
Family is the foundation of society, its importance cannot be overestimated. It is the place where we are born, grow and develop. Family is the people who will always be there for us in difficult moments and support us in joyful ones. In the family we learn to love, respect and care for our loved ones. Each family member has his/her own role and responsibility, but together they create a united team where everyone can find support and understanding. Family is not only blood ties, but also love, soul connection and harmony. It gives us confidence in the future and helps us to overcome life's difficulties.

  • The guy is tired of me
    Now I’m in a desperate situation, I feel incredibly bad mentally, I’m constantly crying, I’m afraid of loneliness. I can't talk to anyone about this because it seems to me that everyone is already tired of my whining.I have a young man, alonegirlfriend andfamily with whom I have not the bestrelation...
  • How to establish a normal relationship with your father?
    I run away from my thoughts because I can’t cope with my emotions. I fill my head with studies, books, looking for new hobbies, putting more pressure on myself than I can handle, just not to think about anything. I have always been an extrovert, now I spend more time with people, feeding off their e...
  • I stopped respecting Russian guys
    I don't know what's happening to me lately. I don’t really want to lead a wild lifestyle anymore (in terms of, for example, smoking, drinking, going to a club).I completely changed my thinking, one might say I have a different mentality. I started to feel really bad about dressing openly, using foul...
  • Husband named his daughter after his ex-girlfriend
    I've been married for 10 years. Strong happy friendlyfamily . The husband is reliable, smart, handsome, well-mannered, he doesn’t earn much money, but he tries. Three children - a boy and two girls.I don't work, if we don't have enough money, then myMother . She has her own business, her parentsyour...
  • Disgust towards husband's parents
    I'm very angry with my parentshusband . They twist and manipulate him as they want, and especially himmother . When they came to match me, they promised to buy a house, I believed it, because I thought that they had this opportunity, because you couldn’t call them poor.Then we got married, and these...
  • I don't want to live like my sister
    My eldestMy sister has been restless since childhood. In addition, he is the ringleader and authority figure in any company. Everyone predicted great things for herfuture careerist. But she chose a rather strange profession for herself - a pastry chef. Instead of going to university, I just went to ...
  • I separated my husband from his mistress, but I can’t forgive him
    Myconfession is not original, thousands of women face betrayalhusband and somehow continue to live with it. But I’ll try to talk it out, maybe it will help dull mypain .Imarried for 25 years. We have an adultson , lives separately with his girlfriend, comes home 2 times a month.My husband and I live...
  • I need a normal man, not an impotent one
    I don't have any friendsfamily is also a thing of the past. I am 35 years old and have been living with a tyrant for the last six months.I understand everything, a woman should be flexible and remain silent when she doesn’t want to. My beloved and I had a big onelove , as it seemed to me, and passio...
  • I've loved my husband's friend all my life, but I never decided to leave
    Such a banal, sad life story - I fell in love with a friendhusband .It was a long time ago. FutureMy husband proposed and she agreed. Thought it wasLove . We submitted an application and set a wedding day. Everything is fine. Then trips began to visit his and my relatives and friends, we are now a c...
  • I can't please my husband no matter how hard I try.
    I am 34, my husband is 29 years old. We look the same, I'm small and fragile.I can't figure out the situation in our family. Married 6 years, yesdaughter 9 years old from her first relationship. My husband always supported me in everything, cared for me, helped me in all situations. He is quite a po...
  • Confession of a mother with a child under three years old
    In the morning I get up with an alarm clock at 7:20 to wake me uphusband to work. I don’t wish him good morning, I don’t make tea or breakfast. I angrily lift him out of bed so that his own alarm clock, to which he has been sleeping well for many years, does not irritate me and wake up my son. My so...
  • I live in someone else's family
    My name is Svetlana. I am writing a real story from my life in order to get advice. I had a hopeless situation in my family. I can’t trust my friends, and I no longer have my parents. Every day I make a new decision and I myself know that there is no other way out yet.I'll tell you everything in ord...
  • There were no white stripes in my life
    I want to tell you a real, true story about my difficult life, because I can’t keep it to myself anymore, and I can’t tell my loved ones. The story will be long, excuse me, I will write about everything that torments me.I was born into a low-income family. Mythe father did not want to have children ...
  • Jealous wife of her ex-husband
    My wife and I have been living together for a year now. She is Russian, I am Tatar. Just three months ago they officially registeredrelationship , we dated for a year before this. At that time, she had been married for seven years. Her daughter is 6 years old. But as soon as I met her, this fact did...
  • My parents' friend
    We met in the winter of 2013-2014, when I got a job with my mother at a factory. She is in the personnel department, and I am in the repair department, since I graduated from Polytechnic. Worked wellthe team is predominantly male - well, the education is specific. There are seven specialists in the ...
  • Confession of a random witness to a crime
    This happened on March 7th of this year. After a corporate party dedicated to International Women's Day, I returned home with a small bouquet of tulips and a cake. The journey from work to home is about 15 minutes, but you have to walk along a small path through a park, which is well lit and calm. O...
  • Life's difficulties couldn't break me
    I have always been an optimist in life, and no matter what happened, I tried to look for the positive in any situation. I remember very well how one of the teachers at the university said about me, they say, the smile never leaves your face and everyone would have the same attitude as me. And, indee...
  • Matched kitten
    Since my childhood, we have always had a cat in our family. When our cat died of old age, we, a little pining for him, took a small kitten for ourselves. After all, this is a true friend who always waits for you and loves you just like that. When the whole family sits down to watch TV in the evening...
  • I can no longer live with my unloved wife
    He got married because he was afraid to be alone. My mother was already old (she gave birth to me at 39 years old), my father was gone, and neither were my sisters or brothers.I didn't love my future wife, but I was sure that I would be a good husband and father. She and I grew up together, went to ...
  • The war never ends
    I read a story about a girl, Anna, who was forced to live with relatives who did not appreciate the fact that she was fleeing the war.Anna, I strongly advise you to see a psychologist, because you are not healthy. No, this is not an insult or an attempt to infringe on you. Just understand, the war n...