
Family is the foundation of society, its importance cannot be overestimated. It is the place where we are born, grow and develop. Family is the people who will always be there for us in difficult moments and support us in joyful ones. In the family we learn to love, respect and care for our loved ones. Each family member has his/her own role and responsibility, but together they create a united team where everyone can find support and understanding. Family is not only blood ties, but also love, soul connection and harmony. It gives us confidence in the future and helps us to overcome life's difficulties.

  • Children have to work
    Many of my friends have spoiled children and I understand that it will not be easy for both them and their parents in the future.Our son is 14 years old. Last summer he went to work and worked 4 hours a day. Minimum salary. We are quite wealthyfamily . But the point is different. When you earned it ...
  • Eternal lover
    I am 45 years old and my husband is 60. And I hate him. It's not even a matter of age. But I can’t leave him, there are too many things that bind me. Both the material side and purely humanly. We live together and get along. The former love and passion are long gone. As well as the money and opportu...
  • My boyfriend spoils his little sister too much
    I have a wonderful, hotbeloved and no less lovingboy . Not long ago I moved into his family’s house -mother , father,sister andBrother . And everything is great, but...Because of his little sister, I'm just panicking. Firstly, he is 25, she is 9, and until she was three years old, he was like a nann...
  • My childhood grievances
    Now I'm 31 years oldI’m married and I have two children, my son is 8 years old and my daughter is four. I love my children very much, I always find time to communicate with them, even if I am very tired, I never take it out on them, but my mood varies, I almost never refuse them anything. Whenmy son...
  • Softness or paranoia?
    My wife and I have been living together for more than 10 years, we have two children. This is the second one for both me and her.marriage .I recently learned that when mythe wife lived with her first husband, she hadlover , I even know him. When she divorced her first husband, her lover went to pris...
  • Large family - vaccination against motherhood
    I come from a large family and therefore I have no children. I got married late, I was still looking for a man who also didn’t need children. My poor childhood inoculated me forever against maternal instinct.My parents are believers and believed that there should be as many children as God gives. We...
  • My husband's friend turns him against his family
    I have been married for 9 years, before marriage and before my friend met me.the husband was his “best friend,” a kind of married bachelor. All the birthdays of friends, where everyone is with their wives or other halves, he is alone, on vacation - alone, on weekends with friends, despite the presen...
  • I want a normal family
    I want to tell the real story of my divorce from my wife and explain its reasons. Explain, rather, for myself, because... Because of women's solidarity, I do not hope for objectivity in the comments under this confession.Today I am happy because I have two wonderful microorganisms, two and four year...
  • After my divorce from my husband, my son stopped listening to me
    After the divorce, I am raising my son alone, now he is 10 years old, at the time of the divorce he was three. Denis communicates with his father regularly, but I see that he is not an authority for his son. I thought it was because he doesn’t live with us, although beforetheir relationship was more...
  • How to decide to divorce an aggressive husband?
    I already wrote mineconfession about aggressionhusband , I want to add one more thing. He had this behavior for a long time. But, unfortunately, I was as if I was blind.The first time he behaved aggressively was when we celebrated our first New Year . There were three of us - minesister , me and him...
  • I tolerate this attitude so that my son has a father.
    My life story began a little over two years ago. At first it seemed to me that this was my conscious choice of a man. I even made a plan, described point by point what qualities he should have, apparently I missed one point -alcoholism .I clearly understood that I was turning a blind eye to obvious ...
  • Ex-wife forbids seeing children
    Five years ago I divorced my wife. We have two children together. We agreed on the amount of alimony. Everything suited her. I paid good alimony. Everything was fine until the moment she appearedgirl in my life. And exthe wife changed dramatically. Bans on communication, blocking on social networks....
  • Not everything can be forgiven
    This happened when I was 11 years old, and my younger brother was 10. As a child, I did not understand and simply could not, due to my age, know some things. For me we had a happyfamily , everything is as it should be, loving dad,mother , grandparents. Both then and now I cannot understand why every...
  • How to get your beloved man back?
    I am 30 years old, my husband is 28. We lived with our common-law husband for almost 4 years. The first two years were amazing. And I was easy-going, didn’t nag, didn’t control. Well, then, apparently, she began to pester him. He himself is also explosive in nature at times, don’t even ask a word ab...
  • Hatred for daughter-in-law
    After reading a story where an adultmy son doesn’t want to communicate with his mother, I’ll tell you about the relationships in our family. I'm the eldestmother's daughter . The family is large and their only, long-awaited and beloved son is mine.Brother . And when he got married, I watched until m...
  • The past doesn't let me live in peace
    In the past I led a wild lifestyle: clubs, bars,alcohol , men. By the age of 18, I had a not very good reputation, you understand. My family is decent, my parents don’t drink. My entire family fought with me, from my grandmothers to my cousin’s husband. It got to the point that I was locked at home:...
  • The husband has not forgiven his daughter and does not recognize his grandson and son-in-law
    My husband and I have two grown children. Happyfamily , strongmarriage . But 6 years ago something happened that divided ourlife in terms of “before” and “after”.Olderdaughter divorced her first husband and leftmarried her lover and gave birth to a son with him. MyThe husband could not understand an...
  • Stepfather ruined our whole life
    I want to emphasize that we live in Tajikistan andmy mom is Russianfather was Tajik. My father died when I was 4 years old, ourthe family consists of my brother’s mother and there is also an aunt, but she lives separately from us in another region. Mom suffered a lot and suffered throughout her enti...
  • How to stop loving your ex-lover?
    At the age of 19, I met a handsome and successful man, 11 years older than me. At first he hid the fact that he was married andchild , then said that he rushed to get married, now he repents, but he cannot get a divorce, because he loves his son very much.I understood that I needed to arrange mylife...
  • The husband helps only the parents, but hardly cares about the child
    My husband and I have been married for 2.5 years, and we have a smallchild , he is already 1.5 years old. My husband works and earns a decent salarymoney , I'm on maternity leave with a child. Due to my youth, it so happened that I took out loans, so there is very little money left from my salary. B...