
  • Why do guys disappear without explaining anything?
    I'm 15 years old and I finally decided to share a story from my life.I broke up with my loved one and I don’t even know the reason why he left. We dated for 4 months. HisMom was against our relationship. She wanted herthe son married the girl she herself chose for him. He and I fought for a long tim...
  • After my divorce, all men annoy me
    I am 38 years old, yesson 13 years old, I don'tMarried . All neighbors, parents, friends have been repeating one thing for the last 10 years: “When will youWill you find yourself a husband ?"But I do not wantI got married , I was there once, lived there for three years, got divorced and don’t want t...
  • I can't risk my children for my own happiness.
    Before I start telling my life story, I ask those who read it to give me advice and leave their opinions. I will be very grateful to you.I am 28 years old, I have three sons and I am a widow. My husband died in an accident a year and a half ago. And I was left with three children, I won’t say that I...
  • Thankful for my first boyfriend
    At the age of 20, I started dating a guy for the first time. Before this, there was no trembling in the knees and sympathy for anyone. With him, I felt this invisible care that every woman needs. This is the feeling when you are absolutely comfortable with a person because he guesses your desires: t...
  • Separation from her husband due to mobilization in Russia
    On September 21, mobilization began in Russia. Since that day, men of military age have left the country en masse.When mobilization was announced, I immediately realized that my husband could not stay in the country and needed to act. He is completely healthy, he would have been called up first. He ...
  • Why did I need this strange marriage?
    We lived with our first husband for 25 years. He died. At 43, I was left alone. The children are adults, received higher education and went to live in the northern capital.For a year I could not find a place for myself from grief, althoughhusband was an alcoholic andLife with him was not honey. Then...
  • I quit because of a sloppy colleague
    My colleague and I are sitting in the office. I'm already on the verge, I can't stand the unpleasant smell emanating from him anymore. All the restthe team does not suffer from this. Or rather, it suffers partially when they go out for a smoke break or lunch.Due to my tactfulness or shyness, I canno...
  • Mom gets indignant when I defend her
    There are many mothers on this site reading and writing their life stories. How would you feel about the fact that yourdaughter orIf your son had a conflict with someone else, would they have tried to protect you or come into conflict? I would be glad that mythe child loves me and strives to protect...
  • How to react to the fact that my boyfriend is still talking to his ex-wife
    I am very jealous of my boyfriend and his ex-wife. They were married for less than a year and divorced 2 years ago. From our mutual friend, I learned that recently she has been writing to him that she wants to restorerelationship . I don’t know for sure what he answers her about this. Not long ago, ...
  • Pass the fare!
    I hate riding minibuses, but I don’t have my own car, so there’s no other choice. But as soon as I get into this transport, everything immediately starts to infuriate me: either the driver stops at every step, then anyone who steps on their foot is asked to hand over the fare, although the driver is...
  • Tired of my husband's cheating
    My husband and I are 20 years apart, for me this is the first, and for him the third.marriage . We met when he was five years old, already divorced, his children from his first two marriages are adults, and he already has grandchildren. My husband is over 50. From the very first days,my husband hid ...
  • Confession of an unhappy woman
    I had very longrelationship , almost 11 years. I always came to the man who lived with his mother. Due to this circumstance, I had to adapt and change my behavior, which in my first family was leadership. Out of methe man gradually made a toy, calling me affectionate words (then I realized that he w...
  • My husband disappointed me
    I earn the same as minehusband . We also live in my apartment. But he thinks that I should do all the housework. She says that these are women's duties.I disagree. Why should he live with everything ready, come home from work and relax while I cook him dinner, clean and wash his things. He even thro...
  • My new love is like a match!
    I am 28 years old, my ex-husband is 24, we recently divorced, we have a commondaughter 2.5 years old. FormerMy husband is not at all ready for a family, although he loved me very much. But I stopped loving him, because... Howhe's just a zero man .After breaking up, a few weeks later I met a man who ...
  • Подруга-ревнивица
    Когда я училась в институте, то подружилась с одной приятной девушкой. Назовем её Аня. Вместе проучились год и продолжили общение. Сложилась компания из Ани, меня, Аниной сестры и еще одной нашей общей подруги из института — Веры.Подруг у меня мало, я ими дорожу. Когда Аня познакомилась и начала вст...
  • A pain that will never go away
    Why doesn't this thought let me go, why does thisThe pain is becoming more and more unbearable, why is it that what I recently resisted has now become the most desirable for me? MyConfession is a warning to everyone who is thinking about whether they need children or not. No, I am not a follower of ...
  • Confession of a happy woman
    It just so happens that we don’t like men, I know that many will object to me, but I’m saying real things. Well, which of us thinks about the fact thatdoes the husband feel and carry on his heart and soul?We all pretend to be strong women, we always havea man “owes”, but a woman does not owe anythin...
  • I can't understand my ex-husband
    I can’t understand why after a divorce children are forDid your husband also become an “ex”? How can I explain to my daughter and son (8 and 11 years old) that dad doesn’t love them anymore and considers them strangers?At first we moved in with my mother. There was no money to rent an apartment , we...
  • I tolerated my wife's betrayal for a long time
    I am 42 years old, Taurus according to my horoscope,Libra's wife , she is 31. She is charming and attractive to both women and men. Always the center of attention in any company, she knows how and loves to flirt in a group.This makes me crazy with jealousy. Over the 9 years of marriage, my wife phys...