
  • Does your husband not give gifts, does that mean he doesn’t love you?
    What to do with a husband who doesn't give gifts? On the one hand, this is a trifle, on the other hand, it seems to me that this is a sign of a lack of love for me.We have been married for 5 years. Relationships are quite complicated. My husband is a stingy person by nature, he does not spare money ...
  • I don't regret getting involved in the relationship between my friend and her boyfriend
    I am 25 years old. Married for 1.5 years. We are not planning children yet. My husband and I have a common social circle (his brothers, their wives, friends from university). We see them often, especially in the summer. We throw parties, play, drink, have fun.We have a friend Nikita. He is simply ma...
  • Churched wife
    I have been married for 11 years, there isdaughter _ There is no emotional contact with my wife, at all. She is a believer, a churchgoer, and all her thoughts are about God.The wife is responsible, a good housewife,mother andwife , but she does all this automatically to please higher powers. But I c...
  • I wanted the best, but it turned out as always
    I had an anniversary (50 years old), celebrated one day with friends and relatives at the dacha, and the second in a restaurant with my bosses and colleagues. Everyone was with their other half, and I, naturally, was also with my husband.Everything went well, I heard a lot of nice words addressed to...
  • Emotional stress over work and personal life
    After reading many of your stories on the site, I decided that it was worth confessing myself. I am fully 24 years old. By profession I am a doctor. I work in one specific medical institution, in the children's department. Lately I’ve started to feel like I don’t have the strength to endure my job. ...
  • Jokes of fate
    A year and a half ago, I moved away from a previous difficult relationship. I was experiencing a breakup, both psychologically and physically. I gained 20 kg in a year due to hormonal imbalance. After collecting myself for several years, I went to a dating site.Returning to my old page, I plunged in...
  • My husband knows that I don't love him
    I am 42 years old. Married for 16 years. Two children. Before marriage there was a very strong mutuallove . They felt so sensitive that they understood each other without words. Our views, interests, tastes were like one whole.We were not an exclusive couple, there were quarrels and disagreements. B...
  • How to survive unfair dismissal?
    I am 22 years old. I live in a relatively small city. She moved from the district to study, but left the first university, entered another, but from there they were simply expelled for absenteeism and tails, because she had to work in order to somehow support herself. My parents have enough worries ...
  • I withdrew into myself and gained weight due to problems at work, but I managed to cope with it.
    I was in a similar situation, described in the confession. A husband's love for a fat wife causes envy and anger of his girlfriends.At the first job, I got a bitchy femalethe team did not want to go to work. There they smiled in the eyes, then in the eyes or behind their backs crap, constant squabbl...
  • Can't forgive my father
    For the past 4 years, a strong resentment towards my dad has settled in my soul. Let's start with the fact that I loved him very much, always listened to him, completely trusted him and relied on him in everything. Since school, he kept telling me that I should study well and enter the university, h...
  • End of career
    Never thought that my officialthe novel ends so sadly for me.Worked in the company, was the head of the department. There were plans, ambitions, prospects. But all this collapsed with the advent of ourteam of a beautiful girl. She showed me signs of attention in every possible way, addressed me even...
  • I worry about my girlfriend
    I've gotgirlfriend , kind, sympathetic, decent, but ugly. From this all her troubles. She understood thatno one will marry her, so she built a career, made her life comfortable, so as not to depend on anyone. She tried not to show how bad and lonely she was. But I understood and supported her as bes...
  • Many condemn me that I went on maternity leave instead of my wife
    We have accepted that a woman should take care of the upbringing of a child. But a couple of my friends, as if jokingly, said that they themselves could go on maternity leave, but is this a man's business? Yes, and ridicule from family and friends are afraid. I am 36 years old, I am a web developer....
  • How to get a bad husband back?
    My husband and I lived for 9 years, we have two children, 11 and 4 years old. We met when he studied at the institute, and I at the technical school, we met a little. Then it seemed to me that he was kind of frivolous. He swore to me that he would change, that he would be a good husband, and I belie...
  • Неряшливые коллеги угнетали весь коллектив
    Мою историю не назвать исповедью, она не о любви или семейных проблемах. Она о дурно пахнущих и неаккуратных женщинах в коллективе. Я работаю в женском коллективе уже 4,5 года. Порой кто-то увольнялся, приходили новенькие, но все было вполне прилично. Бывало, ссорились, но организация большая, поме....