
A daughter is one of the most precious gifts a family can give. She brings warmth and light, joy and happiness into the home. A daughter is a little princess who needs to be protected and cherished. She teaches us to be more caring and attentive, improves our communication and helps us to understand each other better. A daughter is also our future, our hope and our pride. We should try to give her everything she needs to grow into a strong and confident woman. After all, the future of our family and society as a whole depends on her.

  • The husband lives on everything ready and dictates his terms
    We have been married for 20 years. There are children, 19 and 11 years old. I'm tired of living in constant tension. My husband does not officially work. Now there is no permanent income. I didn’t work for a long time, I was a housewife, finances allowedhusband andMom helps all the time. Then I got ...
  • I can't cope with the heartache
    I want to talk about what has long accumulated in my soul and is breaking out. I don’t know if I still have a soul after everything I’ve been through; there’s probably something left, and among the emptiness there’s still a couple of embers of a once-living soul still smoldering.I already wrote my s...
  • Why can't I achieve my plans?
    I want to tell my own life story. I am 19 years old. I am a student and I work. The work is difficult. I sleep three hours a day. I'm a complete failure at the university, so I'm close to expelling. But my main problem is communicating with my parents. They don't understand that I'm not little anymo...
  • Disappointment in people
    Myconfession will be about human relations. I have been living in war since the first day, our whole family has stayed here, at home, as long as possible we are here. The fighting is taking place 50 km from our home.I wanted to share that people show their true selves precisely when some difficult s...
  • Is there a future for such relationships?
    I am 17 years old. For 3.5 years I have been dating a man who is 43 years old in a serious relationship. We love each other very much, we are not connected only bysex, we only have it once a week, on weekends.We spend every evening together: watching TV, fooling around, minutes or hours of simple lo...
  • Why don't women want to solve their family and social problems?
    Thisconfession I was prompted to write by the situation in my loved one’s family friend, who regularly beats husband. Moreover, he beats so that there are no traces left, systematically intimidates and humiliates. I have been working with her for three years now and during this time I have not seen ...
  • I still love and wait for my ex-husband
    Life I have an ordinary life, like everyone else. At the age of 25, I met a man who was older than me. We dated for 5 years, everything was great, we always supported each other, I didn’t demand anything from him (I didn’t receive any cool gifts from him), we always went everywhere together.He alrea...
  • I don't want my daughter to invite her father to her wedding
    Immediately after the birth of our daughter, my husband and I divorced, and it was my initiative. Somehow I was instantly turned away from this man. Numerous courts. He left. He paid final alimony, and then stopped altogether, sometimes sending $30 for the child’s birthday. And closer to her 17th bi...
  • Tired of grandchildren
    Daughter gave birth to her first child at the age of 28. My husband and I already thought that we wouldn’t have grandchildren. Now she is already on her fourthchild, and I’m already tired of grandchildren (we live together). It's very difficult with them all day. Firstly, they don’t eat everything; ...
  • Difficult choice between child and work
    I don’t know what to do right, I’m afraid to make decisions, because any action I take turns into a mistake.I have a little daughter, she is one year and eight months old. We separated from her father almost immediately after her birth; all concerns about her, including materialproblems, entirely on...
  • My mother-in-law insists that we need a second child
    My daughter is five years old. It was not easy for me; I was in labor for almost a day until I had a caesarean section. Then peritonitis began, they cut my entire stomach, in short, I suffered. There is no more desire to have more children, buthusband wants another boy and periodically raises this t...
  • I will help my daughter, but I can no longer love her
    I understand the author of the story, whichdaughter blames for all failures in life. I've been trying to build it myself for many yearsrelationship with my daughter, who at 32 years old regularly accuses me of a spoiled childhood.Childhood was spoiled until I was 11. Then there were expensive clothe...
  • How to avoid being alone after a divorce?
    I divorced my husband three years ago and were left alone with my two-year-old son. FormerMy husband has already married for the second time, but I just can’t get to know anyone. I have many acquaintances and girlfriends who divorced later than me, but have already divorced for the second timemarrie...
  • My daughter-in-law did not accept my gift, saying that I have no taste
    My daughter-in-law disliked me from day one. But I tried not to notice this so as not to offend my son. And when I first congratulated her on her birthday , I realized that she considered me stupid and narrow-minded. She casually took the perfume and flowers I had given her and said that I had no ta...
  • My husband doesn't want children together
    MyI have a husbanddaughter from her first marriage, she is 9 years old. From the very beginningthe relationship didn't work out. My husband couldn’t arrange them correctly, I was very jealous. And recently I became pregnant by accident, andThe husband was categorically against the child. He insisted...
  • Husband spoils his daughter from his first marriage
    I knew that my futureI have a husbandchild from his first marriage. When we got married, his daughter was 5 years old. But I didn’t expect that the girl would live with us for a week and with her mother for a week. She is capricious and hostile towards me. Apparently he hopes thatMom and dad will st...
  • My daughter and granddaughter no longer needed me
    I live with my daughter and granddaughter, and they treat me with disdain. It’s as if they are waiting for me to go to the next world.It’s my own fault, because I followed Sveta’s daughter’s lead. On her advice, I sold my two-room apartment,my daughter sold her dorm room and bought a three-room apar...
  • My wife fell in love with a guy who is younger than our son
    I don’t even know where to start, I just can’t wrap my head around it. It feels like the world has just turned upside down. Yes, I have experienced and seen a lot in my life, but for something like this...I met my wife, now ex-wife for five minutes, while I was at the Suvorov Military School. We met...
  • Sister's will
    I have two sisters - one is 4 years older than me, and the other is 2 years younger. Once upon a time there were 5 sisters, but the 2 oldest died. We are all already retired. The sisters live not far from each other, and I am in another city 500 km away.Everything was fine until recently, we communi...
  • I trust my wife, but I’m jealous
    I have been married to my beloved wife for a little over 20 years. I, one might say, stole her from someone else. But there were circumstances that alleviated my guilt.The wife was a downtrodden gray mouse, and her civilianthe husband was a tyrant. He could have hit her in front of everyone. We met ...