
  • I worry about my girlfriend
    I've gotgirlfriend , kind, sympathetic, decent, but ugly. From this all her troubles. She understood thatno one will marry her, so she built a career, made her life comfortable, so as not to depend on anyone. She tried not to show how bad and lonely she was. But I understood and supported her as bes...
  • После женитьбы сын превратился в злобного и чужого человека
    Слышала много реальных жизненных историй о том, как меняются сыновья, обзаведясь женой, а потом и ребёнком. Даже мысль в голове не появлялась, что и нас с мужем ждёт то же самое. Обычная семья: мы с мужем — инженеры (сейчас на пенсии), дочь, сын. У детей — золотые медали после школы, точные науки да...
  • Как помочь сестре?
    Сестра стала типичной алкоголичкой. Родители в шоке, ведь они так гордились ею. Маша работала в компании, очень хорошо зарабатывала, построила дом, нам говорила, что теперь можно и замуж выходить. Но тут начались проблемы на работе, и она каждый вечер сидела с бокалом вина на кухне. Затем уже выпива...
  • My married lover
    She has been divorced from her husband for five years. I’m not going to marry a second time - I don’t want my son to have to get used to a stranger. He constantly communicates with his own father, so he does not need a stepfather. I also had enough once, now I want to live freely, for myself. At the...
  • After so many years of a failed marriage, I decided to start life from scratch.
    This year I will be retired. I'm scared. I never thought that I would come to this phase of my life in complete mental discord. Came out at 22marry an older guy than me. Without special emotions and love. It was believed that if you didn’t get married at the institute, then it would be worse and by ...
  • For the money set aside for our wedding, the guy decided to buy a car
    We have been living with a guy for three years, we are 26 years old. Many times they planned a wedding, evenWe were saving money , since Kirill's parents cannot help us, they are building a dacha. I have only onemom and babysister , whose mother pays for education, so we have no one to rely on. Last...
  • This is not how I imagined a happy family life.
    I reproach myself for putting dirty linen out of the hut, but I need advice or support. I have been married for 5 years and have known each other for 10 years. I was madly in love with my husband, one might say, idolized him. With him, I experienced twice a feeling of absolute happiness - when I wen...
  • Призрачное счастье в замужестве за иностранцем
    Я знаю, что мечта многих девочек из России — удачно выйти замуж. Желательно за богатого и еще лучше — за иностранца. Чтобы прямо сразу стать официальной гражданкой Европы и Америки, тем самым возвысившись над кусающими локти подружками. Я к этому не стремилась. Не представляла себе жизни с иностранц...
  • Жена по расчёту
    Мне 37 лет и я верю в любовь. Всё в этой жизни ради этого светлого чувства. Я никогда не была замужем, и детей у меня нет. Не люблю это неромантичное слово, но я сожительствовала с мужчиной 9 долгих лет и наши пути разошлись. Сейчас у меня есть любимый мужчина, знакомы мы всего полтора года. И вот о...
  • First love lives quietly in my heart
    It all started 15 years ago. Then I was 14 years old, and for the first time in my life I fell in love! One of the May evenings, he invited me and my sister to visita guy who later became her sister's husband. We arrived at the appointed time. In addition to us, three more guys and two girls also ca...
  • I created these problems for myself.
    I am 26 years old, I studied well at school, I graduated from the university in Moscow. While still a student, she became pregnant and leftmarried . At 19 years old. The first years are good.my husband earned, provided for me. Then I got acquainted with a book about esoteric teachings and rushed. My...
  • Why did I stop enjoying life?
    I am 45 years old, divorced for a long time, there is an adultdaughter Ksyusha, she is 22, is dating a guy and is already planning a wedding. I said that they still do not know each other very well (they have known each other for only a few months) and are in a hurry with the wedding, but my daughte...
  • The woman I love didn't want to marry me.
    I was 30 years old, she was almost 40. Behind her was alreadymarriage , I only had in the pastcivil marriage , which ended badly - the betrayal of a common-law wife. The situation is the same as described in the confession. I didn’t accept the engagement ring from my beloved man, because I don’t wan...
  • My hopes for a happy family life did not come true
    Three days ago I turned 30 and I raised that I was all alone. The first bell of change came at the age of 20. I fell in love, but a week before the weddingthe guy went to the girl for 16 years, I practically died, it was unrealistically painful, for 4.5 years I existed, and did not live, waiting for...
  • Брошенная мамой
    Хочу рассказать отрезок времени из своей жизни и хочу узнать, одна ли я такая. Мы со старшей сестрой, с детства видели ругани и ссоры мамы с папой. Как папа душит маму, бьет. Целую ночь длиться концерт, а утром в 7:00 мы начинаем собираться в школу. И целый учебный день хочется спать, но ты даже не ...
  • Nothing makes me happy in this life
    I have completely lost strength from such a life, nothing pleases me, there is no strength to work. A year ago I leftmarried , everything is fine with my husband, we live in an apartment with his grandfather. The attitude towards us here at once was not the best, becausethe apartment by will belongs...
  • Tired of loneliness, I want to get married
    For the past 2 months I have not seen the point in my life. Some apathy for everything. I can't get out of this state. Every day , you force yourself to smile, although there is emptiness in your soul. I live for one job. Everything is good at work, I can say that I love my job. But here's the perso...
  • Confessions of a Happy Man
    I write in order to speak out, to satisfy the impulse to tell someone my story, to tell it like this, anonymously to the same anonymous readers. For me that is the best option. I grew up in an ordinary family, with the usual normal moral standards and foundations, I was not a pervert and did not see...
  • I want to go home, but I'm afraid to upset my parents
    From a small town, I went to conquer the capital. For those who were born in Moscow, the city is more or less suitable for life, but for the rest it is very harsh. This affects, first of all, when hiring. The employer understands that you did not then come to the capital in order to return home as a...
  • A woman's perspective on men's problems
    A friend of mine read a story on this site about a man’s view of women’sproblems and their solutions. I also read this story, and to put it mildly, I was perplexed by the text. I am forty-four years old and in my life there was already such a correct one,man _ I was able to last with him for two yea...