
  • How can I explain to my girlfriend that I don't like going to nightclubs?
    Yulia and I have been dating for six months now. We study at the same university, although our groups and specialties are different. It seems that we have complete mutual understanding on the main issues, we don’t quarrel over trifles, but there is one topic in which we just can’t find a common lang...
  • Mom is against me getting married a second time
    I have long wanted to seek help from a specialist, because... I am a psychologist by profession, but I can’t help myself. I'll try to write briefly. I have been divorced for three years (I lived with my ex-husband for 9 years), I have a 6-year-old son. And for almost three years I have been dating a...
  • Stepfather ruined our whole life
    I want to emphasize that we live in Tajikistan andmy mom is Russianfather was Tajik. My father died when I was 4 years old, ourthe family consists of my brother’s mother and there is also an aunt, but she lives separately from us in another region. Mom suffered a lot and suffered throughout her enti...
  • Friend didn't wish you happy birthday
    One of my friends did not congratulate me onHappy Birthday . It's upsetting to me. And I don’t know if I should congratulate him on his birthday now.It would seem that everything is simple. Well, the man forgot for some reason. In principle, this is a small thing. Canforgive , don’t hold a grudge fo...
  • My loneliness weighs me down, but I don’t dare change anything
    I am 21 years old. Completely independent, I provide for myself. She’s not a beauty in appearance, but she can’t be called a freak either. The figure is so-so - plump. But I watch my appearance very carefully.Interests are varied. I can talk on any topic. I am always ready to listen and support, to ...
  • My boyfriend can't let go of his past relationship because of his baby?
    I have a rather difficult situation for me and I ask you, as if from the outside, to give me some advice. And the situation is this: I’m dating a man, very good, wonderfulrelationship . We don't live together. And this topic has not yet come up with us. Although we have been dating for almost a year...
  • My wife doesn't listen to me and doesn't understand me
    I was sadexperience in a relationship where I was betrayed and exchanged formoney . I am 27 years old, I play sports, work, without bad habits. In January 2017, I met a girl (before we met, I didn’t allow women to approach me in terms of relationships, as I had a very difficult time withbetrayal ).W...
  • My ruined life
    I hate minelife , your environment, your parents. Nobody has ever loved me, since I was born.I am 29 years old, I live in a small village (10 thousand inhabitants). Mother gave birth to me becausemy father wanted it, but since I didn’t see my mother’s love, I was closed and unsociable, my father was...
  • How to stop loving your ex-lover?
    At the age of 19, I met a handsome and successful man, 11 years older than me. At first he hid the fact that he was married andchild , then said that he rushed to get married, now he repents, but he cannot get a divorce, because he loves his son very much.I understood that I needed to arrange mylife...
  • My emotional dependence on a married man
    My story is banal and as old as the world. I can tell my friends, but they have enough problems of their own. You just need to talk it out.I'm quite old now. There were also marriages, but they didn’t work out, there were no children. Three years ago, at an entertainment event, I met a man.At first ...
  • My sister's love for a non-existent person
    A year ago my niece hadproblems with a company of very serious young people, various threats against her and much more. We didn’t communicate at that time, there were reasons for that. I really wanted to help her and decided to create a page on a social network. I created a guy’s page and gained her...
  • Второй брак еще хуже первого
    Моя жизнь — это комок из неправильных и скоропостижных решений, в результате которых я теряю себя и не понимаю, как жить дальше, и что делать.Мне 30 лет, живу в Москве, родом из другого города, четыре года уже живу в Москве, прижилась так сказать. Я в браке, это мой второй брак, в этом году в январе...
  • My sad relationship with Dima
    My name is Alexandra, I'm 17 years old. I will try to briefly tell a story from my life.This Dima and I studied together from the first grade, and from the 5th grade we became best friends. Then he confessed his love to me, but it was childishly stupid - at such and such an age. But he almost came t...
  • Letter for a loved one
    “Vadimushka Ivanovich” is so sweet. Really, really? This is the only thing I could write to you. I can’t help but think about you, everything is so complicated. You are silent, as usual, lately. And I, well, I don’t know how to break the ice between us. How I miss you and how I wish you were differe...
  • From the heart
    I'm glad you were in my life. Even if it was not something light, bright, correct, but it was something real. Relationships without deception, warmth without guile. You were my outlet, my support, although you didn’t even know it.It's so nice to accept, love, without cloggingrelationships with stupi...
  • I'm completely alone and a stranger to everyone in this world
    MyI decided to write a confession not to cry or ask for help and ask what to do and how to live now. My story has long ended and everything is left behind.The only purpose for which I am writing here is to speak out. I survived everything and, having stepped over it, moved on, butThe pain never went...
  • Was this meeting a coincidence?
    I worked two years ago at a military institute. I met cadet Tolya there. For a whole month he went to the headquarters every other day to see me and spent a whole month trying to get my phone number. Before the New Year, I gave him my number.SMS, calls, meetings began. Tolya me likethe man attracted...
  • I don't want to talk to this friend anymore
    For quite some time now I have lost the desire to communicate with my friend. I realized that she and I are completely different people and there are no common themes. I have no desire to tell her anything, and I am not interested in her affairs.My friend and I studied in the same class. In seventh ...
  • I'm afraid of men
    I want to speak out and talk about painful things. I am younggirl , I’m 20 years old, I have a lot of friends, I’m sociable, I have my own good income, so I don’t depend on anyone. She left home when I was 17 and never appeared there again. From that moment I began to live independently, in every se...