
  • Mom suddenly changed her attitude towards me
    We were never close to my mother, but in my adolescence, when I was an downtrodden child, embarrassed by my appearance,mom stood next to meevery day , I was likegirlfriend ,sister , we shared everything in the world with each other, there were no secrets. It was the happiest time. The only thing is ...
  • The guy suddenly lost interest in me
    It all started 8 years ago. We were students and became good friends. I knew that he liked me, but I could only treat him as a friend, since I didn’t perceive him in any way. Soon he began dating my classmate, and she, being angry with me, forbade him to communicate with me.For the next 8 years, con...
  • My husband can't have children and I left him
    I turned 19 years old. Since childhood, I was the happiest child, everyone loved me, I studied well, played sports. After 9th grade, I decided to go to college in the city - a 30-minute drive from our village. Everything was so cool, I studied, met people, I had a lot of friends, a lot of fans. And ...
  • My fragile happiness
    Over the years in my life, I have met many different people. Some pretended to be kind and polite, hiding under a mask of indifference. Others were arrogant, wearing imaginary crowns of omnipotence.Everyone’s goal was only their own benefit and well-being. They were ready to go through the destinies...
  • How my mother-in-law deceived me with an apartment
    He met a girl, dated for about a year, then got married. My wife's parents, in addition to the house they lived in, hadapartment .After the wedding, they invited us to live there. The apartment was owned by the mother-in-law. During the three years of living in this apartment, we almost constantly e...
  • I lost my boyfriend's trust
    It's probably stupid for me to write this story now, but I want to share, and maybe someone will give me advice on how to proceed. I am 18 years old, probably now you will think what a stupid little girl, she has not lived anything at all and does not know life at all, but I want to assure you that ...
  • Is it possible to resurrect our relationship with a guy?
    I haverelationship with a guy has been going on for 7 years. At first he stubbornly looked after me, for about a year. At that time I was going through a turning point, since my dearest dad died, there was bitterness in my soul, it was lonely. And somehow he became like family to me. And everything....
  • I have no idea about family
    Мне 34 года. Начну с того, что представлений о семье у меня никогда не было. Меня воспитывала одна мама и та время от времени уходила в загулы. Она меня любила, но какой-то материнской теплоты и заботы я не чувствовала. С отцом она развелась, когда я только родилась, и он уехал в Украину, где до сих...
  • The degradation of literature
    I decided to raise an important topic for society - the culture of reading books. About myself I can say that I am a lover of spending time reading a fascinating book. For some time now, I have been observing a greater preference for books by modern authors than classics. But in any case, it all dep...
  • How to get a bad husband back?
    My husband and I lived for 9 years, we have two children, 11 and 4 years old. We met when he studied at the institute, and I at the technical school, we met a little. Then it seemed to me that he was kind of frivolous. He swore to me that he would change, that he would be a good husband, and I belie...
  • The only thing holding me back is the fear of losing my children.
    I've been a member of Alcoholics Anonymous for a year now. I'm scared to even think what will happen if I break again. I am ashamed and sad about this. I have been married for a little over seven years. My husband and I met at work and almost immediately began to live together. We didn’t have a magn...
  • Two identical scenarios of my love
    I am 20 years old. I have had two long term relationships. Some lasted 3 years, and the second - six months. The first relationship was quite difficult, because both I and the guy were the first. Therefore, they made many mistakes in behavior. They often quarreled, but somehow smoothed out the corne...
  • Is it possible to return the love of a husband?
    From the time of my youth, I knew that in the future I would have a strong friendlyfamily . I dreamed of a big beautiful house with our own yard, where we would spend time with the children. I imagined how I would take care of flowers, enjoy life surrounded by loved ones. In her first year at univer...
  • Can you trust your loved one again?
    We met her on the Internet, shared hobbies, came to visit, liked it. I offered to be together, she arrived already with things. We lived for a while, then I began to notice a lack of respect and interest in me, quarrels, when I ask what is wrong - she does not answer. It bothered me because I can no...
  • I acted recklessly, what should I do now?
    What if there has been a betrayal? How to understand iflove for these three years of marriage? We are 12 years apart! He was previously married. Our acquaintance was a month after his divorce, we lived for the first year, because it was necessary, it was so convenient for him! I thought so at the ti...
  • There is life after betrayal
    Much has already been said about betrayal, and there is simply no point in saying something else. I want to talk about something else. How to live on and what now after the betrayal? Once upon a time, I went through a betrayal. In short, the former dearly loved and desired oncewife cheated with our ...
  • What we have - we do not store, having lost - weep
    I need your help in this situation. I recently met a guy on the Internet, added as a friend. We talked, and when we met by chance, I was embarrassed by his height. He was a little shorter than me, and that was the only thing that stopped me. Then he offered to meet again, I refused, citing a recent....
  • Ревность парня переходит все границы
    В ноябре прошлого года я познакомилась с молодым человеком, мы начали встречаться. При этом он мне сразу сказал, что крайне ревнив и попросит меня хранить его покой. То есть, поводов не давать. В январе этого года он узнал, что я переписывалась с одним моим знакомым, с которым в прошлом состояла в о...
  • I can't forget him and I don't know how to get him back
    The beginning of our romance was stormy, and I do not even doubt that then he loved me very much. We lived together for more than a year, everything was great until he found out that I was pregnant. It was then that he began to tell me that he was not going to be with me all his life, that it was t....