Суровый Павел

My surname, Severe, has ancient history and roots. It comes to us from the past, regal and powerful, as if it bears witness to ancient times. At the same time, it is illuminated with a sincere brightness and love that we share with our loved ones. My surname is a true blessing for my family.

  • I want to be needed and loved
    There are people who build new ones very quicklyrelationships , right in the moment, yes, I understand that they have many reasons that can contribute to this, but I also seem to have had more than one or two of them!But at the same time, I haven’t been in a relationship for years! Yes, everyone wil...
  • How to stop loving your ex-lover?
    At the age of 19, I met a handsome and successful man, 11 years older than me. At first he hid the fact that he was married andchild , then said that he rushed to get married, now he repents, but he cannot get a divorce, because he loves his son very much.I understood that I needed to arrange mylife...
  • Why did I need someone else's husband?
    So I decided to write my life story and ask for advice. I'm 36 years old, I'm a pretty pretty young woman, I have a good job,apartment , a lot of friends. Wasmarried , with my first husband Dima, we studied at the university together - studentlove , we got married in the 3rd year, and a year later w...
  • I'm tired of my mother's pessimism
    I'm tired of my mother, or rather her endless pessimism and whining. Initially we had very goodrelationship , but the older I got, the more difficult it was for us to communicate. Now I just try not to talk too much, just to the point.Unfortunately, it turned out that myMy husband has been missing f...
  • Everyone thinks I'm a homewrecker, but I'm not.
    I met a man at work, but he was married and haddaughter . But they did not live together, they were preparing for divorce, but we all worked together. The man and I began to live together, and I moved in with him.I’m new at work, but I became friends with everyone very quickly. Everything is fine, b...
  • I don't like my job
    Even at school, my classmates dreamed of what they would become after school, the teachers asked me to write an essay on the topic: “what do I dream of becoming,” but at that time I was not interested. I wanted my carefree childhood to never end. I didn’t study badly, but I didn’t decide on my choic...
  • Disgust towards husband's parents
    I'm very angry with my parentshusband . They twist and manipulate him as they want, and especially himmother . When they came to match me, they promised to buy a house, I believed it, because I thought that they had this opportunity, because you couldn’t call them poor.Then we got married, and these...
  • You are always with me...
    Sometimes it seems thatlife is very fleeting. There are too many moments in it that you want to skip quickly, play through like a film, and sometimes completely delete from your memory. Now I’m 23 years old, I work, I do what I love. I grew up in an orphanage, under the “sensitive” education of teac...
  • My wife's fast career worries me
    Recently I began to suspect my wife of having an affair on the side. The reason for this was her constant delays at her new job. She immediately joined the management team. Before that, I worked as a simple accountant in a small company, and then they offered me to immediately move to the position o...
  • I don't see a future with my boyfriend
    I do not know what to do? My boyfriend and I have been living together for over a year. Everything seemed normal at first, but now we have a crisis. I don't understand him, he doesn't understand me. The problem is that he constantly lies, to everyone and to me. This really pisses me off, and then he...
  • How to forgive your husband's betrayal?
    Together 7 yearsmarried 5 years,child 3 years old. I'm 31, he's 29 years old. In AugustThe husband changed dramatically, became rude, made many claims and accusations, although in many ways a month later he himself repented, spoke out of malice, and he does not think so. After a couple of scandals, ...
  • I don't want to be a servant to my husband's daughter
    I have been living with my common-law husband for 8 years; he hasdaughter 13 years old. I met him when he no longer lived with his wife, and she found someone else, I didn’t break up the family. The daughter first lived with her mother, and when she gave birth to her second child, she gave the girl ...
  • Tests for antibiotics in milk: why they are needed and how they are carried out
    Antibiotics are powerful medications that are used to fight infections and bacterial diseases. However, their improper use can lead to the development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, which creates seriousproblems for healthcare. One way to monitor antibiotic use is to test livestock products...
  • Why do men leave without explanation?
    Perhaps it was my turn to confess and talk about my pain. How many bumps have already been filled and again some kind of failure anddisappointment .Almost a year ago, I accidentally met a man who works in our city from Monday to Friday, but lives in another city. He found me on social media himself....
  • I am very angry with my parents
    I have a similar situation as in this story. Since childhood, I grew up in a complete family in a provincial village, where I had no peers with whom I could communicate, except perhaps at school in a neighboring village.MyFather is essentially a good person, but when he drank, he went on binges for ...
  • Why do we owe adult children all the time?
    I read a story about my daughter's grievancesmother for not wanting to sit with her grandchildren. It’s the same for me.I’m 61 years old, but I have to work because I can’t live on my pension. The daughter gave birth to three children and the whole world owes her for that reason. I helped for 7 year...
  • I don’t know how the man I love will react to the fact that I’m pregnant from someone else.
    A confusing situation has occurred in my life. Less than a year had passed since I broke up with a man whom I loved madly, just as he loved me. The reason for the separation was hisfamily that stood against me.I was very hurt. At first I thought that I would be alone, that I would not be able to lov...
  • The son went to live with his father
    My son is 14 years old, he packed his things and went to live with his father. We had a fight with him, although it was never easy with him. But if I tolerated bad words addressed to me, I could no longer tolerate assault, and for a week after that I completely ignored it. He left after the interven...
  • How I ruined my life and was left at a crossroads
    I am now 23 years old. I would like to say that I had an ordinary and goodfamily , but, alas, this is not so. My parents often drank, had constant scandals and fights, my father has post-traumatic syndrome and shell shock, and the military town in which I spent my childhood now resembles a real excl...
  • Я теряю контроль над своей жизнью
    Мне кажется, что я теряю контроль над своей жизнью. Одно событие за другим просто выбило меня из колеи. Я не знаю, когда именно это началось.Моя жизнь была размеренной и счастливой. Прилежная и послушная дочь-отличница, крепкая семья, цели, планы, достижения, а впереди манящее неизведанное будущее.В...