Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • I'm fat and lazy, which really upsets my parents.
    Tomorrow I will turn 22. For the past three years, mybirthday looks the same: I don’t celebrate (because I have no one), I work on this day, and all this is accompanied by a depressive mood. I try to analyze mylife , but I still can’t come to a definite conclusion.I'll probably start with my persona...
  • My romance ended in nothing
    Imarried _ Family like everyone else, everything is there:daughter , prosperity, peace, tranquility, stability, reliability, a man’s shoulder - and much more you can write about. Everything that every woman dreams of. But a person has this quality: if he has everything, then he wants even more. It’s...
  • My husband's friend influences him negatively
    Our family is 9 years old. All these years myMy husband has a friend with whom he has been friends for more than 15 years. My husband communicates with him about business (there are common projects) and just spends time. My friend’s name is Artyom, I’ll try to characterize him.He is about 50 years o...
  • I never could understand my mother
    I don’t know why I’m writing all this. All the people involved in this story have long been dead, but it still haunts me when I remember it.This is the story of my mother's life. My mother’s childhood was not easy (my grandfather gave in a lot, and when he drank, he became simply uncontrollable). Bu...
  • I hate my mother for such a childhood
    I had the same childhood as the author of history who hates hismother .I am now 36 years old. I started earning money when I was still a teenager. I left for the capital to work at the age of 20, without telling anyone that I was going for interviews before that. He lived there until the war began i...
  • Why does a son need such grandparents?
    When my son was 7 months old, I warned mymy parents’ husband that I’m not going to tell my child about wonderful grandparents. Let them take part in his upbringing, and he himself will understand that they are his best.Myfather andmy mother lives in the same city as us, my husband’s parents live in ...
  • There are no ex-wives
    I became convinced that there are no ex-wives. MyMy husband divorced his wife ten years ago, and five years later he met me. He had affairs, but he married me.He and his ex-wife have something in commonthe child she is trying to manipulate almost calls himevery day . ThatMy daughter has problems at ...
  • My son cannot forgive me for leaving my family
    Five years ago I left my wife for another woman. He accepted her child from her first marriage and established good relations with him.relationship _ The baby was 4 years old, he did not know his father. He quickly got used to me and began calling me dad.My own son was 10 years old at the time of my...
  • Friendship turned into love and suddenly ended
    My story began with a strong friendship. Dima (my friend) and I were friends for quite a long time and gradually over time we became closer and closer to each other. ANDfriendship reached the stage of relationship.Everything was progressing as expected, but six months later we broke up. It's been 3 ...
  • I still couldn't understand the man I loved
    It all started about five years ago. I met a guy who at that time had already lived in Moscow for a long time. He came to our province, 750 km away, to visit his aunt. This is where he met me.On the first night, sitting on a bench with him (luckily it was summer), I patiently listened to his recent ...
  • My husband said that we would rather get divorced than he would quit smoking.
    My husband and I have been together for 2.5 years. We havea 1.5 year old daughter and a second one on the way. When we started dating, I knew he smoked. When we moved in together, he promised that he would quit smoking. But I still haven’t kept my promise.And in one regular conversation about his sm...
  • My husband doesn't help me around the house
    My husband and I got married not so long ago, 3 months ago. I am 19 years old, he is 14 years older than me. Married for love. We love each other very much, I'm sure of that. But the problem is that absolutely all the worries fell on my shoulders.Yes, I was ready for this, because myMy husband is a ...
  • I love my wife, but I want to cheat on her
    My wife and I have been living together for a year and a half. We got married a couple of months ago. We had different times that we went through together. We both work from home, so we spend a lot of time together.Not long ago I began to notice that I’m not entirely against sleeping with a friend (...
  • What's the point of living for yourself?
    I am 34 years old and have never been in a relationship. I haven’t dated any guys, let alone even kissed. Every morning begins with sadness that I am still alone and as time passes, I am increasingly deprived of the opportunity to meet my soul mate.Sometimes I try to start searching, and I frantical...
  • When I found my brother and sister, I realized that they didn’t need me
    I don’t remember my father at all; he left my mother seven months after the wedding, and I was already born without him. Now I am fifty-two years old and in all this time I have never seen him. Mom suffered a lot after he left, and all of herlife didn't work out because of him. This year she will tu...
  • I'm jealous of my single friend
    I divorced my first husband when he started drinking. At first it was onlybeer , then stronger drinks. Despite the fact that we already had two children, I decided to get a divorce, because by this time he was already a real alcoholic.My son was 10 years old and my daughter was 6 when I left.married...
  • Не везет и все тут...
    Я с детства верила, что у меня все будет, как в кино. Но детские мечты не стали реальностью. В школе я была замкнутой и не особо общительной. По клубам я никогда не любила ходить. Мне больше нравилось домашнее времяпрепровождение, поэтому и была напряженность общения с чужими людьми.В 14 лет у меня ...
  • How to attract parents' attention?
    I am the youngest child in the family. Parents do not live together. There is an older onesister and brother. My sister and brother now live separately. I haven't yet. I was never a problem child. I study well enough. I never had a close relationship with my parents, I never shared my experiences wi...
  • The people closest to me abandoned me
    My exthe husband was a military man. They lived in different garrisons. They raised their only daughter with love and affection. She had a slight birth injury, so they tried to give her more love, helped her and always felt sorry for her.She grew up as a completely problem-free child. She was sympat...
  • Building a house in a civil marriage
    We are building a house in a civil marriage. On my territory (the former house burned down during the disaster). I earn all the money for construction. My husband is only involved in organizing construction and partially builds it himself (most of it is built by a team and hired workers, whom I also...