
  • Large family - vaccination against motherhood
    I come from a large family and therefore I have no children. I got married late, I was still looking for a man who also didn’t need children. My poor childhood inoculated me forever against maternal instinct.My parents are believers and believed that there should be as many children as God gives. We...
  • The consequences of my pregnancy at 16 years old
    I am 19 years old, yesdaughter . There was a civilian with my daughter's fathermarriage , but we did not live together for long and soon separated. At the moment I havea guy who knows about my child and has serious intentions towards me. I have no doubt about his love. We've known each other for 4 y...
  • I'm afraid that during the wedding my friend cast a spell on me
    Your futureI waited for my husband for a very long time, but when I met him, I realized that he and I were made for each other. We were madly in love. When he proposed to me, I immediately agreed to become his wife. Then I proposed to my husband to get married. He didn't mind and said he would do wh...
  • I'm addicted to drugs
    I'm 19 years old and I'm a drug addict. This problem has kept me from living for the last 9 months. I tried a lot of drugs. No one put me on or forced me, I decided to try it myself, and for the first couple of months I used it alone, since I had no friends in the new country.My mental health can no...
  • My husband's friend turns him against his family
    I have been married for 9 years, before marriage and before my friend met me.the husband was his “best friend,” a kind of married bachelor. All the birthdays of friends, where everyone is with their wives or other halves, he is alone, on vacation - alone, on weekends with friends, despite the presen...
  • I'm not ashamed that I had such a childhood
    It's my time to tell my life story, which many are shocked when I tell it. But it was thanks to her that I learned to sew and have now become the owner of an atelier.While I was little, about seven years old, IMom sent us to wash other people’s dishes from our neighbors and friends. She was still af...
  • I want a normal family
    I want to tell the real story of my divorce from my wife and explain its reasons. Explain, rather, for myself, because... Because of women's solidarity, I do not hope for objectivity in the comments under this confession.Today I am happy because I have two wonderful microorganisms, two and four year...
  • It's never too late to change your life
    I lived in a wealthy family, good clothes, cosmetics. After school I went to college in another city, but since my parents were very strict and kept a tight rein on me, I succumbed to the temptation of the big city, clubs, bars and abandoned my studies.I met a guy in a club, 10 years older than me, ...
  • With looks like this I have no future
    I am 19 years old. At the age of 15 I was very worried about my appearance. I'm not fat, I just don't have a figure and my facial features are kind of ugly. But I survived it all.No, I didn’t accept myself at all, as idealists usually advise, but I simply realized that to each his own. Apparently fa...
  • It doesn't get any easier
    Today is February... what date? Oh yes, today is February 10th. It's almost a year since you and I divorced. For you, this day has become something new, a new page in your life. For me, this was the first day of real hell. They say that when a relationship breaks down, both are to blame. Yes, this i...
  • I survived betrayal and divorce
    I am the author of a confession about divorce due to my illness. Time passed, and I decided to write how it all ended and how I live now.I want to say that those who said in the comments that I would get up and survive everything were right. That’s right, I got back on my feet and was able to surviv...
  • My loneliness in a large family
    Has not left me since childhoodloneliness , although I grew up in a large family,my mother didn’t consider me a person at all,love went to my younger brothers and sister, and I, from the age of seven, was a cleaner, cook, laundress, and nanny.At the same time, my mother always did not miss an opport...
  • Pregnant from a married but beloved man
    I met him at work when I was in my early twenties. He did not hide the fact that he was married and had a child, but at the same time he always told me that he and his wife had not slept for a long time, but lived only by inertia. I was getting good regularsex and attention that I needed at that mom...
  • Do husbands have the right to do this?
    My friend and I have been friends for eight years. We met by chance near the entrance to a supermarket located not far from our house. Satisfied and happy, covered in shopping, I dropped my phone, and she picked it up. It turned out that she and I live in the same yard. I was very glad to meet you. ...
  • Family life was not what I imagined it to be
    I am 31 years old, yeshusband anda child who is only 6 months old, with her husband inThey got married precisely because of pregnancy, but they really wanted a child and are happy that they became parents.But that's justRelations between each other have become very bad lately, there are constant qua...
  • Why are people like my friend always lucky?
    My friend Nadya and I sat at the same desk for 11 years. They quarreled, made peace, and overcame difficulties together. We shared our thoughts and girlish secrets.After school, our paths diverged, but contact was not lost. I have always been energetic, combative, with an active lifestyle. I chose a...
  • An unusual declaration of love during the war
    It's been several years since I read different stories on this site. And now the time has come when I decided to post my own love story. Very, very unusual. Completely devoid of any element of eroticism. And probably the most beautiful.The first time I fell in love at the age of 11 with a classmate ...
  • The guy I love considers me just a friend
    Two months ago I entered college and there I met an amazing man, he is handsome, smart, interesting. At the beginning, when I saw him for the first time, I thought he was amazing and my heart sank and it seemed to me that I fell in love for a second, just like that at first sight. But I threw away t...
  • My parents ruined my life with their selfishness.
    I'm the only onethe child is with my parents and I always heard that it was difficult for them to even imagine that I could leave them, so I stayed to study and then work in my hometown, although the prospects in the capital were much better. But I got used to obeying my parents in everything, and w...
  • Not everything can be forgiven
    This happened when I was 11 years old, and my younger brother was 10. As a child, I did not understand and simply could not, due to my age, know some things. For me we had a happyfamily , everything is as it should be, loving dad,mother , grandparents. Both then and now I cannot understand why every...