
  • I'm afraid to connect my life with such a man
    One day the phone rang and the caller had the wrong number. So it happened virtualacquaintance .We started calling each other constantly and added each other as friends on social networks. It turned out that he lives almost 2000 km from me. During our conversations, I made it clear that I would neve...
  • Do I have a second chance?
    A year ago I met a guy, he is handsome, interesting, sociable. He showed his sympathy for me, and kept talking about the seriousness of his intentions, but I could not reciprocate, since at that time I hadlong distance relationships . But these relationships did not work out well:the guy treated me ...
  • My parents ruined my life and my dreams
    Now the saying “one for all and all for one” makes me laugh. At 40 years old, I don’t trust people, I don’t trust anyone, I know that any person can betray, for his own benefit, even his family and those closest to him can deceive and cruelly betray.I was born and raised in a good, one might even sa...
  • Can't forget my married lover
    A couple of years ago I met a man and fell in love. Got startedrelationship , it later turned out that he was married. I couldn’t find the strength to break up at that moment; he was inundating me with promises. An old song about the main thing, in general. He asked me to give him time, that we woul...
  • I supported my friend in her quarrel with her husband and found herself to blame
    I feel like a fool who supported, as I thought, my friend.We have been friends with her for more than 7 years. She met a man on a dating site while she was married. Then I waited for it to take shapedivorce from her husband, and after that a couple of months later she gets out againmarried to someon...
  • Life doesn't end with divorce
    One evening, when I came home from work and saw a bag in the hallway, I thought that one of our relatives had come to visit us without warning. But then he came to methe husband said very calmly: “We can no longer live together. We need to get a divorce."His words made me feel as if the end of the w...
  • Divorce and children
    In the comments to the story “My husband doesn’t care about me,” there was an ambiguous opinion that children will grow up and leave, so a woman needs to buildlife without looking back at them. Tired of ithusband - divorce, live the way you want.I would like to share a real life incident, it didn’t ...
  • Two sides of the same coin
    I read many different stories on this site and decided to write my own.There are two sisters, with a slight difference in age, about a year. Always together, they were sent to school in the same class, graduated from the same institute, and graduated at about the same timemarried ​This is where the ...
  • When naive love passes
    “I am not the last and not the first who bears his heavy cross, who knows how pretty brides turn out to be bitches.” I knew who Yuri Loza was, but I had never heard this song before - after all, I am from a completely different generation. But after hearing it on Retro FM, I was amazed at how accura...
  • My husband was disappointed in me and asked for a divorce
    I thought for a long time whether to write here or not, but suddenly my story will help someone. After readingconfession “I had an abortion and don’t regret it” and numerous comments to it, I want to write my story.Now I'm completely alone. Yes, I have a higher education in the specialty in which I ...
  • My wife's relationship with her family has turned into a nightmare
    It so happened thatmy wife is my youngestchild in her family, she has an older onebrother , they are 8 years apart. Always have all her attention and all her resourcesthe family invested in her brother. Me and our whole familylife was compared with my wife's brother and his family, of course, not in...
  • The reason for our separation was the guy's parents
    I am 24 years old. In June 2018, I met a guy, his parents purchased a vacation package from me. Then itmy mother asked me to call him (her son) for help in obtaining a visa. When I dialed his number, I immediately felt as if I was calling a person I knew very well, like deja vu.We immediately starte...
  • My husband doesn't care about me
    My husband and I have been together for 15 years. Maybe,Problems in relationships began from the first year of his life, when he said the phrase: “Why do you need a new coat, you don’t go to work?” At that time, I had not worked for 2 months and was looking for work. It was difficult psychologically...
  • My catastrophic jealousy
    My name is Maxim, I am 24 years old. I am a successful photographer, all minelife and work are connected with creativity. I havegirl , she’s 21, we’ve been dating for two years, we’ve been living together for a year.Lately I've started to notice that I'm just obsessed with her. And this becomes a pr...
  • I'm stopping my son from organizing his life
    I decided to write to speak out, maybe to understand something for myself in this story, maybe I’m wrong somewhere.I am retired, I don’t work, I live in a rented apartment with my adult son. We don’t have our own home, so it turned out that I raised my son alone, and the inherited home passed us by ...
  • How can I love my child and stop being annoyed?
    I want to write my ownconfession that I do not get joy from motherhood. I know I'm not the only one, but that doesn't make it any easier.It all started with the fact that I wanted a child. I told my husband about this. At first he resisted, but then we finally decided to take this step. The pregnanc...
  • I learned to ignore my wife's parents
    When I got married, I didn’t even imagine that there could be any layers in the relationship with my mother-in-law and father-in-law. Everything seemed rosy to me. But everything turned out differently, much worse than I could even imagine.My father-in-law and mother-in-law lived as their own family...
  • I don’t want to communicate with my mother and invite her to my wedding
    My name is Svetlana, I'm 25 years old. Since childhood, I have not “felt” my mother in the family. The family was complete, normal, they didn’t live richly, but they didn’t really need anything. From my childhood memories of my relationship with my mother, I remember only her screams for any offense...
  • I forgave the guy, but I still don’t want to be with him
    I would like to share a story and ask for advice. The fact is that my boyfriend and I started dating when we were in college together, we were 18 years old.We dated for 8 months. But it so happened that I had to enroll inuniversity , we entered one in another city (in Russia), and 2 of his friends a...
  • I'm on the verge of old age and loneliness
    I think each of you has gone through a period of painful separation from a loved one. The reasons can be very different. But that's not what this is about.Love is like a huge pyramid built in union with each other. Common interests, common budget, children,relationships with relatives. And you alway...