
  • I'm in a relationship with the wrong man
    How to find meaning in life if you understand thatthe man next to you is not the same, and everything done previously was wrong.I lived with my husband for 11 years, we have a son, but there was a moment when he drank and did not respect me. I met a young handsome guy, I even wanted a childgive birt...
  • How my wife quietly worked off her loan
    I am 25 years old. I was born and live in a small town. After school I entereduniversity , met a girl there and started datingrelationship _ Then it seemed to me that I only felt sympathy for her, but she wanted for memarried _ I slacked off, saying that once we finish our studies, I’ll start workin...
  • It wasn't just cheating
    Mymy wife cheated on me on the eve of our wedding, just a day before it, by sleeping with her ex-boyfriend. It was like a lightning strike that destroyed all my dreams of a happy and strong family.I knew about her past relationships, she did not hide the fact that there were many guys before me, but...
  • My boyfriend knows I don't love him but he won't leave
    I'm stuck in the past. 2.5 years have passed and I still can’tforget this person, even though I finally have new onesrelationship , although I understand that in such a situation it is easier to be alone than to torment both myself and the person for whom I am responsible, my current boyfriend.Soon ...
  • I don't need a fat wife
    My life changed forever when I met Marina. I remember this day in great detail. My colleagues and I decided to have dinner at a new restaurant in the center. We booked a table, came, and she met us at the entrance. Then my futuremy wife worked in a hostess establishment.She smiled softly at us and l...
  • Unsolvable conflict with mother
    I have a difficult situation. The fact is that I cannot find mutual understanding with my mother. I'm 33 years old, Imarried , has a 10 year old son anddaughter 2 years old.At the end of last year, we moved to my parents in another region to work and help them with the farm. My mother had been tryin...
  • Unbearable behavior of a pregnant wife
    I havewife , married for three years, before that they dated for three more. We are now expecting a child. It all started literally after the first wedding anniversary: ​​we often becameswear , although before that we lived in perfect harmony. I was very lazy, I came home from work and sat down at t...
  • How can I get my child's love back?
    I am 28 years old. Three years ago I decided to divorce my husband. I was the initiator of the divorce. I’m tired of our constant scandals, nagging, and demands. And I also met another person in my life whom I thought I loved. The subsequent story was like many others. He was married, I thought he w...
  • My husband begs me to come back, but I already value my freedom
    This year has also been a year of changes for me, I want to close this page forever. I also left my tyrant husband, who was jealous of me even about TV, news, and politicians.It was a nightmare, all kinds of humiliation and violence, he beat me, threatened me, humiliated me, money fordid not give fo...
  • The husband evened the score
    My friend's story. They got married while still students. We went through a lot together, built our lives together, but it so happened that she stumbled. In the eighth year of married life she cheated, she was smallaffair on the sidelover doctor _ Everything came to light as usual, the lover retreat...
  • I didn’t expect such an attitude from my son
    I want to hear advice from mothers and sons. I never considered myself a bad mother. I am 61 years old, my son is 31. I loved my son and love him madly. I thought it was goldchild . There have never been any conflicts.And now I don’t understand what happened to my son. He has been married for 4 year...
  • My parents are ashamed of my lifestyle
    I haveproblems in relationships with my parents, I don’t know how to behave towards them and need outside advice. I am 43 years old. My parents are no longer young; we live in the same city, but separately.As a child, I didn’t notice anything special, my parents lived their own lives, they lived qui...
  • Without a job and without the desire to look for one
    I am 26 years old. I left a stable job because I didn’t like it, the responsibilities were stupid and boring. Then I searched for a new one for a long time, and finally got a temporary job for 3 months. Now I'm out of work again, for the third month.The worst thing is that I’m hardly looking for a n...
  • My son went to his beloved
    I'm writing my ownConfession in the hope of understanding my only son. When reading interesting stories, I want to believe that they are not fictional, but from real life.The eternal theme of “Fathers and Sons” also affected me. I came out after allmarried at 18. MyThe guy is 4 years older and just ...
  • I'm unlucky in love again
    I'm looking for a way out of a difficult unhealthy relationship. I am 27 years old. There is a 6 year old child, a son. Was not marriedThe relationship was also difficult, the breakup was painful. It took a long time to leave.I began to come to my senses. I thought I was wise nowI have experience , ...
  • Is it worth waiting for your man?
    I lived alone for a long time and was recovering from a series of unsuccessful relationships that squeezed me out likelemon _ Last year I met a good man: I experienced such deep, vivid feelings for the first time in my life, I have something to compare with. He and I were together all the time, it s...
  • Ex-husband did not wish his son a happy birthday
    FormerThe husband , having left the family, does not participate at all in his son’s life. I even congratulated him on his birthday (his son is 15 years old) on social networks, althoughThe child was expecting a new mobile phone as a gift. They tell me that his current girlfriend is to blame for eve...
  • Daughter does not take care of her child
    I met my husband at the age of 20. We dated for a year and then got married. They lived well, sometimes there were quarrels and scandals, but they always made peace. And then three years later I gave birth to my husbanddaughter _ I devoted almost all my time to the child. In six monthsMy husband lef...
  • Love despite betrayal
    At the age of 18, I met a girl: she was 15 years old, beautiful, had a super figure, and was hardworking. The only drawback was the distance. At first I went to her, neglecting my studies, then I could barely put a stop to it. It couldn’t even be called a relationship – seeing each other once a week...
  • I wish happiness to the woman I love, but I don’t want to let her go
    The story happened 23 years ago. I met a girl, she was a little younger than me. I fell in love with her very much, but she very rarely told me this.They started living together, visiting houses, visiting friends, drinking vodka. I didn’t listen to my relatives, or didn’t hear them. I wanted to seem...