
  • Where can one escape from such a hopeless life?
    I am 28 years old, I am divorced, I havedaughter , she is 3 years old. MyLife has recently turned into a routine without any enlightenment. My husband left me when my daughter was one year old. He doesn’t communicate with his daughter at all, doesn’t pay child support, has limited rights and will ev...
  • Not life, just a nightmare
    Just recently I came across this wonderful site, and I had the opportunity to talk about my life, while remaining almost completely anonymous. It's just some kind of gift from above. Finally I have the opportunity to talk about everything that is happening in my life.I am 17 years old. I was born in...
  • Tired of sadness and loneliness
    Since childhood, I dreamed of a big family, so that I would have a family member besides my mother.brother orsister _ Dad died early, when I was 6 years old. I don't remember him at all.Four years latermom came outmarried _ How I wanted my mother to have a child. But my dream did not come true, and ...
  • Is there life after 50?
    I'm almost 50 years old. I don't feel this age on me. But the number itself is starting to depress me. There is a job that I used to love very much and simply lived by. But in recent years I have felt that I have “burned out”, I go to work “automatically” and soon I will probably not be able to stan...
  • My daughter ignores me and hates me
    I am 59 years old, my daughter is 32. We lived in the Donbass, and when my daughter was 3 years old, I divorced my husband because he was an alcoholic. We lived on my meager salary and there was no help from her father since he did not work, there were large debts for the apartment, and when my daug...
  • Can this be called innocent flirting?
    My husband and I have been together for 12 years, officially married for ten of them. About 5 years ago, whenThe Internet has become a part of ourlife , myMy husband has developed a strange “hobby”: he communicates with all sorts of girls not for meetings, but “just because.” Moreover, from time to ...
  • Mom controls my every move and gets offended for any reason.
    I live with a constant feeling of guilt before my mother, although I didn’t do anything wrong. Mom was already in her early thirties, and she married my dad just togive birth to a child and leave her parents, who constantly blamed her for not being able to arrange her personallife _ ButWithout love,...
  • My depression prevents me from enjoying life and work
    I have my own small creative business. I am recognized and respected in my creative field, as a teacher and performer. I do everything myself - answering calls and requests, sales, marketing, development, tasks and projects from idea to execution. I love all this and am happy that I made one for mys...
  • The girl wants to get married, but I can't rush
    I’m 22 years old, the girl is 24. We’ve been dating for a little over two years. I consider our relationship to be good. We are each other's first (I used to go out with the girls, but there were only 2-3 of them, and then there was nothing more than a couple of walks or a trip to a cafe). And she o...
  • I realized my mistake too late
    It happened a long time ago, in the summer of 2000. I was 13 years old then. A new one moved into our next doorfamily with two daughters. The eldest of them was 12 years old.There were a lot of us of about the same age in our high-rise building, and we spent days together: we played, sang, walked, h...
  • It hurts and upsets me that after the breakup everything turned out well for the girl
    I just can't recover from breaking up with my girlfriend. It's been 12 or 13 years, and I still get sick, just seeing her new photos on social media. networks, where she is so successful and happy, with her new boyfriend. And it seems to me that the hatred comes from her, and from him some kind of m...
  • My ex-wife ruined my life
    My wife and I divorced after 10 years of marriage. We have a child. Over the years we have had quarrels and scandals, and in recent years they have only intensified. I loved her very much and tried in every possible way to save ourmarriage , persuaded her to go to a psychologist, try to make concess...
  • Я убил Вашу дочь
    -Я убил Вашу дочь, — спокойным голосов в 7 утра оповестил мой зять. Но обо всем по порядку.Настенька – моя старшая дочка, в этом году ей бы исполнилось 22. Так получилось, что отца Настеньки я толком не знала, мы были знакомы пару дней, потом провели вместе 14 дне в пансионате в Крыму и разъехались....
  • My mother-in-law wanted to harm me, but she harmed her son
    We have been married for 7 years. Two daughters, 5 and 3 years old. Love was enchanting. But from the first day his relatives disliked me, and I couldn’t understand why.At first they lived with his parents, then they bought their own house. The relatives calmed down a little, except for his mother. ...
  • Vicious circle of laziness
    My name is Andrey, I’m 17 years old and I’m fed up with... my laziness. Must end her. This is how mine passes bylife _Every evening I realize that I lived a terribly bad day, because of this my soul is heavy. And I begin to actively think about how to change (now such an epiphany). I start planning ...
  • My daughter wasn't invited to the wedding
    My husband and I alllife tried to give their only daughter the best, but in return they received only her arrogance and discourteousattitude towards us.Since childhood, she had a weakness for beautiful things. We were happy about this, we thought thatmy daughter will grow up and escape from this vil...
  • Husband demands son
    I never thought that one day I would write my life story, butlife is unpredictable.My husband and I were introduced by mutual friends 6 years ago. He was already working, and I was still a student. I liked him at first sight, fell deeply in love and confessed to him. Anton agreed and we started dati...
  • Every time after a quarrel with a guy, I am the first to take a step towards reconciliation.
    I have a boyfriend,the relationship is already in its fifth year, it seems, as it seems at first glance, serious, faithful to each other, a lot of plans forfuture _ But we are both very complex people, I don’t know how to put it correctly, by our characters or simply by different psychological probl...
  • My husband's double life
    We have been married for 19 years. Beautiful couple, honeydaughter _ I followed him around the garrisons with my baby, we built everything together: we took out a mortgage on an apartment, bought a car. I loved him to tears.We were never apart, weekends, vacations together. From the outside they tol...
  • Love erases all boundaries?
    Having just graduateduniversity , mymy friend immediately left for Turkey. Today I talked to her and she told me the good news: she is coming outmarried _ On the one hand, I am very happy for her, on the other hand, she said that her futurehusband is Muslim (she is Orthodox). The future husband will...