
  • My husband's unfulfilled dreams
    After the first unsuccessful experience of family relationships, it took me a very long time to come to my senses, work, raisedaughter and spent all her free time with her family. And I never thought about linking my destiny with anyone.And so it happened, our relatives invited us to the wedding, it...
  • Our relationship is an endless series of quarrels and insults.
    MyThe confession will be long, but believe me, this is one trailer! I'm 24 years old and I have a terribledepression ,life is absolutely not fun.Five years ago I met a man (Alexey, he is now 33 years old), he was married (his wife’s name is Galina), but they did not have children in their marriage f...
  • Difficult choice or no choice?
    I never thought that I would confess.I'm 37 years old, firstmarriage , married for 5 years. Late marriage . Before that, I worked a lot and built a career. My wife is a year younger. He and his wife did not have children. At first it didn’t work, then she didn’t want to. I myself am a civil servant,...
  • Husband loves first wife
    I got married late, at 36 years old. Uthis is my husband's secondmarriage _ He first told me how bad his first one waswife , which flattered me very much. I tried my best to be better than her, butmy husband didn't appreciate it. She was a good and understanding wife, even when her husband stayed la...
  • My husband considers me his child
    Thanks to the Confessions website for giving me the opportunity to speak out, and thanks to everyone who reads and shares advice.I am 20 years old. My husband is 33. Outgot married when I was 18 years old. He helped meforget the first onelove , and showed what it means to be truly loved. And I mysel...
  • My husband often calls me by the name of his ex-wife
    MyMy husband has a child from his first marriage. I just can't come to terms with this. I am constantly haunted by the thought that he was happy in that marriage, they even gave birth to a child.We recently started living in his parents' house and constantly talk about this boy. There are also many ...
  • Problems communicating with old mother
    My mother is 74 years old. At one time she worked as a teacher, then in a management position until retirement. We started having problems in our relationship with her a long time ago.There were two of us in the family. The older brother and I are the younger onedaughter _ As a child, my brother suf...
  • There are no ex-wives
    I became convinced that there are no ex-wives. MyMy husband divorced his wife ten years ago, and five years later he met me. He had affairs, but he married me.He and his ex-wife have something in commonthe child she is trying to manipulate almost calls himevery day . ThatMy daughter has problems at ...
  • My son cannot forgive me for leaving my family
    Five years ago I left my wife for another woman. He accepted her child from her first marriage and established good relations with him.relationship _ The baby was 4 years old, he did not know his father. He quickly got used to me and began calling me dad.My own son was 10 years old at the time of my...
  • Не везет и все тут...
    Я с детства верила, что у меня все будет, как в кино. Но детские мечты не стали реальностью. В школе я была замкнутой и не особо общительной. По клубам я никогда не любила ходить. Мне больше нравилось домашнее времяпрепровождение, поэтому и была напряженность общения с чужими людьми.В 14 лет у меня ...
  • I'm surprised by my reaction to my wife's cheating
    I am 38 years old, yeswife and triplets (boys), who are already 18 years old. This story happened to me this morning.I’m getting ready for work, and then my wife comes up to me, tearful, and admits to cheating. The sons heard this, but the thing is that I actually didn’t react to her in any way.conf...
  • Strange women
    I read here that all friendsmarried , only the author of the story is alone and decided to write about her friends.I have a lot of friends who came outmarry the one who first proposed. Eatfriend , her husband is 40, she is 27. He was married, butwife I couldn’t give birth , he deceived my friend, di...
  • Wife encourages daughter to be lazy
    Are collapsingrelationship with his wife, constant quarrels over her daughter.We have been living in a civil marriage for 1.5 years, our daughter is 18 years old. Quarrels because she never cleans up after herself, what she doesn’t do, leaves a mess, especially when she ate, she left everything like...
  • My husband did not approve of my desire to communicate with his daughter from my first marriage
    So for me it’s the same as for the author of the story, wherethe husband does not want to see the children from his first marriage.My husband hasdaughter from her first marriage. She is 9 years old. He divorced her mother when the girl was 3 years old. My daughter often lives with her mother-in-law,...
  • I became a housekeeper for my family
    I want to share my own life story. Ourthe family is happy and prosperous for others and friends. There is prosperity in the house, the children study well (the eldest son is already in his first year at a prestigious university),daughter is a schoolgirl.After the birth of my second child, I never we...
  • The ruin of my whole life
    Just recently I had a wonderfulfamily -wife anddaughter , for whose benefit I worked as Papa Carlo. And now I don't want to see them both. They both disgust me to the point of nausea, after everything I've learned, and I've been staying with a friend for a week now.We work together in the same compa...
  • How to find an excuse for cheating?
    I, too, like the author of the story, madly loved my beautiful young wife, and did not want to lose my child. How many thoughts were spinning in my head to try to find excuses for her cheating. And I even found reasons, or invented them myself, that I was wrong somewhere, but this did not save me fr...
  • I don't want to lose the woman I love
    Six years ago I met someone I still love and I can’t do anything about it. At that time I was 29 years old. I got married at the age of 22, which is called out of necessity (pregnancy ).My wife and I were too young and not ready for family life. MyMom immediately said that my wife and I are complete...
  • Churched wife
    I have been married for 11 years, there isdaughter _ There is no emotional contact with my wife, at all. She is a believer, a churchgoer, and all her thoughts are about God.The wife is responsible, a good housewife,mother andwife , but she does all this automatically to please higher powers. But I c...
  • How to find strength in yourself and stop your husband’s systematic infidelities
    After reading this confession, I want to tell a real story that I witnessed in my time.I lived alonegirl _ Came out at the right timegot married , gave birth to three children, pulled the family burden without considering what her responsibilities were and what her husband’s. The husband didn’t exer...