
  • Do husbands have the right to do this?
    My friend and I have been friends for eight years. We met by chance near the entrance to a supermarket located not far from our house. Satisfied and happy, covered in shopping, I dropped my phone, and she picked it up. It turned out that she and I live in the same yard. I was very glad to meet you. ...
  • Family life was not what I imagined it to be
    I am 31 years old, yeshusband anda child who is only 6 months old, with her husband inThey got married precisely because of pregnancy, but they really wanted a child and are happy that they became parents.But that's justRelations between each other have become very bad lately, there are constant qua...
  • Why are people like my friend always lucky?
    My friend Nadya and I sat at the same desk for 11 years. They quarreled, made peace, and overcame difficulties together. We shared our thoughts and girlish secrets.After school, our paths diverged, but contact was not lost. I have always been energetic, combative, with an active lifestyle. I chose a...
  • An unusual declaration of love during the war
    It's been several years since I read different stories on this site. And now the time has come when I decided to post my own love story. Very, very unusual. Completely devoid of any element of eroticism. And probably the most beautiful.The first time I fell in love at the age of 11 with a classmate ...
  • Our long distance relationship
    It so happened that my boyfriend and I live in different cities. We've been together for 2.5 years. We are both 28 years old. There is no opportunity to move, since he lives in a closed city. I can't come to him. We see each other once every 2 weeks or once a month. We spend our vacation together. W...
  • I created these problems for myself
    I found myself in a very difficult situation and accidentally stepped onpregnancy (already 11 weeks). The first pregnancy (my daughter is now 4 years old) was long-awaited; my husband and I waited for her for 5 years (we couldn’t get pregnant), but this one came very unexpectedly, since given my sta...
  • Psychological moments of childhood led me to such a sad result
    I'm terribly unsure of myself. I'm depressed, I'm overwhelmed by society, I'm lost. I'm childish, I'm naive and too romantic. Perhaps it all started in my childhood, in my first grade.I was an outcast and a black sheep. Not a day went by without me, a relatively weak girl, coming home with bruises o...
  • The guy I love considers me just a friend
    Two months ago I entered college and there I met an amazing man, he is handsome, smart, interesting. At the beginning, when I saw him for the first time, I thought he was amazing and my heart sank and it seemed to me that I fell in love for a second, just like that at first sight. But I threw away t...
  • How to decide to divorce an aggressive husband?
    I already wrote mineconfession about aggressionhusband , I want to add one more thing. He had this behavior for a long time. But, unfortunately, I was as if I was blind.The first time he behaved aggressively was when we celebrated our first New Year . There were three of us - minesister , me and him...
  • The result of a twenty-year marriage
    Almost 10 months have passed since the beginning of my breakup with my husband, which I wrote about in my confession “I am divorcing my husband because of his infidelity.” Behind him is the birth of children, everyday life, devoted service to him and his parents.During the pandemic in March, I found...
  • Three weeks before the wedding, I realized that I didn’t want to get married.
    I am 25 years old, I dated a guy for 2 years. The relationship was strange: he was pleasant to me as a friend, helped me in many ways, and at one point admitted his sympathy. I understood that I couldn’t reciprocate, so I told him so. He got upset and said that there was no point in communicating at...
  • I left my husband, but it turned out that my ex-boyfriend didn’t need me at all
    I can't say how important or unique my story is, but it is currently transforming many incomprehensible situations.Ten years ago, as a very little girl of fourteen, I fell madly in love with a guy who was 4 years older. A sort of “hooligan”. He drank, smoked, and was very harsh. It was not easy to a...
  • My friend's strange proposal
    A year ago I became friends with a good young man named Mansur. We talked about different things and had fun (without drinking, because neither I nor he drink). In general, it was good, and there was no question of feelings. But later I still found my match, or rather, he found me. His name is Rusla...
  • I lost a friend because of a girl
    I was and I think I still have a best friend, but he already has an exyoung woman . They broke up recently, on his initiative, he left her. A long time ago we all talked together, and we both had sympathy for her, and she had sympathy for us, each achieved it in different ways, but I quickly got tir...
  • It's Complicated
    I have a friend. We have been communicating for 4 years now. Already in the first year, he admitted his sympathy for me, but I could not reciprocate. The reason, I think, was not a lack of sympathy for the person, but fear. It wasfear of others, as well as of parents. They kept me strict in terms of...
  • Romantic story about a red swimsuit
    I want to tell you an unusual story from my life. It happened in the summer three years ago.On the one hand, this story is quite unusual and romantic, on the other hand, my conscience still torments me a little and I am tormented by doubts as to whether I did the right thing then. Perhaps, from the ...
  • How can I influence my sister not to borrow money?
    My sister has an addiction. Borrows from friends and relativesand does not return the money . He constantly lies to them that he will return it in a few hours or days.The amounts are small, but in total the debt has become impressive. Several years ago it turned out that she also had debts at work. ...
  • Hatred for daughter-in-law
    After reading a story where an adultmy son doesn’t want to communicate with his mother, I’ll tell you about the relationships in our family. I'm the eldestmother's daughter . The family is large and their only, long-awaited and beloved son is mine.Brother . And when he got married, I watched until m...
  • Life punished my grandmother
    MyMom met dad when she was walking in the park with her sister. He was 19, she was 23. He threw a snowball at her, and she was rude in response. He then followed her all the way, and when she approached the house, he offered to meet her.A little about dad. At that moment he was an airborne cadet. Or...
  • Mother-in-law is stealing money from the family
    My husband and I have in the pastdivorce and for a child from a previous marriage. Both have sons. Mine is 15 years old, after the divorce he lives with me, does not communicate with his father. His son is also 15, after the divorce he lives with his mother-in-law - exwife came outgot married and mo...