Суровый Павел

My surname, Severe, has ancient history and roots. It comes to us from the past, regal and powerful, as if it bears witness to ancient times. At the same time, it is illuminated with a sincere brightness and love that we share with our loved ones. My surname is a true blessing for my family.

  • Мама не может нормально со мной общается, только кричит
    Мы ссоримся с мамой постоянно из-за того, что она не понимает, что я не люблю уборку! Я часто возмущаюсь, когда она меня просит что-то делать по дому или просто с недовольным выражением лица или тем, что говорю что-то, перед тем как убираться, например: «О, не хочу убираться» или «Не надо было раски...
  • Люблю парня со всеми его недостатками
    Четыре месяца назад я встретила человека, который способен заменить мне всех. Наверное, это и есть любовь. С ним я чувствую себя в безопасности и как я понимаю у него те же чувства ко мне.Да кстати, мне 16. Живу в маленьком городе под Москвой. Молодой человек приехал сюда на заработки из другой стра...
  • Влюбилась в учителя и не знаю, как себя вести
    Мне 17 лет, учусь в 11 классе. Никогда не думала, что со мной произойдёт такая банальная и глупая история.Я влюбилась в своего учителя. Именно влюбилась. Я полностью осознаю то, что это не любовь. У меня мало жизненного опыта. Но симпатия по отношению к этому человеку меня убивает. Он не красавец, к...
  • This is not how I imagined my old age
    My husband and I are pensioners, we are 72 years old. There is not enough money. There are two daughters, they live separately and earn good money. Previously, the eldest sometimes helped with food, but when their grandson was born, she said that we need to help the children, but we old people don’t...
  • Fantasies of my selfish daughter
    Here is my life story. We lived with my husband for 13 years. We lived normally, but then I found out thathusband mistress , and all these years he lived with two families. We divorced,my daughter stayed with me, she was 12 years old.Shortly after my divorce, I met a good man. He had a similar situa...
  • I found out about my best friend's wedding from a social network.
    Nadezhda and I have been friends since first grade, we sat at the same desk all through school, we were close friends, we were always inseparable together. Before graduation we quarreled, simply because of the color of the dress, and did not communicate for 3 years. During this time, I graduated fro...
  • Disappointment in people
    Myconfession will be about human relations. I have been living in war since the first day, our whole family has stayed here, at home, as long as possible we are here. The fighting is taking place 50 km from our home.I wanted to share that people show their true selves precisely when some difficult s...
  • Sister's will
    I have two sisters - one is 4 years older than me, and the other is 2 years younger. Once upon a time there were 5 sisters, but the 2 oldest died. We are all already retired. The sisters live not far from each other, and I am in another city 500 km away.Everything was fine until recently, we communi...
  • I experienced the boomerang law myself when I beat off my friend’s boyfriend.
    I was 18 years old then. Probably not so much, but not anymorechild . I was always a good student, but I didn’t really have a relationship, since all my time was occupied with preparing for admission.And then it happened, I entered, without even expecting such an excellent result. I finished my stud...
  • Life didn't work out
    Anxious childhood, even a state of fear because of every little thing (raised voice, conflicts). Eternal nagging, discontent, humiliation, unfavorable conditions at home. Social phobia was to the point of fear of picking up the phone when an unknown number called. It was a feat to walk into the stor...
  • I love my mother, but I can’t communicate with her
    I have difficulties communicating with my mother. We communicate by phone, since we live in different cities, she calls me or I call herevery day , she is often offended that I don’t call her first, I’m 30, she’s 50.A few years ago my dad died, it hit us both hard. All these few years I provided for...
  • How to reconcile your husband with his parents?
    Two years ago I leftmarried _ Before that, we lived together for two years. To my parentsI didn’t like my husband from the very beginning, although he works, earns well (above average, several times more than me), helps me around the house, doesn’t drink, and has never been known to cheat. Relations...
  • The long-awaited motherhood was not a joy
    I understand that I am writing terrible things, I had to go through so much for this pregnancy! One frozen, 3.5 years of unsuccessful attempts,treatment , charlatan doctors, idiot doctors and genius doctors...My husband was always supportive and spared no expense for new examinations andmedicines ,M...
  • After her betrayal, my wife gave me complete freedom of action
    I have shared my story on this site before. The wife cheated for 3 years, and when she got caught, she lay at her feet, asking for forgiveness.At this point, 8 months have passed. She works hard to support our family and does not devote a single minute to her personal life. I was given freedom of ac...
  • I can't choose between my two girls
    I've been dating my girlfriend for over three years. It all started when we were in school. I met her on New Year’s Eve and fell in love at first sight and proposed dating her the very next day. She was a very closed person then, but I constantly fought against her complexes and helped her become mo...
  • Gave birth to a child in a civil marriage
    My man and I have been together for five years, and have been “friends” all this time. During this time he called me several timesget married and move in together. But every time something stops me.Two years ago I decided to break up with him, but I found out that Ipregnant by him. So we stayed toge...
  • My parents are ashamed of my lifestyle
    I haveproblems in relationships with my parents, I don’t know how to behave towards them and need outside advice. I am 43 years old. My parents are no longer young; we live in the same city, but separately.As a child, I didn’t notice anything special, my parents lived their own lives, they lived qui...
  • My fragile happiness
    Over the years in my life, I have met many different people. Some pretended to be kind and polite, hiding under a mask of indifference. Others were arrogant, wearing imaginary crowns of omnipotence.Everyone’s goal was only their own benefit and well-being. They were ready to go through the destinies...
  • I chose my profession at the insistence of my parents
    I am 26 years old. I received the profession of economist under pressure from my parents. I was never interested in this specialty, and my studies went poorly due to the large volumes of mathematics. I barely finished my bachelor's degree, studied for a master's degree for 2 semesters and quit, work...
  • Why is everyone ignoring me?
    Why doesn’t anything help, no matter what I read or do? I am sincere, open, sympathetic, amorous and emotional. Sociable and active. I love myself. I don’t save on myself. I take out loans and spend child benefits. But what have I not heard of such manifestations of mine - stupid, hyste....