, the first person who paid attention to me became my husband. I gave birth to himdaughter . For 2.5 years of marriage with this man, I had no joy, his frequent...
  • I don’t want my husband’s father to communicate with me and my child
    My husband and I have been together for 8 yearschild 5 years old. My father-in-law disliked me from the moment he realized that everything was serious and we decided to get married and move to another city to rent a house. He took it hard and accused me of taking my son to God knows where.Throughout...
  • This is how to forgive betrayal
    Married for 25 years. Seven 7 years ago I forgave the betrayal and withdrew the divorce petition. I didn’t know what to think or do then. On the one hand, there is anger, resentment from which you want to run away, a feeling of humiliation. On the other hand, I still lovedhusband . Besides, I hada d...
  • I'm afraid to be a single mother
    My familylife is currently collapsing like a house of cards. I have known my husband since school, started dating two years ago, and had a beautiful wedding last summer. Everything started out great, we couldn’t live without each other until we started living together. I couldn't put up with his con...
  • I can no longer live with such a husband
    Every day I regret that I leftmarried _ I am 22 years old, my husband is 25. We have been living together for two years, married for 4 months, no children.Umy husband has a two-room apartmentapartment , so at the very beginning of the relationship we started living together. Yes, I fell head over he...
  • I betrayed my husband by giving birth to my lover, but now I want to return
    My name is Anastasia, I am now 33 years old. I want to tell my sad life story. Please don’t judge me harshly, even though I deserve all your reproaches. Even though I betrayed myhusband , but I want to improve and return to him.I got married for the first time at the age of 18, for love. He was 2 ye...
  • I can't forgive my husband
    My husband and I have been living together for 8 months, and a week ago on Thursday the marriage was registered, without a celebration, we decided so ourselves. The next day, Friday, instead of celebrating our joint celebration, he went to hockey and came home drunk. He refused my offer to go with m...
  • I want to save my family, but I can’t forgive my husband
    My husband and I have been living together for almost 10 years, together for 13 years. We lived well, had children, two boys. Everything seemed to be fine, but six months ago we had a very strong fight and he left.He didn’t say where he lived, but we talked and didn’t forget the children, and the ot...
  • Hopeless loneliness
    I buried myself alive andlife is over. I ruined my own life. Waslove , weremoney , it washappiness , but a few years ago everything collapsed.I was abandoned by mymy husband is alone without a home, without money. I can'tforgive myself that I didn’t know how to handle money, always helped everyone, ...
  • Is it possible to forgive betrayal?
    Perhaps my story is as old as time and banal, but since we don’t have a psychologist in our town, I want to share it with you.This happened on New Year's Eve. MyMy husband came home late at night from a corporate party, having drunk a lot. Went to bed with my clothes on. While I was trying to take o...
  • Как полюбить парня, за которого собираюсь замуж?
    Я в прямом смысле нахожусь на перепутье и не знаю сама как мне быть. Смысл в том, что у меня есть парень. Особых чувств у меня к нему нет, но он меня любит сильно, и хочет сделать мне предложение.Проблема же в том, что я его не люблю, но отношусь к нему неплохо, потому что он реально много делал для...
  • Украла ненужные мне вещи и теперь расскаиваюсь
    Когда я была на отдыхе, мы ездили на экскурсию и заходили в магазин конных вещей. Первая часть группы ездила в один день, наша группа ехала на следующий.После приезда первой команды мы слушали их рассказы и после общих приветствий, меня и ещё пару человек отозвала эта компания в сторону и рассказала...
  • My son can't forgive me
    I'll start with the fact that mymy son is already quite an adult, he is 30 years old, but due to circumstances we live together (in the same apartment), it’s just that neither he nor I have anywhere else to go. Just 10 years ago I was a quite successful woman, had my own, albeit small, business (I w...
  • The pain doesn't go away
    I am 37 years old, my husband and I have been together for 11 years. Our son is 10 years old, our husband is 52 years old. The first three years with my husband were very difficult, he was married twice before me, he had a very difficult character, it was difficult, but there were very strong feelin...
  • Relatives are against me reconciling with my ex-husband
    I am 24, my son is 2 years old. My husband and I divorced 7 months ago. The divorce happened quickly and unexpectedly for me - I didn’t even have time to gasp. Both are to blame, but what now... I still love him and need him, but our parents are absolutely against our reconciliation. There are many ...