
  • Исповедь плохого мужа
    Изначально хотел написать комментарий, как ответ на другой комментарий в одной из свежих историй, о том, как начальник принуждал к сексу. Но подумав, решил написать исповедь о себе и о своей жизни. С моей бывшей женой я прожил в браке 19,5 лет. Представьте себе эти годы, это ведь целая жизнь. Я нико...
  • I'm tired that the man I love after a quarrel doesn't talk to me for weeks
    My common-law husband and I have been living together for 1.5 years. We met almost 2 years ago. Relations developed very rapidly -love , passion and I offered to move him to live with me. At first he stayed overnight, but very soon he moved with his things, as he lived in a rented apartment (heapart...
  • Unexpected feelings for a young girl
    I have a very strange situation. To begin with, I work for myself, I rent out premises and cars, I also started ICO three years ago. There were ups and downs, but now everything seems to be fine. I met my fiancee, let's call her Kira, at a printing house when I ordered an advertisement. I liked her ...
  • Как развестись при наличии долгов?
    Наверное, у каждого в жизни был такой момент, когда любимый человек переставал таковым быть. Вроде всех хорошо и он не делает ничего плохого, но чувства к нему уже не те. Подобное произошло и с нами. Отличие только в том, что это у нас обоюдно. Мы разлюбили друг друга и совсем не понимаем, как дальш...
  • Unbearable desire to have a second child
    For the first time, I became a mother early - at the age of 21. Since then, I went from a full-time student to a qualified specialist in a state-owned company. The profession provides opportunities and work to the left. Now my son is 5 years old, in 2 years he will go to school. We live together in....
  • I worry about my girlfriend
    I've gotgirlfriend , kind, sympathetic, decent, but ugly. From this all her troubles. She understood thatno one will marry her, so she built a career, made her life comfortable, so as not to depend on anyone. She tried not to show how bad and lonely she was. But I understood and supported her as bes...
  • Is it possible to resurrect our relationship with a guy?
    I haverelationship with a guy has been going on for 7 years. At first he stubbornly looked after me, for about a year. At that time I was going through a turning point, since my dearest dad died, there was bitterness in my soul, it was lonely. And somehow he became like family to me. And everything....
  • How can I mend my relationship with my only daughter?
    I have very difficultrelationship with a 15 year old daughter. Outwardly, everything is so wonderful: she is an excellent student, very giftedchild . Many people say to me “thank you for your daughter”. But no one knows the true state of affairs ... I have been raising her alone for a long time, wit...
  • After so many years of a failed marriage, I decided to start life from scratch.
    This year I will be retired. I'm scared. I never thought that I would come to this phase of my life in complete mental discord. Came out at 22marry an older guy than me. Without special emotions and love. It was believed that if you didn’t get married at the institute, then it would be worse and by ...
  • Can you change your destiny?
    I must say right away that my story will be long, I just want to speak out. It's very hard for me now. When no one is around, I sit and quietly cry. I've been married for 2 years now. My husband and I met online. He seemed to be a simple, kind and cheerful person. We began to call each other, and af...
  • После развода я столкнулась с оскорблениями и ненавистью со стороны детей
    Я развелась с мужем из-за его систематического морального и экономического насилия. Заключалось в том, что у него всегда находились отговорки, почему у него нет денег даже на еду для семьи: то образования не хватает, то платят мало, поэтому работать не будет, то кто я такая, чтобы он давал мне деньг...
  • Many condemn me that I went on maternity leave instead of my wife
    We have accepted that a woman should take care of the upbringing of a child. But a couple of my friends, as if jokingly, said that they themselves could go on maternity leave, but is this a man's business? Yes, and ridicule from family and friends are afraid. I am 36 years old, I am a web developer....
  • I'm afraid of my husband's behavior
    I'm confused and don't understand what's going on. Four days ago, my husband and I had a fight over a small thing. About a month ago, I asked him to wash my plate after eating to help me wash the dishes. The husband agreed and even sometimes began to wash the containers in which he takes food to wor...
  • I am happy that my husband forgave me for cheating
    Our characters and my husband are absolutely different: he is calm, balanced, connoisseur of the family hearth, fidelity, devotion. He loved me very much and was ready to break into a cake for me. But I am an emotional person, with a sharp and quick-tempered character. Naturally, I always wanted emo...
  • For the money set aside for our wedding, the guy decided to buy a car
    We have been living with a guy for three years, we are 26 years old. Many times they planned a wedding, evenWe were saving money , since Kirill's parents cannot help us, they are building a dacha. I have only onemom and babysister , whose mother pays for education, so we have no one to rely on. Last...
  • I feel like I don't need anyone
    I am writing because I myself can no longer cope with this state and open up to no one in particular. I stopped enjoying life, although from the outside everything is fine, lovinghusband ,pregnant , home, but I feel that people do not need me, as if I am not from this world. I have not been working ...
  • I'm afraid my husband will know the truth
    Мне 30 лет, я замужем уже 8 лет, есть сын. С мужем были разные периоды в отношениях, особенно в начале брака было что-то ужасное. Муж у меня по своей натуре очень вспыльчивый, и как он говорит, быстро отходчивый. Помимо вспыльчивости он помешан на ревности, считает, что все женщины гулящие. Первые 4...
  • 10 Ways to Avoid Cheating
    Cheating is one of the most painful and traumatic experiences that can happen in a relationship. But how to avoid betrayal? Below are 10 ways to help keep you connected and prevent cheating. 1. Be open to each other Openness and honesty are key elements of a healthy relationship. If you don't talk t...
  • Не могу пережить расставание
    Мне 24 года и совсем недавно у меня была жизнь, которая делала меня счастливой. С моим бывшим парнем мы жили два года, до этого были лучшими друзьями. Жили в его квартире, поэтому большую часть техники купила я. Мы всегда поддерживали друг друга и часто устраивали «дружеские вечера», где делали вид,...
  • Мой поспешный брак
    Я никогда не нуждалась во внимании мужчин, хотя вышла замуж за любимого парня, но только потому, что была уже беременна. К браку оказались оба не готовы и по-разному пытались свыкнуться с новой семейной жизнью. В итоге, когда нашему малышу было всего 11 месяцев, я вышла на работу, а через 2 месяца п...