
  • I don't want to lose the woman I love
    Six years ago I met someone I still love and I can’t do anything about it. At that time I was 29 years old. I got married at the age of 22, which is called out of necessity (pregnancy ).My wife and I were too young and not ready for family life. MyMom immediately said that my wife and I are complete...
  • I wanted the best, but it turned out as always
    I had an anniversary (50 years old), celebrated one day with friends and relatives at the dacha, and the second in a restaurant with my bosses and colleagues. Everyone was with their other half, and I, naturally, was also with my husband.Everything went well, I heard a lot of nice words addressed to...
  • Feelings of pity and gloating towards your ex-boyfriend
    I had a better opinion of my friend until she admitted to me that she had startedaffair with your employee. The main thing is herThe husband has absolutely no idea that he is being cheated on. And what difference does it make to me, you ask? The whole point is that shemy husband is a very good perso...
  • It's never too late to be happy
    Reading other people’s confessions, I thought that I could also share my life story with the readers of this site. Moreover, in my life there were a lot of good and not so good things. But I never thought that at 60 years old I would feel happier than at 20.First releasedI got married at twenty year...
  • God's ways are mysterious
    During my first birth, I gave birth to two charming twin daughters. And now, eight years later, my husband and I decided that it wouldn’t hurt to expand our family. This summer we traveled around the country, were in Moscow, St. Petersburg, went to churches and holy places. We went to Sergiev Posad ...
  • The husband is jealous of his brother, who has two sons
    I have a thirdpregnancy . When you are loved and love your man, you can safely have more children. After alla child conceived in love will definitely be healthy, strong and happy.I am grateful to my husband for having him. To be honest, I can’t imagine myself next to another man. MyMy husband is my ...
  • How to fight or put up with your husband’s greed?
    I want to tell you my story about my relationship with my husband, in the hope of just hearing your opinion and, perhaps, learning something useful for myself from these tips. My husband and I have been married for 6 years, we have a son. This is the secondmarriage for my husband and first for me. I...
  • Mother-in-law loves only daughter's children
    My mother-in-law is a good woman, but for some reason she divided her grandchildren. She has two children of the weather, a son anddaughter . Both grew up to be wonderful people, both have already got their own families and both have two children. Only the difference in children is six months, ours ...
  • Didn't expect me to be so old
    I got married at the age of 18. My classmate became my husband. We have been friends since childhood. Six months later, I found out thatpregnant . We had hard times (financially), but there was no talk of abortion.After 8 months, a girl was born whohusband gave an angelic name. She really looked lik...
  • Why do I need such a family
    In our young family, at first the phrase “I will divorce you!” sounded like something terrible, like an extreme, like a threat. And later it became commonplace. Probably, many people remember the story about the boy and the wolves? The guy created a false alarm, and when the wolves really came, onno...
  • The only thing holding me back is the fear of losing my children.
    I've been a member of Alcoholics Anonymous for a year now. I'm scared to even think what will happen if I break again. I am ashamed and sad about this. I have been married for a little over seven years. My husband and I met at work and almost immediately began to live together. We didn’t have a magn...
  • I'm tired of my husband's relatives
    I understand the author of the story, to which the matchmakers are packed to visit at sea. People believe that urban relatives exist in order to receive village relatives to stay with them for a week or two. And this could still be experienced, but sometimes neighbors of relatives, their colleagues,...
  • I don't want to help my husband's relatives
    Having lived with him for 9 years, I realized that my friends and relatives use his sincerity and responsiveness. For your family, it's probably wonderful whenthe husband impeccably agrees with everything, instantly responds to my requests. But in relation to others, this is already too much. I also...
  • I'm afraid my husband will come back
    After my divorce from my husband, I startednew life . No, I did not cry and did not suffer, like many women whose husbands left. Myhusband , already fortunately a former military man. All our lives we traveled with him around the military garrisons, lived in such slums that it’s scary to remember. B...
  • Son said he didn't want to know me
    I read a lot of different stories here, but I want to share my problems. I havehusband crashed on a motorcycle when his son was 2.5 months old. At that time, I did not have housing, and I continued to rent a temporary hut. For non-payment of rent, the hostess pulled everything out into the yard in t...
  • You wouldn't wish such relatives on your enemy either.
    I read on the siteconfession about bad relatives and decided that my so-called relatives deserve a separate story. I am very sorry for my mother and ashamed of her two older sisters. Yes, and for the children of these sisters, too, ashamed. This whole situation has been around for a long time. Only ...
  • My husband and I experiments in bed
    I want to touch on a very intimate and sensitive topic. My husband and I have been together for eight years now. I am 34 and he is 28. We have 2 children. We love each othermy husband is very attentive to me, respectively, I to him too, there are, of course, quarrels, but for the most part we have m...
  • Husband lives in my apartment, but does not appreciate it
    I'm in a situation where I can't figure out a solution. I have been married for 4 years. My husband is 8 years older than me. His life developed without the support of his parents. They kicked him out of the house (he was born in Tashkent) when he was 16-17 years old with a small amount of money in ...