
  • Husband insists on getting married
    My husband and I have been married for 24 years. Next year we will celebrate our silver wedding. We have two children - 22 and 15 years old. We live a normal, stable life, a small common business, but there has been no spark in the relationship for a long time. Quickerhabit , respect,friendship . Al...
  • The guy's parents are strangers to me
    I am 21 years old. I'm going out soonmarry your loved one. He's great, even wonderfulboy .We have been dating for a long time, we are going to get married, because we don’t want to lose each other, but he wants us to live with his parents. He's the only onechild in the family. His parents are old, b...
  • Meeting after 30 years
    The story that happened to me is simply similar to the story wherewife doesn't want to live out her lifelife with a boring husband. Only I was 55 years old.Once upon a time there wasLove . Without a bed, of course. Romance. We dated for 5 years. They studied, then his army was waiting for him. He ca...
  • Why did love leave so quickly?
    I have known him for a long time, about 15 years, we have never been connected by anything. I left at the right timegot married , gave birth to a son, he also got married 3 years ago, no children. I have been divorced for 7 years now. And then 3 months ago we met at a friends place, there was some k...
  • Why don't women appreciate what they have?
    Lived with my wife for 21 years. There is an adultson , studies at university. All the difficulties are behind us, having survived together, you can breathe a sigh of relief and live for yourself. But something happened that I never expected. Cheated on mewife _She did not hide the fact that she fel...
  • The grandson was disappointed in girls and now does not want to get married
    I raised my grandson from the age of 3 months on my own, alone. Daughter came outmarried a second time, and he turned out to be an alcoholic. My grandson called me, but not only called me, but always considered me mom. We were not only with himmom andson , but also great friends. Everything that nee...
  • Unexpected meeting with ex-husband
    After ten years of marriagemy husband said that we need to leave because he has been in love with another woman for a long time. It was so unexpected for me that I didn’t believe him right away, I thought it was a joke.Not everything was smooth in our relationship with him, but I never noticed that ...
  • I don't love my mother
    I don’t have an understanding with my mother, and never have. Everything common ends at the material level. There is no emotional, and especially spiritual, intimacy. Of course, maybe the problem is that I look like the father she didn’t love, but leftmarried because she was already twenty-six years...
  • My husband doesn't spend any time with his family
    I don't know what to do in this situation. My husband doesn't spend any time with his family at all. Let's start with the fact that I leftI got married quite early, at 19, and he was my first man. Before the wedding, he behaved wonderfully and was just an angel in the flesh. Then we really wanted a ...
  • I sleep with married women
    I have never had any problems with the opposite sex. Girls always paid special attention to me. I take care of myself, nature has blessed me with a pleasant appearance, I am not stupid and witty, I earn good money. For many women, I am an excellent candidate for a husband, which they constantly tell...
  • A friend stole my daughter's name
    I havea friend who I consider a sister. Or rather, that's what I thought before. She is alone in the family, I also have no brothers and sisters. That's why we became such friends.They shared everything and supported each other. She knew I didn't like my name. I was named after my grandmother - Any....
  • My mother-in-law and sister-in-law are stealing money from our family
    I leftI’m married , I have my own apartment, a car, I make good money. My husband and I live in my apartment (he doesn’t have his own), he works and also makes good money.There are practically no quarrels in the family, except for one topic: more than half of your salaryThe husband gives it to his m...
  • My husband doesn't respect my parents
    I leftmarry for love, respect yourhusband , I do everything, including around the house. The house is private, I heat the stove myself, remove the snow, plant a vegetable garden, a small potato field behind the house, chickens, goats, geese, in general, this is my job, I take care of everything, bec...
  • Help me make peace with my grandmother
    I am 19 years old. My name is Dima, I live with my grandmother. It so happened that after the death of his fathermom came out againmarried _ I have nothing against it, I communicate with her, and with Uncle Vova, and with brother Vitalik, and I have been living with my grandmother for several years....
  • Is it possible to start life over?
    My story is about howlife gives you what you ask for and not quite.I once hadthe family seemed happy,husband is a good man, kind, perky, smart,There was love , only gradually everything just turned into gray everyday life. This is a long story, but we broke up, the children stayed with me, I continu...
  • The best man ruined my wedding
    Things didn't work out with my friends. There were always few of them, and over the years there were none at all. Someone betrayed me, someone leftgot married and stopped communicating, common interests with someone disappeared, andfriendship faded away. When I planned my wedding, it turned out that...
  • A boring life with an unloved husband
    I read a story about an unloved onehusband . I’m probably as ungrateful as the author of that confession. And wandering in the dark.Of course, now they will say that it is her own fault. I don't argue thatthere is my fault , but what can I do with the stamps forever hammered in by my parents, a stra...
  • How to cope with a divorce?
    I understand everything, I’ve read a bunch of articles, but now I need advice from real people. Here's my story.Got married at 21husband is the same age. Of course, it was early, but I loved him so much, and it seemed to me that he also loved me. At this point, we have lived together for 21 years, b...
  • Mom thinks only about herself
    Mom always dreamed of living at sea, and I, in principle, agreed with her, especially when my father passed away. I saw that she was sad, melancholy, and everything reminded her of him, but I thought that together we would find some way out of the situation. For example, let’s save some money and bu...
  • My failed marriage
    I'm 29 years old, I got out 6 years agomarried a young man, met at work, he was a driver. There wasn’t much romance, we met, were friends, we wanted to live separately from our parents. And since it was more profitablerent an apartment together, that’s what we did. Three months later we got married,...