
  • Tired of sadness and loneliness
    Since childhood, I dreamed of a big family, so that I would have a family member besides my mother.brother orsister _ Dad died early, when I was 6 years old. I don't remember him at all.Four years latermom came outmarried _ How I wanted my mother to have a child. But my dream did not come true, and ...
  • Mom controls my every move and gets offended for any reason.
    I live with a constant feeling of guilt before my mother, although I didn’t do anything wrong. Mom was already in her early thirties, and she married my dad just togive birth to a child and leave her parents, who constantly blamed her for not being able to arrange her personallife _ ButWithout love,...
  • I realized my mistake too late
    It happened a long time ago, in the summer of 2000. I was 13 years old then. A new one moved into our next doorfamily with two daughters. The eldest of them was 12 years old.There were a lot of us of about the same age in our high-rise building, and we spent days together: we played, sang, walked, h...
  • Is it necessary to save a marriage just for the sake of children?
    I want to tell you my story to talk it out, because there is no one else.I met the man of my dreams, we met in the forest, somehow unexpectedly, when I was walking with my dog, he told me about his sympathy, that he saw me in the forest in the summer, and he liked me. He took my phone, sent all kind...
  • My ex-wife ruined my life
    My wife and I divorced after 10 years of marriage. We have a child. Over the years we have had quarrels and scandals, and in recent years they have only intensified. I loved her very much and tried in every possible way to save ourmarriage , persuaded her to go to a psychologist, try to make concess...
  • A childhood you don't want to remember
    I don’t want to complain, because I consider myself a happy woman who has a wonderfulhusband and four children I love dearly. But I simply have to share my secrets with you.My mom came outShe got married at 19 and gave birth to me at 20. First timemother and father lived in perfect harmony, but over...
  • The husband is jealous and accuses him of cheating
    I know that it’s all my own fault. I will not renounce. This is my secondmarriage _ In my first marriage, I cheated on my husband. Well, here it isA huge love washed over me then. After that we got divorced. Came outmarry your lover. Somehow I didn’t even think that everything could turn out like th...
  • Я убил Вашу дочь
    -Я убил Вашу дочь, — спокойным голосов в 7 утра оповестил мой зять. Но обо всем по порядку.Настенька – моя старшая дочка, в этом году ей бы исполнилось 22. Так получилось, что отца Настеньки я толком не знала, мы были знакомы пару дней, потом провели вместе 14 дне в пансионате в Крыму и разъехались....
  • A child from his first marriage is the meaning of my husband’s life
    a story about a woman who doesn't want to raise a childhusband from his first marriage, I decided to write my own.My husband and I dated for a very long time (about 6-8 years) before entering intomarriage _ I love him and value him, but there is a problem - his exwife _ My man is a little over 40 an...
  • Husband demands son
    I never thought that one day I would write my life story, butlife is unpredictable.My husband and I were introduced by mutual friends 6 years ago. He was already working, and I was still a student. I liked him at first sight, fell deeply in love and confessed to him. Anton agreed and we started dati...
  • I'm tired of waiting for a guy to propose to me
    Anton and I met at my birthdaygirlfriends _ He was her distant relative. I immediately liked the guy , he noticed it, but was in no hurry to show reciprocal feelings.As I realized later, he was used to such signs of attention from girls. He went to see me off, and I hoped that he would invite me to ...
  • My husband is a werewolf
    Came outmarried for love four years ago. I admitIt was a hasty marriage , we didn’t even meet for six months, and the fact that I didn’t know him well backfired on me. Now we have been married for four years, our daughter is three years old, and myhusband is a werewolf.He is a normal person in the l...
  • My husband's double life
    We have been married for 19 years. Beautiful couple, honeydaughter _ I followed him around the garrisons with my baby, we built everything together: we took out a mortgage on an apartment, bought a car. I loved him to tears.We were never apart, weekends, vacations together. From the outside they tol...
  • Love erases all boundaries?
    Having just graduateduniversity , mymy friend immediately left for Turkey. Today I talked to her and she told me the good news: she is coming outmarried _ On the one hand, I am very happy for her, on the other hand, she said that her futurehusband is Muslim (she is Orthodox). The future husband will...
  • My wife suddenly fell out of love
    I am 30, my wife is 24, my child is 2.5 years old. We have been in a relationship for 5 years.One day I came home from work, closed myself off, and only answered questions. I asked what happened, she said everything was fine. Then, after a couple of days, she said that she needed to get a divorce, t...
  • The story of my drunken life
    Everyone says thatThere is no cure for alcoholism - that's true. The truth is because there is no way andmedicine to cure it. Until a person himself wants to get rid of it. And just when he realized that this was ruining himlife , then you need to pull yourself together and give up on it, or seek he...
  • I'm worried about my son's future
    There's a young woman working with megirl who's coming out in a monthmarried _ We all already have families and adult children, maybe that’s why I was so struck by herattitude towards the future husband.We knew that she was dating a guy, she often told us where they went on vacation, what gifts she ...
  • Gave birth to a child in a civil marriage
    My man and I have been together for five years, and have been “friends” all this time. During this time he called me several timesget married and move in together. But every time something stops me.Two years ago I decided to break up with him, but I found out that Ipregnant by him. So we stayed toge...
  • I love a guy, but my faith doesn't allow me to be with him
    Let me first tell you a little about myself. I grew up as a sickly child. She was quiet and shy. My parents constantly tormented me. They took us to doctors and healers. ButThe treatment didn't help much. They often prayed and attended churches. Gradually I got involved. In general, we have a normal...
  • Ex-son-in-law abused child
    Whendaughter and son-in-law divorced, they could not agree on who would stay with themson _ My grandson was 5 years old at the time. After much debate, we came to an agreement thatthe child will live with his father, buthis mother will be able to see him every weekend and during the holidays. My dau...