
A husband is not just a man with whom a woman creates a family. He is her support, friend, beloved and reliable partner for life. A man who takes care of his family, protects it and supports it in difficult moments. He is the head of the family, who makes important decisions and is responsible for the well-being of all his loved ones. However, a man must also respect and appreciate his wife, support her in her hobbies and interests, and be willing to compromise in the relationship. Husband is not just a word, but a role that must be fulfilled with love and responsibility.

  • I want my daughter to be deprived of motherhood
    Daughter came outmarried to a man 14 years older than her. He is twice divorced, which is very alarming to me. Onedivorce, no matter where it goes, but two wives can't be bad, which means they either drink or beat. Butthe daughter could not be dissuaded from this marriage, quit her job (she was a co...
  • Husband doesn't want to fire his secretary
    My name is Anna, I am 30 years old. I havefamily -husband and daughter. Please help me understand my situation, it is impossible for me to understand it myself. My husband and I started everything like in a fairy tale:love , sincerity, complete understanding. Then they decided to live together, soon...
  • Can't forget my boyfriend
    It was a long time ago, 10 years ago. I am an exemplary, obedient girl of 19 years old and he is so wrong, with a suspended sentence and a threatening real term ahead. He was 23 at that time. I had a relationship with a young man at that time for a year already. To be honest, I did not look for and ...
  • None of the men really loved me
    We lived with a guy for three years together, I was then 19 years old. We met, studied together, and at graduation he took me from the knees of our classmate. They graduated, decided to live together, and it's easier to rent an apartment. Lived for six months. He plays on the computer, and I sit wit...
  • The most terrible women's holiday in my life
    I write, and tears choke me. There is a strange void inside. Today the day started as usual with breakfast.The husband began to feed his son, he is 2 years old. He began to refuse and spit out food, then the husband took and hit his son hard on the head. The poor son fell and almost hit the corner o...
  • You don't have to offend me
    I noticed a strange feature behind me: if someone offends me greatly, then some kind of trouble immediately happens to him. I didn't notice it, buthusband . We often had not only scandals, but, let's say, small showdowns. My husband is very lazy. She doesn’t want to do anything at home, I do everyth...
  • My adult son does not want to communicate with me
    Do not judge me strictly for myconfession . Maybe I'm badmother , once raised a son who does not want to communicate with me. But I still want to hear good advice from those who have the same problems with adult children. I am 61 years old, and my only son is 30. I am married for the second time, th...
  • broken windows
    After another scandal, I decided to divorce my husband. I packed his things and put him out the door. The apartment belongs to my parents, so legally everything is correct. Formermy husband , not expecting such courage from me, got angry and came back with the police to move in. It was explained to ...
  • Cheating husband
    Everyone knows that in life there is a black and light streak. Someone has more light stripes, and someone has solid dark ones. It's like who's lucky. Or maybe our attitude to life also matters in this matter. There are people who constantly complain about life, while others will always find somethi...
  • I realized that my husband will never be different
    My husband is used to always doing everything in his own way, he never takes into account my opinion, he is constantly rude. He speaks only in raised tones, to the fact that it hurts and hurts me and does not pay attention. She endured everything for the sake of the child. But when he also began to ...
  • I want to leave my husband and leave him children
    I am 31 years old. Married for 8 years now. gave birth to a son anddaughter . My son is 7 years old and my daughter is 4 years old. After 8 years of marriage, I began to understand that even children do not bring me happiness and satisfaction. I became even more depressed than before. The family has...
  • Can't forgive myself
    I want to tell my story about family life and get advice from people from the outside, because I am in turmoil, I cannot find peace and how I should act in general. I am married, I am 33 years old, my husband is 38. After we met, mymy husband literally carried me in his arms, gave me gifts, there wa...
  • Marriage without sex
    I have been married to my husband for 5 years, before that we met for 3 years, and lived together for a year. In relations, everything is fine with us, there is mutual understanding, we joke together, for so many years we have become friends with each other. There are 2 daughters - 3 years and a yea...
  • Living with my husband's parents endangers our family
    I live with my husband with his parents, my son is only 2 months old. Relations with the father-in-law are very strained, but it is not yet possible to live separately. The husband works alone, the salary is small, and even that is often delayed. I have oneMom , lives in another city, can’t help muc...
  • Mom discusses my personal life with her friend
    MyMom from her youth was friends with one not very good woman. She is my mother's age. Very ugly. One might even say terrible. She has never been successful with men. Her personality is very angry and envious. She grew up in a rather poor family. I didn't really need anything in my life. But her par...
  • Rare sex with my husband pushes me to cheat
    I met my husband 8 years ago, fell in love. He was insanely affectionate, gentle, attentive, loving. They lived together for 3 years, made an offer, signed. Lived for 2 more years. He began to show less attention to me, the relationship turned into a friendship instead of a marital one. Written off ...
  • I'm ashamed that I earn less than my husband
    For the wholeI haven’t learned anything in life , I haven’t gained anything, and I’m not going towards it. But I’m already approaching 40. Now, in order. A month ago I turned 36 years old. Imarried , no children and no property. We work regular jobs. My husband doesn’t earn much, but he has enough t...
  • Husband is offended that I don't want sex
    I have always been concerned about sex in relationships. Why is a woman obliged to do it, even if there is no desire? This issue becomes especially acute in my family after the birth of children (I have three of them). Newborns in the first year of life take away all their strength. And that's okay,...
  • My Husband's Ex Wife Constantly Demands Money
    I have been married for three years. The husband divorced his ex-wife because she found another. From the marriage there was a little son, with whom he is not allowed to see under various pretexts, starting with bad weather and ending with the child's poor health. He left the apartment to her, he re...