
  • Why can't I achieve my plans?
    I want to tell my own life story. I am 19 years old. I am a student and I work. The work is difficult. I sleep three hours a day. I'm a complete failure at the university, so I'm close to expelling. But my main problem is communicating with my parents. They don't understand that I'm not little anymo...
  • I'm a bad housewife and I worry about it
    I have this problem - my hands grow “from the wrong place.” No matter what I do, almost everything doesn’t turn out very well:the cutlets are unattractively shaped, the dough has lumps or is too liquid, there are double creases on the trousers, creases on the sleeves of the shirt, streaks on the win...
  • How to overcome differences in communication with your mother?
    It so happened that upon enteringuniversity , I realized that I don’t like studying there (despite the fact that it is the best university in our area). I decided to pick up the documents, but ran into internal problems. First of all, I, of course, care what he saysmom , but I still hoped that she w...
  • Жизнь как она есть
    Я не когда и не кому не рассказывала о том, что было у меня в жизни, что тяготит меня, не давая спокойно спать по ночам. Недавно я прочитала историю на этом сайте Берегите детей она довела меня до слез, а еще мне самой захотелось написать, написать всю правду о себе, о своей жизни и самое главное, ч...
  • I hate my mother
    The idea in whichmother is an idol that must be unquestioningly obeyed, respected and listened to. It’s especially annoying when people around me start to prove how far my point of view is from being right. Especially if these are her tipsy friends, to whom she constantly complains about me, althoug...
  • Confession of a future programmer
    Summer is coming to an end and very soon I will have to go to school again. I am a 3rd year student at a famous Kyiv university and am studying to become a programmer. More precisely, I thought that I was studying, but in fact... But first things first.I entered this terrible faculty “for company” w...
  • I live with my alcoholic husband just for my mother-in-law
    I’m from the provinces, I came to Moscow to study and met a guy. He looked after me beautifully, gave gifts, I realized that he was from a wealthy family, since he himself did not work. He said it was temporary. He dropped out of the university because he didn’t like the specialty chosen by his pare...
  • I am the daughter of a mistress
    I want to start my ownconfession with the phrase “you won’t be nice by force.” It's impossible to make someone love you, that's a fact.My parents tried in vain to have a child for five years before I was born. Long trips to doctors, examinations, expensive treatments abroad and all this was to no av...
  • Leave or fight for the relationship?
    I never thought that I would ever ask myself thisquestion , because everything was fine. I'm crazy about him, and he's crazy about me. But something turned upside down in an instant, for no apparent reason.We've been together for almost five years. I am a third year student, he graduateduniversity a...
  • Why did I endure this attitude of my husband for so many years?
    I have the same situation as the author of this story. But I endured for 18 years, we have two children, 16 and 8 years old. AlsoMy husband doesn’t drink or smoke, he earns money, maybe not very much, but in any case, together with my income, there is wealth in the family.From his words I'm alllife ...
  • I'm so tired of office work
    My name is Natalya, I am 26 years old. I would like to tell you an unusual story from my own life, which may become motivating for someone.When I was unexpectedly laid off at work, I was terribly upset. I am an economist by profession, graduateduniversity with honors, but then I ended up in the civi...
  • How to protect the family from mother-in-law interference?
    All my consciouslife I was, am, and will be a sensible advisor, support and vest for my loved ones. By listening to difficult situations, I can often make the right decision and give a worthwhile hint to the person. But as they say, “a shoemaker without boots.” At the moment, life has prepared a tra...
  • My daughter wasn't invited to the wedding
    My husband and I alllife tried to give their only daughter the best, but in return they received only her arrogance and discourteousattitude towards us.Since childhood, she had a weakness for beautiful things. We were happy about this, we thought thatmy daughter will grow up and escape from this vil...
  • Love erases all boundaries?
    Having just graduateduniversity , mymy friend immediately left for Turkey. Today I talked to her and she told me the good news: she is coming outmarried _ On the one hand, I am very happy for her, on the other hand, she said that her futurehusband is Muslim (she is Orthodox). The future husband will...
  • My early and unsuccessful marriage
    My name is Elena. I am 27 years old. Imarried _ I have two children. I am constantly in a state of tension. I can't just enjoy life.At school I was an excellent student, I sincerely believed in my successfuture _ After school I entereduniversity _ My studies were going well, but I was more intereste...
  • The ups and downs of my life
    I had a regular onefamily - me,mom and dad. We lived in a small town. My mother has a nativesister Olya. The age difference between them is several years and Aunt Olya hasdaughter Tanya. She is 2 years younger than me. When we were very young, we were often taken to a village near the city to see ou...
  • My husband considers me his child
    Thanks to the Confessions website for giving me the opportunity to speak out, and thanks to everyone who reads and shares advice.I am 20 years old. My husband is 33. Outgot married when I was 18 years old. He helped meforget the first onelove , and showed what it means to be truly loved. And I mysel...
  • Problems communicating with old mother
    My mother is 74 years old. At one time she worked as a teacher, then in a management position until retirement. We started having problems in our relationship with her a long time ago.There were two of us in the family. The older brother and I are the younger onedaughter _ As a child, my brother suf...
  • I'm surprised by my reaction to my wife's cheating
    I am 38 years old, yeswife and triplets (boys), who are already 18 years old. This story happened to me this morning.I’m getting ready for work, and then my wife comes up to me, tearful, and admits to cheating. The sons heard this, but the thing is that I actually didn’t react to her in any way.conf...
  • I can't concentrate on studying because... I have problems with my boyfriend
    I have been dating a young man for 1.5 years. We studied at the same school, only he was older. I graduated last year, and I’m now in 11th grade.The problem is that I am tormented by constant stress, exams, everything piles up and I have nervous breakdowns, hysterics, tears at night, but in fact the...