
  • My husband and I have different views on raising our son.
    Even before our wedding, my husband and I planned to have at least three children, probably because both I and he had neither a sister nor a brother. Whenmy husband found out that Ipregnant , joy knew no bounds, he was very caring, didn’t let me do anything, did everything myself. Walking in the par...
  • About fate and invitations to tea
    I'm 32 and I've been divorced for 4 months. I was married for 8 years. Seven of them were decided ondivorce _ At first I felt sorry for him that he would disappear and all that (ladies will understand). Then I felt sorry for myself. She’s not a beauty, she doesn’t have a great figure - who needs me,...
  • Two-faced mother-in-law
    I have perfectrelationship with mother-in-law. I always told all my friends how lucky I was to have her, they were jealous, because almost every one of them was dissatisfied with her mother-in-law. Onethe husband's mother constantly interfered in their lives, criticizing her daughter-in-law, the oth...
  • My husband's children from his first marriage did not appreciate my love and care
    After reading the story about my husband’s children from his first marriage, I realized that the author did everything right, sent her husband and his children on time. And I regret that, finding myself in a similar situation, I did not do this right away.Just three years ago, I myself couldn’t imag...
  • My husband knows that I don't love him
    I am 42 years old. Married for 16 years. Two children. Before marriage there was a very strong mutuallove . They felt so sensitive that they understood each other without words. Our views, interests, tastes were like one whole.We were not an exclusive couple, there were quarrels and disagreements. B...
  • Marriage without love
    I am 27 years old, my husband is 36. We have been living together for 7 years, and we have known each other for 8. We have a son, 7 years old. The marriage is official.The fact is that my husband and I no longer have anything in common. We can be silent for days and not talk. And it's terribly borin...
  • Is sex necessary in the family?
    Sex is not only a pleasant pastime, but also an important aspect of healthy family relationships. Although many people are embarrassed to talk about it openly,sex is an integral part of every person's life. Why is it so important to have sex in the family? Firstly, it helps maintain closeness an...
  • I don't know how to fill my loneliness
    I am 21 years old. I believe that I can be helped without a paid psychologist, that’s why I’m writing to the site.I’ll start with the fact that from the beginning of school I closed myself off and couldn’t contact new people, it’s difficult for me, I don’t understand what to talk about, it’s like my...
  • humiliating relationship
    Last November, I started dating a married man. At that time, my intuition told me that this was a bad idea, but I did it anyway. We work together, a kind of “office romance”. First, innocent requests for work, after communication on the network. Easy flirting, unpretentious and cute.I did not notice...
  • I want to divorce my husband because of his daughter from his first marriage
    My husband and I are on the verge of divorce. And all because of his daughter from his first marriage.He got divorced more than 5 years ago. The girl is already 11 years old, she is showing character, and then, I think, it will be even worse. HerThe mother communicates with her husband only about mo...
  • They married me without me
    I am 22 years old. A couple of years ago I met a girl. We had the most normal relationship: we are very suitable for each other, respect, understand, love each other. Of course, we also have quarrels, but we forgive each other. We are very happy together, we always dreamed of a life together, we pla...
  • Man can make himself happy
    My name is Nikita, and exactly 10 years ago my beloved left megirl . She left me at a difficult time in my life when my parents left and I lost a well-paid job.Debts accumulated, I had to work on a shift for a relatively non-competitive rate, and the work, let's say, was far from prestigious. At nig...
  • How to help a friend and her daughter?
    I'm asking for advice for a friend.Girlfriend 37 years old, lives with a guy,relationship is serious. She hasdaughter is 17 years old, daughter has not lived with her mother for 8 years, but lives with her grandmother (friend's mom ). The father of this girl from the very birth did not participate i...
  • How can I change and find myself
    I am twenty-five years old, I have a job, I exercise moderately. My problem is that I was raisedmother , and there was never a male example nearby. I can't stand being alone and I get depressed because of it and there's nothing I can do about it. According to the girls, I'm cute, but it turns out to...
  • How to deal with ex-wife after divorce?
    I readconfession of a woman who believes that it is not necessary to love her husband’s children from her first marriage, and I don’t blame her at all, because I think that ex-wives should be wiser and aware of their status as “ex”, and not make conflicts with a real wife. In order not to shed bitte...
  • My weird date with a guy
    I met a guy on the Internet, met only a few times. Everything was very good, no harassment, no hints, at the end of the second date, he kissed me, but very carefully, as if it was his first kiss, but we are already old enough (I'm 28 years old, he's 36). After that, we couldn’t meet in any way, then...
  • The ill-bred son of my sister-in-law
    I have always had equalrelationship with his son. Raised alone, together with my grandmother. Since he is a military man, he found himself in distant Chukotka a woman 4 years older than himself, also with a 13-year-old son, divorced. She is alreadypregnant by my son.I recently got outmarried at 51. ...
  • For my son, I became a stranger
    The son married only at the age of 35. At first I studied for a long time, then I broke up with my girlfriend, whom I already began to treat as a future daughter-in-law, but something didn’t work out for them.At work I met a woman, she is divorced, there is a ten-year-olddaughter . I was not too ple...
  • Mother-in-law loves only daughter's children
    My mother-in-law is a good woman, but for some reason she divided her grandchildren. She has two children of the weather, a son anddaughter . Both grew up to be wonderful people, both have already got their own families and both have two children. Only the difference in children is six months, ours ...