
  • Tired of life
    I never understood my place in life. At first I had hope andfaith in the future, a series of new images, dreams of a bright future. Faith that everything will work out. This did not last long. One day gave way to another, each one similar to the previous one, a feeling of déjà vu. Apathy settled ins...
  • When I met a girl I lost everything I had
    I am 22 years old, my wife is 23. We have been married for only 4 years, but during this short time I personally have experienced almost all the delights of family life.I myself grew up in an Orthodox family,Since childhood, my mother taught me to be clean and tidy, both in my appearance and in the ...
  • There were no white stripes in my life
    I want to tell you a real, true story about my difficult life, because I can’t keep it to myself anymore, and I can’t tell my loved ones. The story will be long, excuse me, I will write about everything that torments me.I was born into a low-income family. Mythe father did not want to have children ...
  • The guy listened to his mother and left his pregnant girlfriend
    It started onmy daughter's birthday . When she turned 1 year old, all our close friends and relatives gathered. My husband and I were married for exactly 2 years, we were happy and everyone just adored mydaughter . I was at the partyhusband's nephew - Ildar,Mom's friend Aunt Vera , and her daughter ...
  • Husband left family for son
    This is the life story of my Aunt Vera. She is 44 years old and left herhusband . They lived together for 21 years.We met in the first year of college, studied in the same group. With his attention and perseverance, he was able to win her heart, as it turned out, forever. After the army , Vera and A...
  • I'm not like others
    I am 30 years old. I'm young and strong. Good position and good salary. Eatfamily . In general, everything is like everyone else. But for many years I have been tormented by the thought that I live in vain. No goals, no desires.Since childhood, I was only interested in books; I did not like to play ...
  • I was broken by my wife's betrayal
    We got married 12 years ago. At that time I was 28 and my wife was 26. Within a yearwife visited twicepregnant , but not developing both timespregnancy . I had to have abortions.When we underwent examinations, we learned that we were suffering from a whole bunch of sexually transmitted diseases. In ...
  • How to overcome feelings of loneliness and start a new relationship?
    I am 18 years old, which seems to be the best age, but recently an unpleasant situation has occurred in my life. I dated a young man for a year and a half, we studied at the same school, only he was a year older, he had just graduated, and I had just transferred to this school in the 10th grade. He ...
  • My father ruined my whole life
    I am 16 years old, I passed all the exams and finished 10th grade. I want to talk about my unstable normal state, I often have psychoses and periods when I hate everyone who is near me. It happens that a person is just sitting next to me or drinking tea or saying something and I want him to leave. I...
  • My wife did not support me in difficult times
    At work there was a conflict with my boss and I was transferred to another department. I already regret that I couldn’t restrain myself, and especially that I told my wife about this. The salary used to be 80 thousand, plus bonuses, but now it’s 24! My wife doesn't give me peace of mind because of t...
  • Подруга-ревнивица
    Когда я училась в институте, то подружилась с одной приятной девушкой. Назовем её Аня. Вместе проучились год и продолжили общение. Сложилась компания из Ани, меня, Аниной сестры и еще одной нашей общей подруги из института — Веры.Подруг у меня мало, я ими дорожу. Когда Аня познакомилась и начала вст...
  • I love a guy, but my faith doesn't allow me to be with him
    Let me first tell you a little about myself. I grew up as a sickly child. She was quiet and shy. My parents constantly tormented me. They took us to doctors and healers. ButThe treatment didn't help much. They often prayed and attended churches. Gradually I got involved. In general, we have a normal...
  • The ruin of my whole life
    Just recently I had a wonderfulfamily -wife anddaughter , for whose benefit I worked as Papa Carlo. And now I don't want to see them both. They both disgust me to the point of nausea, after everything I've learned, and I've been staying with a friend for a week now.We work together in the same compa...
  • God's ways are mysterious
    During my first birth, I gave birth to two charming twin daughters. And now, eight years later, my husband and I decided that it wouldn’t hurt to expand our family. This summer we traveled around the country, were in Moscow, St. Petersburg, went to churches and holy places. We went to Sergiev Posad ...
  • I don't believe in friendship and good relations
    The opinion that there is no friendship between a man and a woman does not always correspond to the truth, but I had just the opposite. I had a friend since my school years, we lived not far from each other, studied in the same class, in the morning he came for me and we went to school together, al....